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Postby nickieluv » February 25th, 2009, 2:02 pm

That is so funny. I've been doing well today and I didn't come here all day, either, until now. Interesting phenomenon. Maybe we think the 'thin vibes' will rub off just from coming here so we don't have to stay on plan. :lol: :lol:

I'm finding the sunshine is really helping me today, too. It seems a bit warmer today and all the curtains are open to let in the sun (usually they are closed to keep out the cold!). I'm sort of looking forward to playground weather - taking the girls out for a walk and all that. A few more months until that happens I'm afraid, but I can dream.

Keep on rockin'!
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Postby Lauren » February 26th, 2009, 8:15 am

Hey, Karli!

Look, I love having you here, but if it makes temptation worse, then stay away! No science involved there! We all need to do what works for us!

I know a million diets/food plans all recommend we write down our food intake throughout the day - every single doctor, nutritionist, diet, etc. that I've ever been to tried to get me to journal my food. But, and this is JUST FOR ME, I found that when I'd write it down, it made me way too obsessed with thinking about food, made it harder for me to stop thinking about it. So I refuse. And that works for me.

To each his own, I say!

Do what works for you. And keep on keepin' on!

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Postby Karli » February 27th, 2009, 9:43 am

Just a few words :
Firstly, thanks Nickie and Lauren !
Secondly : Rockin'
Thirdly : ROCK IT LADIES !
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Postby Karli » February 27th, 2009, 4:01 pm

Just checking in again today. Keepin' it short and sweet is working for me for now. I am thinking about stepping on the scale sometime in the next week or so, after TOM and when I feel I can emotionally and mentally handle it. The scale was a big monster for me a couple of years ago, so we will see what I decide. For now, I am using my size 12 jeans that I bought a couple of years ago as my navigator. I can now get 'em buttoned and zippered up (couldn't do that a few weeks ago, and it's still not easy yet), but I tell ya', it's not a pretty picture what's coming out of the top of that situation :mrgreen: ... hee hee. Right now though, my size 14's are probably getting undeniably too big on me, and they are now constantly wanting to slide ... so, I am starting to fold them over. I will get new jeans in a few weeks, most likely. My hubby is trying to talk me into a belt, but I don't know about that ... hee hee.

Cheers !
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Postby nickieluv » February 27th, 2009, 4:54 pm

No, I'm not a belt kind of gal either. Not sure why - maybe it's a hold-over from feeling like I had no waist to accentuate with one. But I do have one cute sparkly one I bought when I got below 200 last time. Maybe you can find one with music notes in bas relief or something. :lol:
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Postby Karli » February 28th, 2009, 7:46 am

Yes, the whole belt thing ... well, I DO have some belts that I DID wear a couple of years ago, but that was a different lifetime by now :-P . I am not sure those belts would fit the situation too well, and I don't want to buy more right now. So, belts are out for now !

Yesterday down, today to go :). My biggest goal in something to "change" is to drink more water. That never used to be a challenge for me because I had a huge bottle (did you notice how I sidestepped the word "jug" there ? :shock: ), but I don't have that anymore and for whatever reason I tend to not drink as much water because of that. go figure ?

Anyhoo, whoop whoop ! Let's crush those fatties out of ourselves !!
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Postby Karli » March 1st, 2009, 12:45 pm

Okay, yesterday evening I tried on the bridesmaid's dress again. Wow, it's really pretty huge, and I am definitely going to need it to be altered. It was actually big to begin with, but now it's huge, and it will only get huger, so I am going to have to figure out a plan here. The wedding is in three weeks. I also tried on my strapless bra, which I still have from my own wedding. Well, when I first tried it on a couple of weeks ago, I had to enlist hubby as a corset-like clasp-putter-togetherer, and that was an experience, let me tell you ! It flung me onto program though, I will say that ! Last night I could do it all myself though, and that is progress, obviously.

My plan is to rock the socks today ! Cheers to all !
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Postby Karli » March 1st, 2009, 2:27 pm

Welp, I stepped on the scale. I mustered the courage and did it. It was a mid-day weight, but at least I have a ballpark figure now and it is not a pretty sight. I am going to get on it every morning from now on ! All I can say is that it's pretty amazing the kinds of stories one can tell oneself to convince oneself that everything is going okay ! sheesh !

