You're welcome, T !! Thanks for yours

. Actually, it's VERY helpful having somebody else be strong on program at the same time as you, and I'm sorry that I haven't better been that for you ! I was actually doing *really* well until my last trip to Utah, which is WHERE I actually got ill -- bleh ! I absolutely did not want to go off program and stayed on my first day (before the whole thing really hit) but by Saturday, if I didn't get some more food in me I wasn't getting out of bed and I absolutely had to drag myself to my lessons (I actually walked about 3 miles !! haha). Not a real fun thing, but somehow I pulled it off ! In any event, it's been tough getting things back in gear while not feeling well, b/c trying to get back on was really intensifying the symptoms and I still needed to be trying to work and such. However, that really turned into an excuse to be a pretty horrible eater, so I am very non-thrilled about that !!
I am finally not waking up in the nights with that stupid cough and am REALLY starting to feel normal again, which I am VERY thankful for !! I, of course, weighed out the options of waiting to really get back on program until after the first of the year, but I really do not want to wait that long. I want to start TODAY, which is what I am doing. I am just sucking it up and planning to stay ON through the holidays. That's just the way it goes ! My family doesn't really understand but that's also just the way it goes !
I am feeling ready to be some sort of new person in my life, and losing this weight is really important to me, but losing the mindset that puts the weight on (and keeps it on) is even MORE important to me. That's been the real battle, for sure !
In any event, cheers to all and have an awesome day !