Thanks very much, ladies !! I guess I really did need to get all that stuff out because I felt a lot lighter about everything (more than I have felt in a long time) as I went through my day today. I feel somewhat renewed, or something... like I am starting freshly again from the very beginning. I *LOVE* that feeling

So, some things I have been thinkin' about... I realize that some of where I have gone wrong, or let this feeling of wanting to be accepted ruin me, is in not feeling confident enough to state what my diet needs are with some people. With my friends that I initially ate a non-compliant meal with, I have never felt I could tell them that I am on a "special diet" and therefore I need to have L/G (or bring my own). I don't know why that is... but, I have realized that I am going to need to be able to do that no matter who it is and no matter what the circumstances, like Lauren has said (thank you, Lauren). Looking back, I could say I wish I had the fortitude back then and all along, but there's nothing I can do about that now and I guess it's a skill that I have needed to grow with and into. I believe I am getting glimpses of being able to do this, now.
Also, strangely, sometimes I just get apathetic about what it is that I am trying to accomplish. I let myself become burried, mentally and emotionally in various things and I lose sight of why I am making these changes in my life and how each decision affects that all for me. I think I will make up a list of my reasons for this change and hang it around... or parts of it around, to remind myself. I should keep a little journal in my purse and some version of my reasons for doing this in there, too, so I can have them on hand when I am out. Once I lose sight of this stuff, I am much more easily pursuaded to not stick with it all.
Now, I find myself in such an interesting state, currently. And, since I have alleviated some of the stress that I was feeling surrounding some of my choices, I am starting to feel free to just think about losing weight again. That's nice and simple. This is where I can just stick to the plan and go through my day without extra hinderances chomping at my heels.
So, cheers to all. For some reason I am quite looking forward to Roll Call tomorrow morning and then I am looking very much forward to next week as I will see my numbers drop below where I left off (and TOM will be gone ... phwew !!).
Here are some new goals :
1. 170 by Sunday, January 21st (2 weeks from tomorrow)
2. 160's by Tuesday, January 23rd
3. 70# club (167.5) by Sunday, January 28th (3 weeks from tomorrow)
And this may seem weird, but, I will also aim to have my office cleaned up entirely (surface areas) by Sunday, January 13th (1 week from tomorrow). This actually affects my mental state and ability to handle my diet *way* more than one might think.