Hi Nickie

. Thanks for stopping in here, you are always welcome here... hee hee. I will get to your questions soon enough, but right now I just need to write to write, and so that's what I am going to do.
Today and yesterday were interesting. Yesterday I had an interesting experience in that I had knowingly scooped a bit of extra veggies into my L/G. I had been considering doing this anyway since I had been feeling hungry and thought about adding a little more to my L/G istead of adding another suppy. But, I felt like I was cheating, however I kept it on my plate (initially). But then as I ate I got really full, and I noticed that I had about the same amount of veggies left on my plate as I had scooped extra in. At first I was tempted to just stuff them down since they were there and "nobody" was looking (
I was, though). Then I made a decision that I felt really good about afterward. I decided to put the veggies back and not eat them. I don't know, that was important for me.
Today I had been getting these "voices" to eat. Sometimes the thought would pass by my mind to do something to ruin what I have been working on... but it's strange. Right now, these "voices" don't seem to have any power over me (at least not like they have other times). However, I have been aware of them. I think I will not fear them. Lately though, I feel like I can really see through them and I feel my attitude towards food changing (some more).
I guess it's strange though, because sometimes I will feel completely out of love with over-eating, and I wonder why in the world I would want to put junk in myself, especially just to do it. But then there are other times where I really seem to lose all perspective and everything that I felt just half a month ago seems far, far away. I struggle with this the most in the couple of weeks leading up to my TOM.
Where do I turn to during those times when the pull seems overwhelming ? Am I even going to be overwhelmed again ? Should I plan for it and be careful for it, or should I just try to move on emotionally from it ? It's really a downer for me if/when that happens.
I like what DeDe said a few posts up about making it a math game instead of an emotional one. That's very good. I guess I will work on that.
Today when I had been in the house for hours and had just had my supplement at that particular time of the day, and I was feeling this craving to eat more, just to eat, I made myself go outside instead. So, I walked around the yard and I stared at and stepped on the ice-rink that has formed in our flooded lawn. I thought about some things and I took some deep breaths of the fresh air. When I got back into the house, the temptation was gone.
Now as my "day" is winding down, and now that my other "first" rehearsal is over with and that stress is over, I feel more empowered. I am reminded of why I am doing this, and the energy I have felt lately as I am moving toward my goal. That's gold; pure gold. I am so happy and relieved that today was a good day. That I avoided temptation and that I didn't do something I would surely regret soon after doing it.
I don't know. Just thinking, I guess.