Thanks QT, I appreciate it

So, here I am being a good girl, eating my soup. I was thinking a little as I was warming my soup in the microwave, about my hangups of late. My original goal weight was 175, and as I approached the mid 80's I got really stuck. It's like I just started feeling like a slug and I couldn't seem to get myself to budge.
Today, as I was warming my soup I heard a dialogue in my head. I will be breaking into the 70's soon and I heard the other voice in my head telling the one who was aware of breaking into the 70's soon, that it's okay if I do this because 175 is no longer my goal weight. It's as though I have been afraid to reach the 70's because that's where my goal weight used to lay, but now that I moved it down to 165, I feel the freedom to move again.
Does this mean that if I want to actually weigh 165 I am going to need to move my "goal weight" down to 155 ?
I think there is a psychological situation regarding this all, but maybe I won't worry too much about it right now. I will say that I have a strange concept about some stuff in life. For example, I can't stand a perfectly orderly, clean, neat and tidy room (or house, for that matter). It doesn't feel right to me. And, as much of a perfectionist as I can be, "perfect" just doesn't feel
perfect to me.
I suspect I feel similarly with some of my weight stuff. It's not like reaching my goal weight will make me perfect, but, I think I have a sense of "what next ?" once I actually do reach goal. It's a reason I have a habit of not finishing projects.
Anyway, good to be aware of, I guess. I feel happy to be back on program and I am just taking it little by little. Sometimes I am tempted to think about Christmas Holidays and how I will be around lots of food. I start thinking things like "well, I might jump the tracks then, so why be onboard now ?" but... those are not really productive thoughts.
I mean, if I *did* jump the tracks then, all the more reason to be onboard leading up to it. I have a similar anxiety toward hanging out with some friends whom I ever first went off track with. But, I remind myself that I must live in the now and I will just cope with those things when and if I have to encounter them.
It has been so helpful to read people's journals and posts and to know that we are in this together !