Leigh, hee hee ... lemon meringue or bust

No scale movement today, neither up nor down, and though I am disappointed in the no downward movement, I am at least happy there was not any upward movement. However, I didn't measure my L&G yesterday, and I am pretty sure it was bigger than it should have been. I was *starving* by then

. One thing for sure is that I don't seem to be as satisfied by the bars as I do the other supplements. Along those lines, I considered having oatmeal for breaky, but I just couldn't resist the lure of a PB bar instead -- I may need to brace myself for mixing it up a bit today.
Sometimes it's difficult for me to phathom being 160 pounds again, I mean, that is pretty slim for me. I definitley DO enjoy being that slim, it's just such a different way of walking around in the world than is being 20-40+ pounds
more than that (of course at my heaviest time when I actually weighed myself, I was JUST shy of a good 80 pounds more than that

). Right now I am kind of "used" to how my different areas bulge, and I don't truly like it at all, but I am "used" to it and it just seems like me. It's a strange thing to stop accepting that as myself, and to stop accepting that as acceptable !! It's as though I can't confide in myself how much I truly can't stand it, until I feel like I truly don't have to live with it that way for the rest of my life ! Being on the road to getting it off helps me be more honest with myself. I will relish sinking below 190 again *dreams* -- so, I need to make sure my L&G's are the right portions, darnit !
But, today will be rockin'

. Yes, I know I use that word a lot. I don't care

. It's taken me so long to get myself truly back on track, that I will just use whatever word I want to describe doing it well. Have a good day, one and all !