Hi, Ladies ! Thanks very much for your thoughts and support. I am feeling pretty good right now and things are going well. Deciding to change my attitude yesterday was good. PLUS, one of my more major stressers is done with.... phwew

Di, I will take into consideration what you have recommended. I bet you could be right. I was hungry again yesterday but have been compliant so we'll just see. DeDe, sometimes I do tend to overthink things, you are right, so feel free to tell it like it is anytime. I need reminders about that at times (otherwise I get myself trapped in my silly head).
Anyway, I forgot to eat a meal at a regular time yesterday evening, but it wasn't a big deal (and was in the middle of a big event) and then might have had a little too much "lean" to my L&G last night, but it's hard to tell because I was eating out and wanted to make sure I got enough.
I will be eating my L&G out for the next couple of days and so that always provides a bit of a challenge, but I suppose I can cope

The scale hasn't moved but I am not unhappy about it. I *AM* happy to be in the medizone because it's such a better place than any other "zones" I have put myself in eating-wise. So, right now, my main goal has to do with staying in the zone and just enjoying the feeling.
Amber, I want to thank you for stopping by my journal

. I appreciate everything you have said and I love your response to what people might say to me. Also, I appreciate the reminder to not take these things personally.... sometimes it can just seem so dressed up as something meant to be personal, but it's just not !
In other news, my wedding ring will barely stay on anymore and I have been thinking about wearing it on a necklace chain until I reach my goal weight and get it resized. That's ... good, I believe

and I will take the nsv !
Anyway, thanks to each of you

7 -- fruit and nut granola (too easy... but next time I will plan not to eat the bar here)
10 -- choco shake
1 -- choco shake