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Re: Karli

Postby Karli » September 12th, 2009, 7:49 am

Me, too ! And, I LOVE choco covered pretzies !! It seems like the options are becoming kind of endless in terms of what they could possibly create as supplements ... it's strange, I LOVE savories like chips and such and it's been SO great to have these be on plan now ! I have felt almost as though I am not on plan at all because of them. Plus, they seem like GREAT options for snacks for kids instead of regular chips and such.

Anyway, day 5 commences. Cheers ! :)
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Re: Karli

Postby sidrah » September 12th, 2009, 11:27 am

Just stopping in to catch up on everyone's lives. Looks like you are into day 5, so that is great. I ordered the pretzles, too. Hopefully I will like them since I got 2 boxes. They do seem way easier to carry and good for when you don't feel like something sweet or gooey. Have a great weekend.
Don't really care as long as everything's better than yesterday was...

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Re: Karli

Postby katesmom » September 14th, 2009, 7:52 am

Hi Karli !
I'm back too for the long hawl and wanted to say hello !
I have to order some new items...The pretzels are good?
I can't wait to try them !

Have a great day !
Pam :)
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Re: Karli

Postby Tawanda » September 28th, 2009, 1:27 pm

Okay girl.......where are you?! I hope you are doing well.
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Re: Karli

Postby Karli » September 30th, 2009, 10:39 am

Okaly Dokely !! Well, thanks Ladies for your posts and thanks, T, for checking in on me. I have been good and bad, on and off with that. I went through a phase of purposely eating all MF except for one meal of whatever I wanted, and I did 'ok' with that (never weighed though), but it was feeling like each day was a first day on program (duh) and I kept telling myself that my body would get used to eating that low of calories and find its own kind of balance ... but, I was actually hungry A LOT (day and night) and gave up on that whole thing ! Then, bouts with just plain bad days. Once again, I have no real idea how much I weigh, but last time I weighed myself (weeks ago) it threw me off ... so, I am staying OFF the scale for who knows how long (though, I have just adjusted my ticker to what I suspect it will be should I have several really good days in a row).

In the meantime I aim to be getting back on, true blue, starting today and I am doing pretty well so far, but I have been awake and up since 2:30am and that can sometimes make things a little tricky. Plus, we are headed to my in-laws for the weekend which will include a Birthday celebration party and such ... The weekend will only require two dinners from me, and I KNOW that if I am really committed I can pull it off, it's just pretty hard for me sometimes when it comes to visiting others, being in their house, eating their food ... but, heck, I say that as though it's easy for me when I am at home by myself ... HA !! So, no more excuses, I can see clearly that the right mindset it needs to be, not necessarily the right "circumstances" (though there DOES need to be a L/G). I have saved what is left from my last order of puffs and meal bars and plan to use them over the weekend so I can keep myself out of the kitchen and away from food as much as possible, and I have a pretty big order of pretzels coming next week ... I would *really* like to do this, you know ? But, I guess my actions will attest to my sincerity and sometimes it's difficult to believe in myself !

In any event, it's so wonderful to come here and read a little bit about how others are doing ! And, it's SO encouraging to see the successes that are taking place, the hopeful attitudes are infectious and I appreciate the presence of others :). Cheers !
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Re: Karli

Postby dede4wd » September 30th, 2009, 4:38 pm

Hi Karli!

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Re: Karli

Postby Tawanda » September 30th, 2009, 8:10 pm

Hi Karli, boy does your story sound like my life about 3 weeks ago. I was eating MF meals for the majority of the day and then eating what I wanted the rest of the day. No weight loss that lasted, in fact I gained more weight.

I have some big challenges coming up in the next week, too. 2 Pizza celebrations that I have to (and want to) attend (grandchild celebrations) plus a home party (not tupperware but close....sigh, LOL). Food temptations and lots of thought ahead of time to how I'm going to handle them.

We can do it!

