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Postby Karli » August 8th, 2006, 11:12 pm

Thanks gals !!

Well, I was thinking about doing some abnoxios WOOTING, but that's just not going to happen folks, sorry to say, I am just too sleepy :-P. But here is the reason behind the desire to woot :

Today is the first day I have gone out into public wearing something other than the usual suspects

:cheers: :coach: :cleader: :kool: :cleader: :guzzle: :hatch: :thumbup: :toast: :thumbig: :clap: :bravo: :partytime: :you: :coolnana: :bouncie: :roflmao: :bouncieball: :bighug: :drive: :bib: :roll: :whip: :hmmm:

Okay, that's pretty abnoxious... hee hee.

Anyway, not only was it something different than what I have been wearing for the past 2 years now (?), but it is one of my favorite outfits !!! YAY. It could definitely fit better, BUT, it fit well enough for me to feel as though I were not just blaring my bulges all over town. I even performed in it this afternoon :mrgreen: . I am THRILLED !!!

Okay, goodnight, she says.

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Postby Serendipity » August 9th, 2006, 5:26 am

What a nice NSV, Karli!

Performed? What's up with that? What'd I miss?
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Postby Karli » August 9th, 2006, 8:12 am

Serendipity wrote:What a nice NSV, Karli!

Performed? What's up with that? What'd I miss?

Thanks Jo, :). I am a musician; singer and pianist. I am participating in a big singing program this week, all week... involving masterclasses and performances and so on everyday... it's a WONDERFUL thing to be able to wear some different clothes everyday and to be able to dress nicely each time I perform. It feels AMAZING !!

I just tried on what I am going to wear for this afternoon's performance and once again, it's one of my old favorites that I bought awhile back but hardly ever wore (because I grew out of it). And it's going to work out just fine. I know I may seem excessively excited about this all, but I have literally been wearing the same exact clothings for so long and for some many events (including more formal events and performances, too) that it just seems I can't be excited enough. hee hee.

Okay, bye bye for now,
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Postby Serendipity » August 9th, 2006, 1:47 pm

ok, you have another of my dream jobs. If only I could be a singer/pianist/bridge teacher on a cruise ship/traveling food critic....... :mrgreen:
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Postby Karli » August 12th, 2006, 11:18 pm

Serendipity wrote:ok, you have another of my dream jobs. If only I could be a singer/pianist/bridge teacher on a cruise ship/traveling food critic....... :mrgreen:

LOL... WOW :shock: . I am definitely NOT all of those things. hee hee.

Well, this week has been surprisingly great. I passed a number of milestones which I will report about tomorrow at Roll Call. Overall, I am quite happy and people are definitely starting to notice that I am losing weight... hee hee... someone even said that they had a hard time recognizing me saying that I am just a shell of who I used to be... not sure how I feel about that comment, but I believe it was meant as a compliment, so I'll take it.

Anyhoo... cheers,

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Postby Prancer » August 13th, 2006, 7:44 am

Karli I'm just popping in to say Congratulations on getting past the half way point. You are doing fantastic.
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Postby Karli » August 30th, 2006, 3:38 pm

Okay... it's been a little while since I have posted in, but I felt like this would be a good time. Let's see... this morning I caught some oil on fire in a cooking pot that I was preparing to brown some burger in (for my hubby's maranara sauce). LOL... that was exciting !!

Anyway, I spent last week with my family. That was a major event for me since they wanted to talk about MF a lot. They wanted to know what it was all about and how much weight I have lost... and since I am recently becoming an HA, funnily enough, even my mom ends up telling me about people who might be good for the program. Overall, everyone was very accepting about it, which was a most pleasant surprise. I was also able to stay on plan with no problems and even lost 4.5 pounds during the week !

My most recent milestone was yesterday when I gently ventured into Onderland. It's not official yet, and today I was back to 200 even, so I will just see how the next few days go.

hmmmm... I look at myself in my (new) webcam and sometimes I look thin and sometimes I look really fat to myself. I guess I just won't worry too much about any of that.

