Well, I am going to keep track of my daily weigh-ins here. At least until I decide not to anymore

7-- s'mores granola bar
10 -- blueberry oatmeal
1 -- Chicken and wildrice soup w/ coffee
4 -- choco shake
7 -- L&G
9 -- Choco pudding
dede4wd wrote:Karli,
I believe you are about to be leopardized!
bikipatra wrote:dede4wd wrote:Karli,
I believe you are about to be leopardized!
I need a pic first! I had to go a whole page back to find her in the STUDIO board, but her most recent shots are headshots showing off her hair. I need a bit more to work with...or I could always just use Pamela Anderson's body and put Karli's cute little head on it....
Karli wrote:Thanks, Kanani !
Well, I feel myself having some bit of a struggle, currently. And, you know, it's really ridiculous !! I heard this mental tape in my head this morning when I was getting ready to eat my first supp of the day, and the jist of it was :
"you've had success, now ruin your diet"
What the ? Suddenly, I am aware that I have heard this voice many times in the past... both before MF and since I started. But, I have given in to it a lot, in the past.
It's as though the pound and a half loss two nights ago scared me or something... I wasn't expecting it and I wasn't ready. But, I am not going to let that drive me into doing something I know I don't really want to do !
Okay... just needed to talk things out.
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