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Postby Karli » June 4th, 2009, 1:35 pm

Thanks, Robin ! Yeah, I've calmed down a little now. I think I have built-up frustration about this because some part of me, though I have somewhat enjoyed teaching these classes, could have been done with teaching these months ago ... or not accepted it in the first place ! I think the students probably start getting nervous and stressed out going into finals week, which is next week and their final is on Monday morning ... ha ha !

Anyway, didn't do anything silly food-wise, which I am happy about :).
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Postby DogMa » June 4th, 2009, 2:30 pm

Good job!! I think the more you don't give in to emotional eating, the easier it gets.

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Postby sidrah » June 5th, 2009, 12:42 am

So funny. I teach HS special ed students with emotional and behavior disorders. I keep telling people it's a good thing that I don't drink or I might be too loopy to work many mornings. I feel your pain. My favorite line of all was: I have somewhat enjoyed teaching these classes.

That was my year this year. Fortunately for me, the year is over.
On a different fron, I have decided after many weeks that my dissertation is going to be about stressors on educators to compare across grade levels and regions. Essentially, what causes the stress and how do you react to it. I may definitely ask you about some experiences if you are willing and/or able to participate....it won't be for a while, but your story made me think of that.

So, run down all the good things you did today:
1- Good food choices
2- Acknowledged the cause of the concern
3- Had a sense of humor about things
4- Cleared your head and started over again

In my book, you had a GREAT DAY
Don't really care as long as everything's better than yesterday was...

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Postby Karli » June 5th, 2009, 5:45 am

Thanks Robin and Teresa ! I can see how you are right, Robin, regarding not eating emotionally and it becoming easier each time. I mean, I wasn't really on the actual brink of doing it because right now, I am so stoked about losing weight and MF that my non-hungriness along with my motivation made it not actually, truly tempting ... but, I could see how at other times (MANY other times !), I have eaten emotionally because of things that are stressing me out or whatever ! I really feel that in this past week, actually, since the audition especially, I have turned some kind of corner with my life (and, of course, that includes my eating choices). I don't want singing to take over my life because I have some other things that are *at least* equally as important to me, but I have realized it really does actually matter to me. That has been an interesting realization.

I am still working mostly on my own vocally, and that has been the right thing for me in my life at this point. I am suddenly feeling like I am ready to kind of take some more steps in my entire life, like I am ready to audition for some real things, like I am ready to take roles, like I am ready to grow ... and losing weight is part of that, for sure. No more safety net with my fattyness !! Scary, but necessary !

On that particular front, I got to sleep on the earlier side last night, and still woke a little before 4am, but I probably got *about* 7 hours sleep (which is pretty good for me), and I went ahead and stepped on the scale .... *drum roll* ... 184.8 !! WOOT !!! I am officially feeling like I am on my way out of the 180's, and that is a VERY wonderful thing !

Teresa, yeah, I don't mind answering your questions when you have them ! Your dissertation sounds extremely interesting ! Thanks so much, and I will be back more throughout the day to visit other people's thoughtful journals ! :)
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Postby Chubissima » June 5th, 2009, 11:04 am

Hey Karli!

Just popping in to check on your journal. Congrats on the 184.8!
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Postby DogMa » June 5th, 2009, 11:57 am

YAY for 184.8!!!! You are rockin' this program, missy!

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Postby sidrah » June 5th, 2009, 5:19 pm

Under 185...yes!! Jumping with joy for you :goofyjump:
Don't really care as long as everything's better than yesterday was...

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Postby Karli » June 6th, 2009, 7:01 am

Thanks Ladies !!

Well, I knew I felt somethin' crazy going on the other day, but I didn't sleep very well that night, nor the night after. But, I just *knew* this week would be a higher than average weight-loss week for me, when I felt the way I did the other day.

So, the big reason I am saying that is because I weighed in this morning (after a pretty darn good-night's sleep), and it was :

183.2 :shock:

That puts me at nearly a 5lb. loss for the week so far !! WOOT !

Have a great one today, everyone ! I will be back throughout the day :)
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Postby Karli » June 7th, 2009, 5:49 am

I weighed in at 183-even this morning, giving me an 5 lb. loss for the week. That's pretty crazy ! I was going to get a little worried if I dropped another pound or more overnight, but it was just .2. Part of me is expecting to have a plateau this coming week, and part of me is hoping the losses keep going in this fashion (or even a normal-for-me fashion), and that I see the 170's this week :oops: ... I can't help it, that would be pretty great !

My best to All !
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Postby MyComplete180 » June 7th, 2009, 9:08 am

:whoohoo: 183, I am green with envy... I will get there. Love a 5 lb loss...may you have many!
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Postby oksoonergirl26 » June 7th, 2009, 11:22 am

Go Karli go!!!!
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Postby sidrah » June 7th, 2009, 5:41 pm

Don't really care as long as everything's better than yesterday was...

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Postby Karli » June 9th, 2009, 11:00 am

Thanks, Ladies ! :)

I was up to 183.4 yesterday morning, but down to 182.6 this morning. I resolved a sandbox issue and hope to keep heading down, down, down ... Oh yes ! And, I officially weigh less than hubby now :) ... at least by something like 1 pound ... hee hee.

We're leaving to go see my teacher this coming weekend. I am planning to pack my scale, and *very* much hoping to stay the course over the weekend. Sometimes I get a little caught up in the whole vacation idea and think that I want a vacation from everything ! But, it's not really a vacation when you can't actually escape the consequences ! Anything that tells me otherwise is nothing but that stupid BS monster, and I KNOW it !

Weeks ago, I was hoping to reach 180 by the time I go this weekend, which just *might* happen because of last week ! I'm pretty thrilled about that !

Cheers to all !
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Postby Karli » June 12th, 2009, 4:50 pm

Well, I am on day #2 of being out of town and working to successfully stay on program. So far so good, though long hours in the car and now being in a town where I am used to "treating myself" to special foods, the BS monster has tried to seem like something new to me ... haha. But, mostly I don't entertain the BS monster at all, I just say "BS" and go on with my day as usual. I have been a little nervous about whether or not I were "capable" of staying on program while I am here and while we are away, but I realized that all I have to do is keep doing what I have already been doing for a couple (few ?) of weeks now, nothing magical really. I just keep having a supplement every 2-3 hours, and I eat one L/G during the day. That's it. I just keep doing that, and I will be fine !

I am not sure what I weigh exactly, I haven't checked for two days now as I have been getting pretty crummy sleep, but I think it was Wednesday morning when I checked last and I basically hadn't moved a bit from my official weigh in last Sunday (except for a little fluctuation both ways throughout the week). I do have my scale with me, and now that we are settled in our hotel, and if I get a good night's sleep tonight, I think I will go ahead and weigh myself tomorrow. But, do hours in the car cause a person to bloat ? I am just curious if that is at all the same as flying in a plane ?

Anyway, I am very, very happy to be so solidly on program in my life right now; it's actually pretty fun :).

Cheers !
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Postby alpha femme » June 12th, 2009, 10:52 pm

:D keep going strong!
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