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Postby nickieluv » March 11th, 2009, 5:28 pm

Lauren wrote:Isn't it better to feel good and comfortable and happy, but still also know you could feel better? I think that's a healthier attitude, and one you should hold on to!

That does sound like a good attitude. My problem is that I never take the action to feel better. Well, almost never.

Rock away, say it all you want. :lol:
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Postby Karli » March 11th, 2009, 9:32 pm

Lauren wrote:I use the word rockin' all the time, too, it just fits the bill best sometimes, doesn't it?

You are rockin' it out, Karli, I'm psyched for you! And I think it's a GREAT thing that you're comfortable in your body, not a negative. We shouldn't ever beat ourselves up the way so many do. Isn't it better to feel good and comfortable and happy, but still also know you could feel better? I think that's a healthier attitude, and one you should hold on to!



Hi Lauren, thank you very much for stopping by my journal and for your words of encouragement ! I generally do agree with you in terms of attitude and such, but I guess the thing is, I am NOT actually, truly comfortable with my body. I am "used" to it but I am not comfortable like this, mentally nor physically, but especially mentally. And, I use my weight as an excuse for not truly living my life, or/and as a safety buffer from things. Maybe if I were comfortable with my bulges, that wouldn't be an issue, but I feel like if I were truly comfortable with it, why would I change anything ?

I have been letting this weight keep me from a lot of things, like getting my pictures taken, for example. That may seem like a trivial thing, but it's actually not. I genuinely need to get some headshots if I am ever going to start truly auditioning for more stuff and use a photo as promotional stuff ... and I have been actually letting my weight be a factor in myself moving forward in my career. Of course there is more to that, but that's the short version for now.

Part of me losing this weight again is deciding that I am ready to move forward in my career, that I am ready to take some needed footsteps that I have been putting off for years now, that I am willing to "put myself out there" in some ways that are potentially pretty scary for me ! And, I am just deciding that it's time to really do what I need to do ! That's even scary to write !

Anyway, thanks ladies for stopping by my journal, I appreciate it :).

Today was a good MF day. I measured my L/G out like a very good girl and I even went without my olive snack. For some reason, today I felt as though I have lost like 5 lbs, though I KNOW that's not the case.

Anyway, goodnight for now :).
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Postby Karli » March 12th, 2009, 6:49 am

I am pretty stoked to have woken to a nice loss this morning ! I weighed in at 193.6 this morning, and I sort of "dreamt" about that before I went to bed, but didn't want to get my hopes up. I slept really well though, and I think that probably helped. It's just two tenths shy of a whole 2 lbs., and I think that's pretty cool :). I hope it sticks !

Cheers to all !
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Postby Karli » March 13th, 2009, 9:04 am

Yeah, Leigh, I pulled out the stops yesterday, but it didn't stick as of this morning :( (I suspected it may not so I was a bit prepared, but it was still slightly sad) . I weighed in at 194 even this morning, if I am remembering correctly. I did have my olive snack yesterday, but that shouldn't have been a problem, and I did measure out my L/G, I got plenty of sleep ... but my last suppy was pretty early in the evening and maybe that altered things a bit ? I don't know. I guess as long as I stayed the course (which I did), then it doesn't really matter. I just have to be patient, and I am sure it will drop again tomorrow or the next day :).

Sometimes it's strange to be doing MF or just this whole thing of losing weight at all. Because, if you think about the amount of time it may take a person to lose all the weight they need, or let's say 20-30 pounds, it can seem REALLY FAST overall, but when you take just one week and live that day by day, moment by moment, it can seem really slow. I guess the weeks and the pounds just add up and before you know it, you are there !

If I keep losing weight on a somewhat steady pace, I will *probably* drop below 190 toward the end of next week. But, 190 seems so far away to me right now and it's like I wonder if I will *ever* actually get there. But then, at some point in the next couple of weeks I will be heading towards the mid 180's and the 190's will become some kind of more distant memory. I don't know ... it's just weird how it all works and I suppose I am just musing a bit about that :-P. I guess it's just good to remember that though in the moment, it may seem that things are challenging or moving slowly or whatever, it does add up. It's important to have the patience which allows it all to add up :).

Cheers to all !
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Postby Karli » March 14th, 2009, 7:09 am

Holy smokes ! I weighed 192.4 this morning :). A 3.5 pound loss for the week is not unusual for me, but I weighed 194 yesterday morning, so the loss overnight is pretty great :). But, one thing is, this time around I have been stepping on the scale only once each morning, and just taking whatever that says as my weight for the day, when in the past, if I waited about 15 minutes after my first scale step, I would normally drop more. That is what I decided to do today and there was a pound difference between the two weigh ins (but I weighed a few times to make sure it was really going to stay at 192.4). That makes me think that perhaps if I had done the same thing yesterday, my weight for the day would not have stayed at 194 yesterday, but would've been lower. So, I probably didn't actually drop 1.5 pounds overnight ... that's my conclusion :-P.

Anyway, 180's here I come ! :).

I did have an NSV yesterday in trying on my size 12's, and I did have to mildly suck in my tummy, but it was not as similar to putting on sausage casing as it had been in weeks prior. I mean, they are getting wearable and my 14's are TRULY getting rather huge. So, pretty soon I will be getting some new jeans ... pretty soon :D.

Cheers to all and let's have a rockin' day today :).
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Postby ChynnaDoll » March 14th, 2009, 9:48 am

Hey Karli!!!!....girrrrlllll, you're doing FABBBBBULOUS!!! CONGRAT'S!! i KNOW you must have felt JUBILANT this morning when you stepped on that scale..lol! That 3.5 loss for the week is fannntastic"+)))
Just continue to abide by the patience theory as you are so nicely doing, and you WILL see continued success!!

