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Postby dede4wd » December 8th, 2006, 4:03 am

I predict we'll BOTH be in the 170's by Sunday...I'm sticking to it!

Isn't it funny how much POWER we give food. Like it's a being, like it has power...I HAVE to get to thinking of it as fuel only...Too much...this result..too little...this result. Either way messes with my head.

I remember when I was zinging along on the program this summer. First I started thinking of MF as MEDICINE prescribed every 3 hours. That worked well for me, then I switched into the mindset of Food. I LOVE the fact that food had so little importance.

I can't WAIT to get to the point of thinkinf of food as fuel only nothing more again!

We'll get there!
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Postby Sojourner » December 8th, 2006, 4:41 am

Karli wrote:...that's just not who I am anymore.

True, that may not be who you are NOW, but it is a part of you. I think you're both brave and smart for acknowledging your past demons, not silly. If you let those demons know that you're aware of them and are watching them, they're less apt to try to remanifest themselves. You've taken back your power and that's not always an easy thing to do. You ROCK!

I'm so glad you're back and that I'm back too and can read all the wonderful things that you post. Your insight always enlightens me. Thank you for being so great! Seriously.

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby bikipatra » December 8th, 2006, 6:21 am

Sojourner wrote:
Karli wrote:...that's just not who I am anymore.

True, that may not be who you are NOW, but it is a part of you. I think you're both brave and smart for acknowledging your past demons, not silly. If you let those demons know that you're aware of them and are watching them, they're less apt to try to remanifest themselves. You've taken back your power and that's not always an easy thing to do. You ROCK!


Thanks so much for saying that. I was about to post that this morning but thought I was WAY too new to be getting all philosophical/therapeutic on anyone. Although I have been in enough group therapy sessions I am probably qualified to lead one...
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Postby Sojourner » December 8th, 2006, 6:33 am

bikipatra wrote:...but thought I was WAY too new to be getting all philosophical/therapeutic on anyone.

Holy Moly. You mean you've been holding back?

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby bikipatra » December 8th, 2006, 6:39 am

Sojourner wrote:
bikipatra wrote:...but thought I was WAY too new to be getting all philosophical/therapeutic on anyone.

Holy Moly. You mean you've been holding back?

Now, you know that's wrong... :hi5:
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Postby dede4wd » December 8th, 2006, 8:08 am

I KNEW you two were going to get along....Lord help us all!

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Postby Karli » December 8th, 2006, 12:05 pm

Thanks very much, ladies. I very appreciate your thoughts and support and, Sojo, you are very kind ! I am happy you are back, too. And, okay, it's waterworks with me a little, but I feel suddenly so grateful and happy for all of you here on the forum. I mean, I always have, but just more now than ever before. I guess I take a little while to really feel like part of something.

I have just been thinking about how supportive and fun everybody has been, even with some heavier stuff. It makes me just want to stick with the program that much more and be as much of a help to others as I can be. So, to anybody that feels that I have not been supportive enough to you, I am sorry. I will try harder.

Thanks so much for everybody's kindness :).

Today has been great so far, just two meals to go (one in front of me right now) and another day of compliance will have gone by.

Karli :heart:
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Postby dede4wd » December 8th, 2006, 12:20 pm

Not supportive enough...shusshhh! Look at your posts, you're one of the most supportive out there! We're not just here to talk about doctoring the chili...we're here to talk about LIFE!

There are so many situations that are weight-related that we can't really discuss with others...We know what WE are going through and WE can talk it out! We're here for each other!

No more waterworks (unless it makes you feel better!), you're doing GREAT! Take what those people say as a compliment and the fact they care about you...and want you healthy and happier!

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Postby bikipatra » December 8th, 2006, 12:38 pm

Karli, you are the wind beneath my wings....I could fly higher than eagles....but you are the wind beneath my wings.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby LadyT » December 8th, 2006, 12:47 pm

So, to anybody that feels that I have not been supportive enough to you, I am sorry. I will try harder.

