Hi, Nickieluv

. Wow, you are really very thoughtful

. I think I am on the verge of spilling my guts at the moment, but I am going to resist for the time-being because I am still *big-time* sorting some things out.
You know, I think it's wise to be thoughtful of what one says. And, you are a strong personality, I can tell. But, rest-assured, any problems I have with anything that comes along with staying compliant are my own. I know that.
Let me tell you a secret about something I once did and have a very hard time forgiving myself for :
During my junior year in highschool, I was a camp counselor at a Resident Outdoor School for 6th graders. I believe I was an only counselor that year in one of the cabins and one evening, the girls and I got to talking and I made the foolish mistake of telling them that I had eating disorders. At that time I was often starving myself and had been skipping meals even while I was at the table with those girls (back then, I firmly believed that nobody noticed a thing that I did). Well, the next morning, as I was prepared to sit at the table with nothing in front of me, I noticed that almost my entire cabin's-worth of girls decided to do the same thing. I instantly told them they had to eat and because I recognized what was happening, I got myself a bowl of cereal (that I threw up later in the bathroom).
In our counselor training days the teachers told us that the kids looked up to us *so* much and that by the end of the week, they would be styling their hair like ours. Well, I had influenced my cabin to starve themselves. Can you imagine the horror I felt to have led these young girls into this trap that I *desparately* hated myself ?
I am only an example as far as I can inspire. Tonight I was thinking about this and thinking about a lot of things in relation to the thread in the "what's shakin'" board. My thoughts rested on this :
One can only demand from another what one can also inspire in another.
And, I only want to influence for the best. I will admit, half the time I have no idea what I am doing in my life, but, what choice does one have ? Okay, I have no idea why that all came out, but thanks so much for touching-base with me. I really appreciate it

BTW, I think your idea of changing your ticker to 199 could be a really good one. Whatever inspires you the most

Also, I can always use your help