So glad you are here and keeping fighting!
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Re: Karli

Postby Karli » October 4th, 2009, 12:26 pm

Okay ! Well, thanks for stopping by, ladies :). I was thinking about it and decided that probably most stories about us being off and on, temptations and challenges abound, they probably sound mostly the same, don't they ? I had a kind of rocky couple of days in anticipation for the weekend that is currently upon us (and almost over already !), but yesterday (Saturday) I just decider I could do it and I did ! Yesterday was the main b-day celebration where there was an easy L/G, I avoided cake and bread and anything not on plan, and just did my thing without feeling awkward or deprived or left out ... and I even felt grateful to not be eating all that other stuff. This morning we all went out to b-fast and I took a meal bar just in case and I just ended up eating that instead of trying to have a L/G that was not really the kind I need. I ate my bar at the table without feeling awkward about it, without it being any kind of a big deal at all, and when the plates of cheesey omelettes, huevos rancheros, toast and potatoes and things came along, I was truly just perfectly happy to NOT be eating that stuff ! So, I'm feeling pretty good about it all right now. We'll be heading back home tomorrow and it will already be day 3 !

Cheers to all and let's do some serious rockin' !!!
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Re: Karli

Postby Tawanda » October 4th, 2009, 8:38 pm

Congratulations! :cheers: You have the mindset and are on your way!
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Re: Karli

Postby Karli » October 7th, 2009, 8:35 pm

Thanks, T !! As it turns out, I apparently didn't have the mindset I was thinking I did when I wrote that post, because not very long after I wrote it, my mindset completely changed ... heh. It started with a simple nibble of some chicken breast at a time when I didn't need to be eating anything, and that morphed into a nibble (and then several) of chicken sausage ... and then it went downhill from there into a bunch of bad news.

The GOOD news is that I am actually finishing a real day 2 again, and going to bed shortly. I realize that ANY kind of nibbling during a time when I don't need it, even if it starts as something that I could consider on plan, is just not going to work for me (I actually have known that for a long time).

Anyway, I am excited about day 3 tomorrow.
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Re: Karli

Postby Karli » October 9th, 2009, 3:20 am

Well, I pretty much kicked day number 3's butt and day 4 commences ... albeit, very earliy ... Weighed myself last night before bed and I would guestamate that I am pretty much exactly where I moved my ticker to, however, I only slept for 4 hours last night and didn't want to weigh this morning because of that. When I get another long night's sleep and it's been a few more days on program, I will get an official weight for my ticker.

Cheers to all and let's rock the socks ! :cleader:
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Re: Karli

Postby Karli » October 9th, 2009, 6:21 pm

Well, this day has been a little crazy ! I wasn't planning to weigh so soon, but I did anyway and that's what has been crazy about the day. This is the first day, out of all of the days that I have ever been on MF (at least it's the only one that I know of and remember), where I have actually lost weight throughout the day .... as in I keep going actually below what I weighed hours before ! What the ? As it turns out, it looks like I will be back into the 180's by tomorrow morning (or even by tonight ??!) if this is for real. MF rocks and even though I've been pretty low on energy today, I'm feelin' pretty stoked :).
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Re: Karli

Postby oksoonergirl26 » October 9th, 2009, 6:58 pm

Congratulations! Good job for staying on plan and keep it up.
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Re: Karli

Postby Karli » October 10th, 2009, 6:20 am

Woot !! Hi, OK, thanks !!

Welp, today I weighed in at 189.6 ... lovin' that. Well, I don't LOVE that because it's obviously higher than my ultimate goal, but getting into the 80's feels great ! I think it's safe to say that I'm on track and that my head IS in the game, however, I realize that doesn't mean I am in the clear. I still must be vigilant, because I know that a person can toss in the towel in the blink of an eye, whether it's been days, weeks, months, or even years ! I have a Utah trip coming up in three weeks, a party in two weeks, and then just Thanksgiving after that. I won't really even think about T-Day right now, but the other two are slightly on my mind, though not stressing me out. I will have very portable food by the time I go to Utah, and last time I was there, I didn't stay perfectly on program, but I did manage to eat all MF except for one of my meals each day ... this next time, I just need to do the same thing, but make the meal a L/G (and deal with bloat from flying, with a level head and steady emotions !). I don't think the party should be all that crazy for me to just stick to plan.

I've been kind of anticipating the 170's since last March (I think), and never saw a number in that category since ... well, probably a couple of years ago by now :tongue: . The 170's doesn't seem that far to me at the time ... you know, it seems very 'doable' ... so, I would like to DO it !!!

Well, cheers to all. :exercise:
Last edited by Karli on October 10th, 2009, 7:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Karli

Postby Tawanda » October 10th, 2009, 7:46 am

Karli, good for you for planning ahead and thinking hard about how you'll handle the upcoming events. I do think it helps.
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