Karli - you were one of the first people to welcome me, and have been nothing but supportive and wonderful since I've been here!! I don't think you could try harder! Thank you!! :heart:

DeDe and biki and casma, and Lucy...and even more than I can think of right now...I am just blown away and humbled by all of your support!!

I know I say this in every post, but you guys are the BEST!

{{{BIG HUG}}}
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Postby Karli » December 9th, 2006, 1:14 am

Thanks DeDe, Biki, Tracey !

I am really, really happy this morning (Friday morning) as I woke up and weighed in at 180.5 :cleader: !!

That puts me at one pound away from entering the 70's, as my scale's smallest increment is half a pound. But, I still have hope that it will happen by Sunday, for me and for DeDe (though, I suspect it has already occurred for DeDe).

I feel great. And, at this point (for future purposes) I would just like to remind myself that losing this weight after really getting back on MF didn't happen overnight. Part of the trap with the waffling I had been doing was in thinking "I know MF works really, really well. I can eat badly for a little while and then just hop back on MF anytime I choose and *poof* the weight will disappear like the eating badly never happened."

So, I am just here to tell future Karli (I am a time traveller) that it doesn't work like that, girl. Yes, actually, it can. But getting back on is not always easy, so DON'T GO OFF !! Being on and staying on is *way* easier than going off and trying over and over to get back on. It's way easier than losing the same 5 pounds over and over and over (and losing hope in the process). So, STAY ON !! :x ... hee hee.

Random thought for the day :

Don't let yourself be talked into thinking you have given up on yourself, when in fact, you have not.

7 -- Blueberry oatmeal (fwew, finally broke the choco bar thing)
10 -- Bar
1 --Soup
4 -- RTD
6 -- L&G
9 -- RTD
12:30 -- RTD
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Postby Karli » December 9th, 2006, 8:08 am

Off to another good start for the day ! I am so happy the forum is working properly again :shock:, I found myself thinking about all my friends here as I vowed to be compliant for the day, hoping and knowing the same for all of you.

Weighed 180 even this morning, with just a flash of 179.5. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Today though, will bring more opportunity to gain trust in myself to make the decisions it takes to stay compliant -- all day, each meal, and everything in between.

7 -- fruit and nut granola bar
10 -- blueberry oatmeal
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Postby Karli » December 10th, 2006, 8:29 am

Weighed in at 179.5 this morning. I am just so thrilled. Finally I am out of the 80's and it has been one heck of a long haul !! My next goal is to reach the 60 pound club by next Sunday. That would only have to be a 2 pound loss from here, so I am hoping I will be able to reach that.

Everything about the program feels so great right now. I continue to realize the need to just stay exactly on and not try to "sneak" in little things here and there (which I have been really good about since my naked gandering). Being ON, both mentally and physically, is *FABULOUS* and the only way to go.

7 -- choco shake
10 -- choco mint bar
12:30 -- soup
2:30 -- RTD
5 -- L&G
8:30 -- choco shake
Last edited by Karli on December 10th, 2006, 11:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Elke » December 10th, 2006, 1:04 pm

Congrats on making it to the 170's feels good don't it? :) I just wnat you to know Karli that you support each of us equally and I'm not sure you could give more than you have. I kow reading your post in my journal has been a blessing in its own then you add eveyone together...you get the idea. Thanks for all you give to me and this board.
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Postby dede4wd » December 10th, 2006, 4:27 pm

Karli, I'm so thrilled for you! I am so happy you're in the 170's! WOO HOO! Save me a seat!

Your post also stuck with me. I know I'm stamping my feet and sticking my lower lip out pouting, but what you said about the weight not coming on overnight and not going poof if we hop on and off MF is EXACTLY what I needed to hear after having a bad roll call day. Thank you for that!

I just so love your attitude, you're such an asset to these forums! I Luv ya!

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