Hi Ladies ! You know, I just have to say that this place, though a bit quiet at times, is better than ever in my opinion ! I like it small, but it's supportive and helpful and I appreciate you individuals

Yep, our trip home was safe and good. Got back yesterday, absolutely dead tired and crawled nearly straight to beddy bye. Yeah, I am actually pretty surprised I stayed on plan the whole trip long ! First time ever, perhaps ! Okay, maybe a couple of visits to other places, I managed then as well. But, yes, I don't know how my teacher does it ... he's like magical or something ... but he somehow pulls everything just right out of me. I recently mentioned here that my school experience was actually traumatic (that sounds very dramatic, but it's true), and I cried in just about every lesson with my new teacher up until the last few visits (it started to slimming down to once or twice out of three lessons), I think. I would be fine, but then we would have some conversation or I would play something and I would just lose it ! Working with him has completely changed my life, and I think that kind of changing is perhaps just beginning ... this has affected me more than probably all of my counseling sessions throughout my life put together !
I made a pretty big decision yesterday to not teach at the University anymore. Like I mentioned earlier, my teacher was pretty strict with me this last weekend. The day I wrote that was Saturday, I believe, and Sunday was yet a whole new level after that of him being very strict with me. He is always pretty strict so that didn't altogether surprise me, but what surprised me is that he somehow knew I really needed it in the specific ways it seems to have affected me ... that's where I just don't know how he does it ! It seemed like he was just pushing me, but what it really did is help me regain my focus and actually help me get a big portion of my life back again ! I very easily let myself take on so much that I forget who I am. I didn't get into a major danger zone this time because having lessons consistently with a teacher whom I admire so much seems to keep me more grounded, but I had definitely started experiencing a sense of not knowing who I am and what my life is about.
When I got home yesterday, I went to bed as a pianist without anything else hanging over my head, and I knew I would wake up as a pianist with the sole purpose of improving today in my studies. When I woke at 5am I knew what I needed to do, there was no confusion, no lingering doubts, just get up and get busy on living my life as myself. I have realized that is a gift, to have that sense of purpose about life and to be at peace with it. I don't know how my teacher did it, and I know that
I made the decisions, but somehow he helped me get back on track. He just outlined what I needed to be doing pianistically to really be doing what I need, from there I re-prioritized my life.
I feel I am going through some kind of major ... "thing" right now, figuring out what to be doing in my life. My teacher says to stop figuring, stop analyzing, stop realizing things ... stop feeling things ... just do the work. hee hee. The "investor" in me gets scared to put all my eggs into one basket, but then again, it's very easy to be good at several things and great at none. Piano means so much to me, and I want to be truly great, so I guess I need to suck it up and do the work. It's scary though.