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Postby bikipatra » December 18th, 2006, 10:22 am

Karli wrote:However, I did weigh in at the same weight I had yesterday. That's okay though, because I feel like I was pretty successful dealing with the day yesterday and I am just celebrating my compliancy through it all.

That's what the little Karli on my shoulder always tells me. Weighing the same as yesterday is okay, especially if I know I was compliant.
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Postby dede4wd » December 18th, 2006, 1:52 pm

I think you did GREAT at both out events! Woo hoo! You're determined! I also had my "schedule" thrown off a little yesterday (eating time wise), but avoided all the crap at the movies and a dinner out, so all in all, we had a GREAT compliant weekend, huh?

Happy for you!

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Postby FertileMyrtle » December 18th, 2006, 2:09 pm

I love the coment on the little voices telling you to have a nibble...today, after weighing in at a 15lb loss in three weeks, I am estatic, and you'd think I'd be more motivated to be strict, but all I wanna do is celebrate! With a snack! Actually, I just want to eat a normal filling meal to give me "strength" to keep going!!
But I have to be strong for my new C-mas goal!
I like reading your journal, you are definitley in a place of clarity. Cheers to that (clink of the wine glass filled with sparklingwater)
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Postby Sojourner » December 18th, 2006, 10:14 pm

Karli wrote:I wanted to be strong for myself and for others here.

...and that's how great Karli is!!
Thank you for being strong for me - it really helps me be strong for myself and for you, to return the favor. Truly. Does that make sense? Well, I know what I mean to say, but basically it boils down to this: Thank You Karli!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Karli » December 19th, 2006, 12:23 am

Sojo, you are very kind :). I just have been helped out by other people's compliance and strength so much, it makes me want to do the same for others. I think it just really can help when we know we are truly all in this together. Thanks for stopping by :).

Today was fine, though I have had some weird thoughts pass through (kinda like clouds). I had to put a bunch of stuff in the freezer and into cupboards. My husband had recently emptied a bunch of mini-chocolates into a candy bowl and set it out on our coffee table. Without trying, I would find myself thinking I should just go over to the bowl and eat stuff... I didn't. Those went into the cupboards. Also, banana bread and cookies were on the counter, and all that went into the freezer. That seems to work just fine for me.

Another strange thing I realized is that I sometimes feel as though I could gain back 60 pounds overnight. Supposedly trees "remember" their grown up shape, so if they had branches and branches that got cut off at one point, it takes fraction of the time to regrow them. Sometimes I feel something like that, though it's hard for me to fathom being 60 pounds heavier than I am now. It's strange... (and I am probably just sleepy :-P).

A couple of kind of cool things today. I believe I weigh less than my husband, for the first time ever. Also, I was feeling a little sad that I don't have any pants/jeans because it's *so* cold here lately and skirts are just not cutting it. Then, my husband remembered a pair he has and I tried them on right out of the dryer. They fit and are too big, even. That makes me feel *really* good, so, for the first time in years and years, I wore blue jeans out into public this evening when I went to rehearsal.

One of my friends noticed right away and she was really happy for me. I have known her for years now and she said she has never seen me wearing blue jeans. I felt really pretty in them :-P. I am excited :).

Foodwise was fine. Waterwise, fine. I would like to get some sleepies this evening and I am feeling like I will see a loss on the scale tomorrow morning.

Just checking in.

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Re: Hi

Postby Karli » December 19th, 2006, 12:31 am

bikipatra wrote:That's what the little Karli on my shoulder always tells me. Weighing the same as yesterday is okay, especially if I know I was compliant.

Here's what I would really like to know... does she wear leopard AND, does she have red hair ? If so, then it's definitely me :mrgreen:

dede4wd wrote:Karli,
I think you did GREAT at both out events! Woo hoo! You're determined! I also had my "schedule" thrown off a little yesterday (eating time wise), but avoided all the crap at the movies and a dinner out, so all in all, we had a GREAT compliant weekend, huh?

Happy for you!


I am happy to read that you were able to stick it out, too. Congratulations :).

FertileMyrtle wrote:I love the coment on the little voices telling you to have a nibble...today, after weighing in at a 15lb loss in three weeks, I am estatic, and you'd think I'd be more motivated to be strict, but all I wanna do is celebrate! With a snack! Actually, I just want to eat a normal filling meal to give me "strength" to keep going!!
But I have to be strong for my new C-mas goal!
I like reading your journal, you are definitley in a place of clarity. Cheers to that (clink of the wine glass filled with sparklingwater)

Yeah, it's something to retrain ourselves to be rewarded in ways other than food. But, you are doing great, Andrea. Keep it up :).
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Re: Hi

Postby bikipatra » December 19th, 2006, 5:18 am

Karli wrote:
bikipatra wrote:That's what the little Karli on my shoulder always tells me. Weighing the same as yesterday is okay, especially if I know I was compliant.

Here's what I would really like to know... does she wear leopard AND, does she have red hair ? If so, then it's definitely me :mrgreen:


Yes, absof'inglutely. She was wearing thigh-high boots too but she said they were killing her feet so she took them off...
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Postby Karli » December 19th, 2006, 8:15 am

Yeah, I want those boots :mrgreen:

Okay, well checking in for the day. I weighed in a half pound up this morning, at 177 even. This is not particularly encouraging, however, I know this happens. I won't overthink it, but I do wonder if it's something in my L&G yesterday ?

