Diana wrote:Thanks for hosting this chat in your journal, Karli!

You are most welcome, Di

Debra, yes, sometimes I get a little nervous about xmas time eating. BUT, not that badly currently because I am feeling fairly firm on program again. For awhile I was very wishy washy and that concerned me. I couldn't really get back on the way the little voices tried to tell me I could : "just eat this today, you will just hop back on tomorrow and it will be as though nothing happened"... but, that started turning into an everyday occurance.
For me, knowing what I felt like before I started the program at all, and then, knowing what I felt like having been off the program after starting it and not finishing it... I would *MUCH* rather stay on program than have some little stupid fudge or cookie on my tastebuds for a moment.
Sometimes I am tempted to be tempted... LOL... but, then I just think of what I said right above this and the temptation goes away. Now, I don't want to shoot myself in the foot nor let down my "guard," but, it does get easier once you are firmly ON. Plus, we are all here to do it together and to help each other through the whole fiascal

Last night was a little bit more tempting for me than other times as my choir had a gathering after our final concert and there was *tons* of food and treats and pizza and wine. I wasn't really tempted by the foods and drinks at all, but more by the socialness of it all. I, at times, felt like I stood out. But then, that group was also very supportive and didn't
make me feel that way at all.
I kept myself busy. I went and got food and wine for my husband and friends and so to other people, it looked like I might be dishing it up for myself. When the host offered me "more" wine (I didn't have wine but I did have a wine glass in my hand that had sparkling water in it at one point) I just said "Oh thanks but I have already had enough" and that was that.
Also, I kept thinking about all of my friends here on the forum and how many of you all will be in similar situations and that many of you all will be strong through it for yourselves and for all of us. I wanted to be strong for myself and for others here.
Anyway, you also can get through it. In the end, I realized that I didn't really miss out on much of anything at all. I still got to have some nice visits with many people while I felt good about my personal decisions at the same time (I wasn't distracted by thoughts about what I
did eat and drink, or what I
wanted to eat and drink -- I love this clarity of mind). As a matter of fact, I felt like
others were missing out on what
I was experiencing there... hee hee.
It's not always easy, but I think making the decision for better health and more directly, for me right now, making the decision to stay on program, is *always*
worth it.