Hi Tawanda, thanks for the encouraging note.
For now, I'm going to just allow myself to vent a little bit here -- I don't normally like to do that, but it's like I simply *must*, since what I had been doing was intensely NOT working

I made it through yesterday --- day #1 --- which was already an accomplishment for me these days. Making it through today will be THEE accomplishment of the last few months (though I had about a week on not TOO long ago). I'm just going to let myself say that I still feel mad, and I guess the difference between letting myself say it now and trying to refrain sometimes, is that I don't feel like I am just stewing in it in the same way I would if I weren't feeling a strong desire to get through it. Giving myself permission to be mad about the whole things seems to help me not try to stuff that anger away with food, which is obviously a necessity if I am EVER going to get this STUPID thing worked out for GOOD .... GRRRRRRRR.
Anyway, I wrote a whole bunch of stuff down this morning about my life, about what it is that I "wish" my life were like, what kind of things would be attached to that, what I felt I needed to have happen in order to live my life that way. Long story short, I came to the conclusion that in some alternate universe within myself, I believe that being thin and feeling good about my appearance is *vital* to having a successful life -- and yet, I fight myself *very* much on that exact thing, for a few reasons (that I won't get into). What is ironic though, too, is that eating (overeating and eating pure junk) is my coping mechanism for living a life that I am not happy with. So, yes, it's the classic "I feel fat" and sulk in that by eating 5 doughnuts or an entire cake in the course of 24(ish) hours (not to mention having some fear about being thin). RIDICULOUS cycle, I know that intellectually, yet very difficult to break out of emotionally. I'm working on all of that though, I really am.
I have just finished supplement number 3 of day #2. I'm feeling the battle cry, but I need to take this one day at a time, and even just one supplement at a time. Soon though, if I keep plugging, I'll get back here as a brighter, sunnier, happier person.