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Postby Lauren » December 20th, 2006, 2:57 pm

Hey, Karli-

So, here's the deal. If you are craving the start of some serious working out, then it is time to respond to the craving. That's your body telling you it's ready, willing, and ABLE to get moving again! Months ago while I was happily losing the weight with moderate exercise, I suddenly felt the urge to move from a walk to a jog. Now, bear in mind, I didn't jog. Ever. But I kept getting the urge, so I was thinking I should honor it. Good move by me! Since then, I run 6-7 times a week, plus do strength training. I have not had a single week gain since I started MF on November 10th, 2005, including since I started maintenance several weeks ago. That's not to say that your body will respond the same way, but it is to agree with everyone that even if a gain did happen, you'd know the reason, and be proud of it! Most of all, I have never felt better, and I agree with you, I always aspired to be athletic, not just thin. I love to feel strong and sturdy, and I feel empowered when I run and when I lift weights. I have goals like an athlete now, not goals like a former fat person. It used to be to fit into a certain size jeans, now it's to run a half marathon. This is the amazing thing about getting really fit!

Now, to address your being away and fear of "events" that are coming. Don't even acknowledge them! I know you all think I'm nuts when I say this, but I'll keep on repeating it: each day on Medifast is exactly the same as every other day! Eat your 5 MF meals, eat your 1 L&G, and if you want, add a snack, or maybe a few extra veggies to nibble. It shouldn't matter if it's your birthday, Christmas, Thanksgiving, a child's graduation, or a smorgasbord of your favorite foods - turn a blind eye to it. IT DOESN'T MATTER what events are coming (this is to everyone, not just you) - just stick to the program! If you don't give yourself the option to be nervous, you won't be. What's there to be nervous about? Every day is as controlled as the last! That's the JOY of MF, not having to think about, so stop thinking so much! :-)

Oh, QT - the same goes for you with exercise. It's not an option to hit the snoooze button. It's just not. You know you have to wake up at a certain time, so you do. There's no alternative.

People, if you don't give yourselves the "out," then you won't have an "out" to take, and all you can do is lose!

Karli, I will be in Aruba, sipping on a diet coke, eating an MF Oatmeal, and thinking of you. Same thing I did last year (but didn't know you then!). Because things are the same in Aruba as they are here. Events don't change the diet, we don't change the diet, we just keep on keepin' on!

You rock!

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Postby dede4wd » December 20th, 2006, 7:48 pm

I so love Lauren!

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Postby nickieluv » December 20th, 2006, 8:59 pm

Hi Karli, I'm back and I just wanted to say thanks again for all the support and soul-searching you helped me to do a few months ago. I look forward to hearing about your continued progress - I feel very settled when I read your posts. It's a nice feeling, like taking a deep relaxing breath. Have a good trip and please know that even if you can't visit, it's obvious that many people here will be thinking of you and wishing you well. The people who have you in their lives are so lucky!
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Re: Hi

Postby Sojourner » December 21st, 2006, 3:07 am

dede4wd wrote:I so love Lauren!

Me too!!!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Lauren » December 21st, 2006, 8:41 am

Aw, shucks. :-)

Sorry, Karli, for the dissertation (and resulting lovefest) on your forum! I hope you are in a good place today, and feeling confident!


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Postby Serendipity » December 21st, 2006, 8:44 am

Did I hear love fest? Hey, I'm in the lovin', too.

My oldest son has always been a bit shy about broadcasting his affection and once when he was about 7 or 8 years old, I told him "I love you so much".....his answer: "I'm in the lovin', too" :mrgreen:
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Postby Lauren » December 21st, 2006, 9:20 am

How cute is that??? :-)
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Postby Karli » December 21st, 2006, 10:43 am

Okay, I am actually extremely in awe of this outpouring from you wonderful people. It has meant so much to me that I haven't been able to respond until now... LOL. I have just needed to digest it all... it's powerful stuff you guys have. I just want to thank each one of you for your responses, and nikieluv, it's so good to see you here, thanks for your kind words and for stopping by.

Lauren, your post kind of hit home for me. You are *so* right about it all, and I needed to be reminded to stop thinking so much, so thank you. Particularly, what helped put things into perspective for me was having you mention that everyday is the same no matter what. Actually, I literally felt startled when I read this... LOL. You are right !!

I had been freaking out because tomorrow I will be taking a student out to lunch, where I will eat my L&G -- that's fine. But, tomorrow evening my dh would like to attend a dinner that we have been invited to where I will not be eating anything, even if there is makings for a L&G, since I will have already eaten my L&G during the day.

I started imagining everybody sitting down at the table to enjoy a home-cooked, very special mexican dinner, and me sitting there with an empty plate in front of me. I know I talk about it sometimes, but this is my struggle with this point in my journey here.... I just did this so many times when I was starving myself. It's a ridiculous feeling !!