Things seem to be moving along pretty well in my life and getting myself on the TSFL program is shaping up to be one of the best decisions I could ever have made for my life.

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Postby Prancer » August 30th, 2006, 4:58 pm

You are doing so well at this Karli. Congratulations.
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Postby Karli » September 10th, 2006, 7:41 am

Thank you very much for your wonderful support, Jenn ! You also are doing very well and it's always helpful to have company along the road, I think it is anyway.

Thought I would post a "quick" journal entry (ha ha... as if).

I have debated whether or not to "confess" to my going off program once a little while back, and then over the holiday weekend while I was camping last weekend. My original goal was to just stick to it, rain or shine, and never "cheat". Well, I don't feel as though I have "cheated".

Each time I went off, I made the conscious decision to do so and it was not an out of control thing. And more than that, even though my diet during those times included things that are considered to have little food value, I made excellent choices during that time and never, even for a moment, got out of control. That is a huge accomplishment for me, actually.

I am starting to accept the fact that my binge days are over. If I wish to maintain a healthy lifestyle, I have to stay very in check with myself and my habits. I can accept that this is just the way it is for me, and you know what ? The rewards are truly fabulous :).

So, I have made it to what seemed like a mythical Onderland. Also, I am 42 pounds down, putting me over two-thirds of the way down to my goal weight. I can't even put into words how I am feeling, but let's just wrap it all up with the words : "I feel really, really, good". hee hee.

Things have been taking such a turn in my life with the dedication to change my habits and as a consequence, lose the weight that I have been packing around. I don't feel like writing about all of it at the moment... maybe some day in the near future.

In the meantime, I feel that my goal weight is just around the corner for me. I am now looking forward to my transition and to maintainence, and funnily enough, becuase of my off-road excursions, I have confidence that this program is really going to stick with me. I don't fear that time like I once did.

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Postby Karli » September 18th, 2006, 9:30 am

I tried on my wedding dress the other night. I think I am about where I was weight-wise when I got married three years ago. I haven't even imagined myself trying that dress on until just a bit ago. It was really fun... my husband wanted to see it, so I walked out into the living room and he started taking my picture over and over again... he was acting like he was a professional photographer and acted like he got so excited that he threw off his (imaginary) hat... hee hee.

I don't know, it's just fun that we could enjoy an imaginitive moment with me in my wedding dress. I felt pretty and he thought I looked great.

I have been at the same weight for the past 3 or 4 mornings and it's starting to annoy me. I think it's time to cut any snacks out (soy crisps and coffee) and go only MF meal supps for a while. Also, I have been needing to try to find my L/G out, and that's always a little bit risky because there is often more in the food than what we normally cook with at home.

Anyhoo.... looking forward to leaving the 190's.... hopefully soon.

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Postby JeepGirl » September 18th, 2006, 9:59 am

Woohoo on the wedding dress photo shoot and NSV!!
You are doing great and it is such a pleasure to be able to witness your transformation!!
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Postby GucciGoo » September 20th, 2006, 9:00 am

I have about 7 more pounds until I reach wedding weight. I will have to try on my dress when I get there! Congrats!!!
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Postby Karli » September 23rd, 2006, 3:23 am

Okay. I am feeling pretty upset with myself right now. LOL... so upset that I don't know how to start here in my journal, but it's 3 am and I can't sleep because I am feeling upset.

I would say that I have "cheated" the last couple of days. Everything has been fine until dinner time. We have been out the last couple of nights, once out to eat with some friends, and last night we were at a potluck. Both times I felt some kind of peer pressure to just eat and drink like everyone else and I hate that I gave into that. Nobody besides myself was making me feel this way.

