Cyndi, it actually DOES help to not think of a day after a mess up as a day number 1 again. Not that today could be that ! But, yes, I do see the value in realizing that I am taking steps to change my life, it's just one long stream, and if you look to the right at when I became a member here, you will see that it's been three years for me

. But, wow, I have had a lot to learn over this time !! One thing about me though is that I am fairly tenacious, and I won't give up !! When I think back to who I was when I first began MF, I was obviously still me, but had a different concept of myself and my eating challenges, and my life was a lot different in some ways then, too. Because of ways that I have lived in the past, I thought that I was the type of person who could just decide to lose the weight, and then lose it rather instantly. That was actually true in years past, but it was extremely unhealthy the ways that I did it ... and those things took YEARS and some serious tears to break ... I guess I shouldn't be too surprised that it's taken me some time to be learning what I am learning since I ever first discovered MF.
Yes, I see that I am doing this not just for aesthetics, but for health reasons, too. Sometimes it's difficult for me to see the weight I am currently at as an immediate threat on any level, because I look and behave very normally. However, I know there are still some eating issues that are indeed quite unhealthy, and I can attach an immediate correlation between those particular behaviors and an unhealthy experience. I just need to keep re-wiring myself, I think. Where I am attaching healthy behavior with the right things, and unhealthy behavior with the consequences.
Anyway, yesterday was a great day as far as program ... not easy, but I was very good. I would like to be moving full steam ahead ! Thanks for the encouragements