Thank you so much for droppng by my journal. I really needed to hear that positive message you left me, and especially, because i'm here suffering with this AWFUL cold:+( You're definitely on'a roll this morning girl with all your most welcomed positve messages:+)...and i know exactly what you mean about it seeming to take SO long to drop a pound or two, cuz it really seems extra darn HARD for me to get rid of this last 5 pounds. Heck, this morning i was STILL at the same weight as i was yesterday morning<sigh> but i'll be paaaaatient..lol!

Ok, keep up the GOOD work girl...soon you'll be in 10's:+))))))

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Postby katesmom » March 15th, 2009, 6:02 am

Hi Karli !
Just stopping by to say you are an inspiration here !
Hope you have an awesome day ! :D
Started 7/24/10
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Postby Karli » March 17th, 2009, 6:23 am

I sure hope everybody is rockin' away on the program !! Thanks for stopping by Pam and Chynna !!

Things are going really well here, the scale was at 191.8 this morning, so I am not moving at lightnening speed at the moment, but I will take it considering TOM is probably on its way.

I have been getting absolutely POUNDED by work lately, and we are getting ready to leave for our trip pretty soon (Friday morning) -- I think I will take my scale with me. The wedding is this Saturday and then my hubby and I will be going on a trip together (for me to study piano :mrgreen:) during what is our Spring Break, next week. The plan is going very well still, and I have no inclination to be stopping even for a moment after the wedding.

Cheers to all !
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Postby nickieluv » March 18th, 2009, 9:36 am

I hope you feel great in your wedding pictures. Well, not YOUR wedding, but your pictures OF the wedding. :) It sounds like an exciting week next week!

Also - it may not be 'lightning' speed but I think it IS 'lightening' speed. :lol: It's all about staying the course and letting the program work, not trying to force it to be better or different. Something I need to learn. I'm looking forward to joining you at 'lightening speed' and learning some of that patience....
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Postby Karli » March 21st, 2009, 8:50 am

Hi Nickie, thanks !

I am sitting in my hotel room, reading up on people's journal and pondering some of the thoughts I have had lately regarding the program and all. Today, the day of my bother's and his fiance's wedding, was my initial main goal in terms of getting myself back on track. Occassionally, between the idea that I will look however I am going to look regardless of how I eat now, along with TOM any moment, I do get these tiny little twinges of "going off" ... but, I anticipated the possibility of that and I don't anticipate myself going off at all.

My main focus right now is that of staying *exactly* on plan, as much as I possibly can. The lean and greens that are available to me may not always be quite as lean as what I would have at home, but I have realized that I will just cope with that and NOT use it as an excuse to deliberately do anything that I know I will regret. Sometimes when there are festivities and I am sticking as best as I can to the food that is on plan, it's tempting to at least "let myself have more" of that than what I know is the right amount. I am not willing to do even that and I am keeping my portions to what I know are the right amount.

Along those lines, something I have been realizing lately that is *extremely* important for me is that I can never let myself just have a day off, or a meal off, or whatever. By now, after these last couple of years, I have enough evidence to help me realize that when I do that, when I decide to go off just this once and then hop right back on the next day, it completely messes with my mind. It gives a very wrong impression to myself about what I am aiming to do with the plan and in my life with it, and it becomes very difficult sometimes to truly get myself going again. I am just not willing to make that kind of sacrifice anymore, and I am realizing that those thoughts will eventually pass.

Now, I hope this is not one of those times where I report these thoughts and such, and then face greater temptation because of it. I feel like posting them because I believe they are important "turning points" in my thoughts to help keep me steady and on track.

I didn't take my scale with me this week. Before we left, it wasn't budging too much at all. But, I have realized that even if there are times of stress and times when my schedule of eating gets a little thrown off, or plateuas, I would just rather stick with it and let patience work.

Well, time to prepare myself for the day. Cheers to all !
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Postby Stihl » March 21st, 2009, 9:58 am

Hey Karli - Congrats on staring down those rationalizations. Good luck with staying on plan, and have a lot of fun at the wedding!
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Postby nickieluv » March 21st, 2009, 5:38 pm

Karli wrote:Now, I hope this is not one of those times where I report these thoughts and such, and then face greater temptation because of it.

Boy, can I relate to that. It's happened to me more than once. Sometimes I'm not sure if I should come here or not when I'm in those moods. I hope it didn't get in your head, though.

I am glad to know, too, that I'm not the only who seems to take forever to get it through her head that going off just cannot be an option if I want to stick with this thing to the end. I am trying to really listen to all the advice I'm giving other people lately. And I'm starting tomorrow, for better or for worse. Hopefully better, though.

How are the piano things going? I guess that's this coming week though, right? I hope the wedding was beautiful and I know you were, too. :D
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Postby ChynnaDoll » March 23rd, 2009, 5:24 pm

Heyyyyy Karli!!!! How was the wedding???...and CONGRATULATION'S to your brother and his brannnd NEW wife :-P :-P I love weddings! Hope you were able to have FUN amidst trying to be compliant..i have a feeling you DID!! :-P

Ok sweety, will drop over again soon!

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Postby Karli » March 30th, 2009, 11:00 am

Hi Ladies, thanks for stopping by :). Phwew, I am exhausted, but yes, I really did have fun at the wedding and felt good about compliancy to the program. Last week I had a couple of days of program-related imperfection, but I am going as strong as ever for the last few days, with all forces aiming straight ahead !!

Cheers to all, and let's kick some booty ! :)
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Postby katesmom » March 30th, 2009, 1:39 pm

I'm In !
Let's get kickin ' !! :)
Started 7/24/10
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