Good evening. Thanks you two for posting in, I am just here quickly at the moment and so I have not read through your posts with the thought I want to put into them, yet.
But, I just got done with my first rehearsal and I am so relieved because I had been stressing about that for a LONG time. Of course it wasn't nearly as stressful as I was imagining, but, you never know (until you do

Anyway, I walked out of the rehearsal feeling like I wanted to eat. I was actually genuinely hungry, too, and I wonder if being nervous and stressed actually burns calories differnetly than a normal day does (not that I am not those things in a normal day, it's just way more when I have to perform). Anyway, I thought about adding a supp, but I already am having an extra one today since I woke up at the butt crack of dawn (pardon my french).
I will say though, that different thoughts have come my way about running to this place or that for food... and I have already had my L/G, so I am resisting on all fronts and don't really feel in danger. I am simply wanting to be an aware observer of this. SO :
1. I felt genuinely hungry after rehearsal.
2. I also had the urge to eat just to eat... to celebrate or something.
However, I didn't do either one. I still have some time before my last supp, so I drank a diet soda and that is holding me over for now.
Anyway, I have had thoughts about all of this stuff that I have been pondering lately, meandering it's way through my head all day long. I feel like I am coming to some conclusions about things... looking forward to the words to come with it.
I will say, I am nervous about "maintenence". I honestly don't know for sure if I can do it

. I mean, I think it's probably possible for me to, but, I wonder if I will always make the "right" choices ? That scares me.
But, I guess I will just focus on right now and I vow to keep learning and growing. I aim to grow much bigger than this desire to eat. I aim to grow much smarter than this tricky little "eat me, eat me" voice.
Over and out,