But, my husband came up with a plan on a simple thing that I can say if we are all going to be sitting down like that, and I think I can do it. It's just a matter of now keeping myself on program. Probably I am just stressing out more than I need to be.

Anyway, I will keep a hand written journal as Biki has suggested while I am away. And, yes, today I am feeling a lot more confident. You really helped me put things into perspective, Lauren. I can't promise I won't freak out again... :-P, but, for now I feel a little safer :).

Thanks everybody for chiming in, it really means a lot to me. And, I am never opposed to a lovefest :mrgreen:, *especially* within my very thread :).

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Postby Karli » December 21st, 2006, 10:54 am

Weighed in the same today as yesterday. That's okay, it's nice to maintain a decent weight and be on program. It's a much more enjoyable experience than other options.

I am feeling on track and strong today about it all.

7 -- oatmeal
10 -- choco mint bar
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Postby bikipatra » December 21st, 2006, 11:00 am

Karli wrote:Weighed in the same today as yesterday. That's okay, it's nice to maintain a decent weight and be on program. It's a much more enjoyable experience than other options.

I am feeling on track and strong today about it all.

7 -- oatmeal
10 -- choco mint bar

I was the same too and I am okay with that. Really. Kinda...
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Postby Karli » December 21st, 2006, 11:01 am

bikipatra wrote:
Karli wrote:Weighed in the same today as yesterday. That's okay, it's nice to maintain a decent weight and be on program. It's a much more enjoyable experience than other options.

I am feeling on track and strong today about it all.

7 -- oatmeal
10 -- choco mint bar

I was the same too and I am okay with that. Really. Kinda...

Yeah, as you might be picking up on, I have to train myself to be okay with it :-P. But really, we both know it's okay. Don't we, Biki :mrgreen:
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Postby Lauren » December 21st, 2006, 11:13 am

Hi, Karli! So glad you're feeling better today, and more confident! And glad I could help, even a little!

Just have your L&G with your lunch, as planned, and get a small salad for dinner, which you can pick at and not face an empty table setting. Or, if you are very concerned, split your L&G into two meals, have a few ounces of protein at each, with some veggies. No need to make yourself crazy for no reason!

Oh, and this may be me being nitpicky, but you may want to consider not putting so much importance on food and meals in general. Re-read your last post about "home-cooked, very special Mexican dinner..." Big deal!
:-) Seriously, who cares, home-cooked, restaurant-cooked, special, not special, it's a freakin' dinner, who cares? A key to wrapping our heads successfully around this diet is to really take away all the power we've given to food. It's just a meal, Karli, not any more important or less important than any other meal. Just a meal.

The only meal that I will agree is important is if we are told we have one meal left before we leave this planet - then I'll take the fries!


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Postby bikipatra » December 21st, 2006, 11:18 am

Lauren wrote:Hi, Karli! So glad you're feeling better today, and more confident! And glad I could help, even a little!

Oh, and this may be me being nitpicky, but you may want to consider not putting so much importance on food and meals in general. Re-read your last post about "home-cooked, very special Mexican dinner..." Big deal!
:-) Seriously, who cares, home-cooked, restaurant-cooked, special, not special, it's a freakin' dinner, who cares? A key to wrapping our heads successfully around this diet is to really take away all the power we've given to food. It's just a meal, Karli, not any more important or less important than any other meal. Just a meal.



Actually I am going to have to disagree. In Mexican culture it is considered very rude not to take a taste of what the cook is offering, especially at a special dinner. A meal is NOT just a meal where Mexicans are concerned. Even in a Mexican home, if you have just eaten and you are offered a humble piece of toast, it is considered polite to at least take a nibble. On the other hand, maybe these are white people making this meal and then it IS just a meal.
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Postby Lauren » December 21st, 2006, 11:22 am

Sorry, Biki, I won't buy it. We've heard this about a million cultures, but there is absolutely no harm in telling someone (the host) how much you appreciate the magnificent spread, that you are so amazed at the beautiful food they've prepared, but that for health purposes (per your diet), you just can't participate today. But that you hope when you've reached your goal or your doctor's goal, that you look forward to dining with them.

I understand about cultures and food, but if you are kind, and gracious, and explain the situation, it will be fine.

And really, if for some tiny reason it offends the host, get over it. Your health and success is more important.

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Postby bikipatra » December 21st, 2006, 11:33 am

As a Mexican on Medifast, I would choose not to attend a special home-cooked Mexican dinner unless my grandmother had cooked it. But that is just me. I just wouldn't go if it were not someone I knew that well. First of all, there will be fatter people than you there, and they will be eating-so that is offensive. To a real Mexican, refusal of food means you believe something to be wrong with it or that you are too much of a snob to accept the person's hospitality. Since I wouldn't want to spoil someone's dinner by making a spectacle of myself by refusing every little tidbit or explaining my diet, or the how's and why's of why I feel I need to lose weight-I would come up with a polite excuse not to attend. This is probably a family holiday dinner and Jesus is what it is about, not Karli and her diet.
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