I am hoping that this time around, I can be a big girl and handle the scale as time goes on. And, I know, FINALLY, that this needs to keep going. That I need to keep losing past my brother's wedding, and that I need to get myself down to my goal weight for once and for all. I was worried that if I did step on the scale before my brother's wedding, that I would convince myself that I shouldn't be in that dress no matter how I look, based on what I weigh and not what I feel. I was feeling like I looked pretty good, not great but pretty good, last night when I put it on, but I have a long ways to go still with all of this ! But, at least I am going there !
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Postby Karli » March 1st, 2009, 7:00 pm

Leigh, Thanks !

I am just trying something because I just started a new ticker and it's showing up in the first pages of my journal, but not on my current pages ... go figure ? Anyway, I wondered if I actually give a new post if it will make my magic ticker appear ?

[edit] it worked ! For my new posts anyway ! I am going to count tomorrow morning's weight as my starting weight, and I think I will have Unca, or whoever is running this place anymore, change my pound club to *nothing* :shock:. I just want to start all over from here :).
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Postby Karli » March 2nd, 2009, 4:38 am

Ahhhh ... well, we got a new body scale and it's one that goes into more detail than "something and a half," so, this morning, I was 199.8, which I will SO TAKE :shock:. I was 203/4 last night, and I was hoping so much to be under 200 this morning, but I woke at 3am and was not sure how that would turn out. But, I am under 200 ... yay ! There is just something so nice about seeing my needed weightloss being in the 30's instead of the 40's, even if it IS the upper limit of the 30's !

Anyway, we also bought a new, digital food scale, and I was a very good girl and measured out my L&G yesterday, which I hadn't been doing. So, onward we go ! I consider myself as starting from scratch :).

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Postby nickieluv » March 2nd, 2009, 8:49 am

What a great start to the day, eh? Hope Leigh gets a day like that this week, too.

I don't think I could deal with changing my pound club to nothing. Congratulations to you for starting from scratch. I think seeing that 60# club under my name reminds me that I did it once, I can do it again. And I feel the urge to get myself back into the club and then see it change!

Great job weighing food - I am not doing that. I know, bad girl. I am eyeballing. To be honest, I'm not going to stop doing that until I stop losing. But I bet you're having fun with all these new doohickeys! Countertop steamer, digital food scale - we need a bigger house for all that. :lol:
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Postby Karli » March 2nd, 2009, 8:55 am

Hi Nickie, thanks ! Yeah, I just feel like going exactly by the book now, no messin' around for me anymore ! Part of the change in "pound club" is that I feel like a different person this time, and I just feel like I need to start fresh. I have even looked for a "delete this thread" button for my journal, so I could just start a new one from here, but there isn't one, I guess. There is just too much baggage in this one and it feels like it's following me around, and I don't like it ! That's just where I am at for now, I guess.

I AM having fun with these new doohickeys ! And, yeah, we have about 3 feet total of counterspace, so everything gets stored in a "pantry" until we need it, then we pull it out for whatever we need and put it back. Oh well :). Have a great day !
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Postby nickieluv » March 2nd, 2009, 9:17 am

Well, now, compared to you it seems like we have a huge amount of counterspace! My husband's coffee stuff takes up three feet all by itself - it's a goal of mine to get back into the cupboards and clean them out, getting rid of things we never use - or at least packing them out of the way. Someday....

I'm sure Unca could delete your thread for you, if you asked. It's yours, after all. Or maybe you could start a new one - Karli Redux or something like that. :lol:

And I forgot to say - right on about the scale being just a number. I think sometimes when you're feeling really good about yourself, you should just stay off the scale lest it change your mind for you. I do think I've finally conquered it, though - whatever it says, I just note it and go on about my day. I'm realizing that the number doesn't need to have anything to do with my feelings and my goals for the day. I've been desensitized, I guess. Learned to listen to other cues and not only the scale.
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Postby Karli » March 2nd, 2009, 9:27 am

Yes, okay, I just pm'd him. I had been debating, but now I decided to do it ! So, I will be starting a new one shortly, I think :).
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Postby nickieluv » March 2nd, 2009, 12:01 pm

I hope I get to be the second to post in it. :D (After you, of course.)
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