I guess what's making me angry is that both nights I sincerely DID NOT WANT TO GO OFF PROGRAM, but I did anyway. It's like I felt as though I couldn't really find a L/G, so I just decided not to even really try that hard. I could have done a much better job of it all, I could have made better decisions. Plus, I added sugar to the event since I was off-roading anyway. I did this before, but I had made a conscious decision about it before and didn't feel out of control about it. The past two evenings I have not held the reigns like I would wish to.... and while I do not want to be over-controlling with myself when it comes to food, I do feel as though it's right for a person to feel as though they are not just a slave to it.

Part of what is bothering me is the fact that last night we got home and as if me going off program at the potluck were not bad enough, I stood there and ate some pasta (leftovers of the dish we brought) telling myself that I was not going to eat off program tomorrow so I better get it in while I can. :x This is what I used to do... and just shovelled food in promising myself that I would make up for it the next day (and would eventually just do the same thing the next day, too).

So, I went to bed feeling gross, like the old days. And my belly feels disgusting and I have that feeling of just wishing the fat roll would go away finally. For a moment in my sleepy stupor, I thought that I needed to starve myself today to make up for my cheating yesterday. But then I woke up more and remembered that no, I don't need to starve myself. I just need to get back on program and stick with that.

I don't think I am going to weigh in on Sunday for roll call, although I will show up. I think it would be more detrimental for me than anything else. I will just get back on tomorrow, and weigh in next Sunday.

I ran into a person whom I have had to pretty much cut out of my life. I will admit that I have been feeling pretty emotional about it. This is not an excuse, because part of the deal with the program is to help learn different ways of dealing with those sorts of things, but I am just adding this portion to my post to be honest about the feelings I am dealing with at the moment.

Also, I have been feeling as though I wish I could just be done with the program and eating normal foods again. But obviously I still have some growing and learning to do. Okay, I guess we always do and I need to not be too hard on myself.

I have also been a little anxious about my recent plateau of 192.5 for days in a row. I had been getting anxious to reach the 180's, anxious to reach the 50 pound club, anxious to reach goal.

"Let patience have her perfect work."

The funny thing is that I haven't been on program for all that long. And I know that some people are on it much longer so I should probably just suck it up and quiet down with the complaining section of my mouth. Just yesterday I went for a walk in the morning before the sun rose and I was looking up at the stars in the sky. The sky was *so* clear. I was recalling the times when I used to walk during the spring, and the differences between those times and that very moment that I was walking again.

I recalled how fat and ugly I felt back then and the fact that I was walking for the main purpose of trying to lose weight instead of just enjoying the morning like I was yesterday. I had been desparately trying to get control over my life and just didn't really know how. I recall feeling so helpless about it all. I was thinking about how I felt that way and was packing around 40+ extra pounds even as late as June 25th !! And how just about 3 months later my life feels renewed !! I was feeling so grateful for the progress that has been made in my life. I need to remember that.

Anyway. I needed to write this stuff out, so, here I be.

Last edited by Karli on September 23rd, 2006, 8:27 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Serendipity » September 23rd, 2006, 5:34 am

Been there, done that. Not this round, but in the past. I'm sure most if not all of us can relate to your post.

I used to feel like my brain was in two distinct and rivaling sections. You know, the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. Always at odds, with the devil usually winning. Whoever finds the cure for that is my all time hero. :D

You can get right back on program, Karli. I know you can. The change in you is one of the most dramatic I've seen on this forum. I want to see the final product!
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Postby kmr » September 23rd, 2006, 8:10 am

We all need to vent sometimes. That's what this forum is for! To vent to people that can relate to what we are all going through. Your couple of days "cheat "is not going to undo all the hard work and progress you've made. It's done and over with. Move on and stick with the plan until goal. The next time you feel like cheating, come back here and read your post. Reminding yourself of how bad the cheating made you feel (physically and mentally) will hopefully stop you from doing it again. I'm sure everyone in this forum has dealt with, and successfully made it through certain things in life that were way more difficult than restraining themselves from eating certain foods for a short period of time. In the grand sceam of things, several months out of our entire lives is not a long time. You will do this! WE WILL DO THIS!
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