Well, Nickie, "strength" about and around food is not one of my leading characteristics, at least it hasn't been for years, otherwise I guess I wouldn't be in this place of needing to lose 40 pounds (AGAIN

). So, I don't feel I am particularly strong, per se, I am just motivated. Part of that motivation right now is that I am tired of how the past couple of years have felt for me. When I first lost all of my weight, I was trying to make some life-changes, too, but I wasn't truly ready, I don't think, to face everything. These last couple of years have been difficult in many ways emotionally, and then that has involved excessive eating. And, it's not even like there has been what people would label as "severe" stuff ... it's been severe enough to me, but even as simple as feeling confused about what to do with my life and these things. The bottom line though is that I freaked out when I hit 161 the first time around, I was doing really, really well for a while when I was devoting so much time to excercising, but then life demanded something else from me and I just couldn't get myself back in the saddle because I was confused, afraid, and I also just
forgot what it feels like to be motivated like this and to be taking care of myself in this way.
Anyway, that is probably more than you bargained for ... hee hee... but, this IS my journal afterall, so I think I'll let my story be

Down another pound and two tenths this morning, weighing in at 196.6 for the day, and I have my big giant water bottle ready to go. I have been getting in about 3 of those a day, or even a little more.
3 x 64 oz =