I will be more careful with my L&G today, and I plan to walk, too :).

7 -- oatmeal
10 -- L&G tofu scramble
1 -- choco mint bar (MMMMMMMMM)
4 -- choco shake
6 -- beef stew
9 -- choco pudding
Last edited by Karli on December 20th, 2006, 9:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby bikipatra » December 19th, 2006, 8:26 am

Karli wrote:Yeah, I want those boots :mrgreen:

Okay, well checking in for the day. I weighed in a half pound up this morning, at 177 even. This is not particularly encouraging, however, I know this happens. I won't overthink it, but I do wonder if it's something in my L&G yesterday ?

I will be more careful with my L&G today, and I plan to walk, too :).

7 -- oatmeal

Same thing happened to me this morning-up half a pound!!! :? :? :? I already overthought mine but if you want to be bored with the details check my journal...
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Postby Karli » December 20th, 2006, 9:33 am

Weighing in at 175.5 this morning. That's only half a pound away from my original goal weight (and a pound to a pound and half down from the last couple of days) and I am feeling good about getting below that. I do still have some areas of extraness I would like to see go away, and I feel like losing a few more pounds will do this for me.

One thing that has been on my mind lately is about transitioning and maintenance and so on. One of my "fittest self" goals is to not just drop the weight I have been carrying, but to really start working out heavily again. I want to do some weight-lifting and so on (like I used to do in highschool) because I just love that athletic feeling. However, this means I will be gaining muscle mass and possibly more weight... not sure how that will all fit together with "maintenance." I guess I will just need to learn as I go.

Anyway, had some food-filled thoughts yesterday that I didn't care for too much. I started doubting my ability to stay on program during some of the events that will be coming up... but, I decided I will deal with those things once I get there. In the meantime, one day, one meal at a time. It's still a good mantra for me.

I will be leaving town in about a week for a number of days and I may not have the chance to visit the forum much during that time. That concerns me a bit because I find visiting the forum, reading about how others are doing, posting in my journal and encouraging others, really helps me to stay in the right frame of mind. I am nervous I won't be strong enough or that the "temptations" will get the better of me if I don't have this venue to stay on track with. But, I guess that's life, too. Anyway, again, I will deal with that when/if it comes.

In the meantime, I am mostly happy about all of this. A few demons to cope with, but overall, things are smoothe sailing for now.

8 -- choco mint bar
11 -- chicken and wild rice soup
2 -- oatmeal
4 -- L&G
6 -- choco shake
Last edited by Karli on December 20th, 2006, 9:34 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby bikipatra » December 20th, 2006, 10:19 am

Karli, I would suggest a regular paper and pen journal or doing something quickly on a laptop just to get your thoughts out-you know think things through. Keeping a journal kept me safe and sane last time I was in the nuthouse and didn't have ready access to my regular support system of husband and family.
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Postby dede4wd » December 20th, 2006, 11:12 am

Working out can be nothing but good for you during transition/maintenance...first upping you metabolism, plus, muscle burns more energy just sitting there than fat does, so I think it's a great idea!

I'll be away for 4 days too, but I'm going to try to check in...just for some accountability and self-nagging!

Talk to you soon! See, that 1/2 lb up was nothing...just a glitch!

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Postby QT2Lose45 » December 20th, 2006, 12:52 pm

Karli! We are gonna miss you not posting!

As far as the working out thing.... at the point where you are, the scale shouldn't matter now!!! You are at your goal, and working out will only make your body better, regardless of the scale... we all know muscle weighs more than fat, blah blah blah; but the reality is when you work out and get your muscles and body in shape, you 'look' better so as long as you aren't gaining cuz you are piggin out then working out is great! I have the same attitude that i 'need' to make exercise a habit, cuz i too am guilty of the i'm too busy, there's other things to do.... i actually had this thought earlier: why is it soooo easy to hit snooze 3 times in the mornings that end up being 27 extra minutes of sleep that go by way too quick, but 25 minutes of exercise takes FOREVER!! So i'm working on making it a habit also (hoping the new dog will help with walks)

Anyway! Have a great trip... stay strong and remember all the hard work you have put into your success, and how you are a motivator to all of us (especially me!) and know that we will be looking forward to hearing all about your trip!
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Postby LadyT » December 20th, 2006, 1:42 pm

I agree with everyone else. If using weights is something that will make you feel better once you're at goal, then I think you should go for it...at that point the number on the scale won't be as important as how you feel!
I truly enjoy reading your posts, even though I don't always respond. I feel the same way about these boards as you do - if I can't get here daily, I feel like I'm not going to have as much control over my day, you know?
So we'll miss you while you are gone, and don't let those "food-filled thoughts" bum you out too much!! I have those most days...just hang in there and do what you are doing, cuz you are doing everything right! Take one meal at a time, that's all we can do.

Take care and have a good time away!
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Postby Taangrl21 » December 20th, 2006, 2:00 pm

I think Biki's idea is good, about writing on paper everyday while your gone. Or for me...I love to read Magazines. So that would keep me busy. Or a book. I know things are easier said then done. But I know you can do it... you have lost alot of weight, look great, and are keeping me motivated and hopeful for myself. So keep it in your mind how you have helped so many people on here. And maybe that will help the thought process.You are an inspiration. :)
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