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Postby Karli » July 19th, 2008, 12:48 pm

Thanks Tawanda and DeDe !!

Yesterday was a great success and today is day #3. I was down another pound and a half this morning from yesterday morning, putting me at 191 ! Yippee ! I haven't been that low in weeks (or maybe months !). I am *so* looking forward to breaking into the 180's again !!

My immediate rewards :

When I reach 189.5 or lower, I get to make my massage appointment (b-day pressie from the hubby :) ).
When I reach 180, I get to make my hair cut appointment (getting my hair cut is pretty much a luxury for me ... hee hee).

(okay, I might do it the other way around, we'll see !)

Time to keep rockin' day #3 !
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Postby rodeomom » July 19th, 2008, 2:50 pm

:bravo: Way to go Karli!! Sounds like you are shakin to the right groove now! :whoohoo: I love to see when folks set mini goals with little rewards to go with them. It is so important to find things that make us feel as good as food does. I am still searching for the replacement for the most comforting of the comfort foods, but this is a learning process after all.

Shake, shake, shake.... shake your bootay....
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Postby nickieluv » July 30th, 2008, 8:57 am

I bet you've reached the 180s easily by now! Nice for me to see you here, but sorry for the reason. I love the rewards - the hard part for me this time is thinking of rewards that cost no money. They all involve my husband pitching in somehow so I have to run everything by him. But when you're on a budget, even a haircut is a luxury!! Hope you're enjoying yours soon. :D
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Postby Diana » August 1st, 2008, 10:56 am

Woohoo, Karli!!! Go get 'em, young lady!

Mike and I had massages in Orlando. . . I know the results of the haircut may last longer, but oh, my, it was fantastic!
Here's to our mutual success! :buddies: --Diana
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Postby DogMa » August 1st, 2008, 12:42 pm

Hey, Karli, your last post was actually almost two weeks ago. You still with us?

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Postby Karli » August 21st, 2008, 2:22 pm

Okay, wow, thanks you guys ! I haven't been able to show my face again until just now. Well, news isn't good and I will spare the details other than to say that I am in some kind of strange cycle that it seems I can't quite get myself out of. :(

My main problem is social stuff. As a matter of fact, the very first time I ever went off program is when my hubby and I made friends with a particular couple that was in no way familiar with the program (obviously not Roger and Dayna), and ever since then it was almost all downhill (or way harder anyway) because I had to be tested a lot more than if I just stayed inside by myself or we hung out with other friends who eat on program. I recognize that it is by no means anybody's fault but my own, it's just for some reason this realization doesn't seem to kick my bottom into gear enough to move forward ! I am not sure what it will take, but I am bound and determined to keep at it as long as it takes.

So, I am planning to go back on program tomorrow (and I have plenty of suppies), after my concert tonight. I am giving my first solo voice recital ever tonight and the main thing I am thinking about lately is how fat I feel !! Let this be a lesson to me ... hee hee. We are hanging out with those same friends on Saturday, and it would actually be physically possible for me to stay on program despite the fact that we will be at their house for dinner, I just have to handle the psychological elements ... and I CAN DO IT, darn it !!

In any event, I am wanting to maintain positive vibes around here, so, make no mistake, this is NOT a pity party post :-P -- this is a get my bottom into gear post !! I can say that I have been growing internally through all of this, having some interesting realizations and all, but unfortunately I have been growing externally, too :-P .

Okay. Day #1 is tomorrow ! ... and my voice recital is tonight :mrgreen:

Thanks very much for checking in y'all :)
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Postby Mike » August 21st, 2008, 2:34 pm

Good luck with the recital. You know what you gotta do, so just know that we are here to support you.

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Postby dede4wd » August 21st, 2008, 3:23 pm

Hi Karli,

Knock 'em dead at the recital!

I'm on day 3, just a couple of days ahead of you, so we can support each other as we get back on!
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Postby nickieluv » August 21st, 2008, 3:56 pm

Good luck!!! I know you will be fabulous - just think, when you get the weight off you can hold those high notes even longer (more room to expand the lungs into :lol: ).

Missed you!
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Postby DogMa » August 22nd, 2008, 11:31 am

Good luck on the recital!! I know you'll do great.

And you can do this. You just need to get not only your bottom, but your mind, in gear.

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Postby Karli » August 22nd, 2008, 1:58 pm

Thanks, Robin, Nickie, DeDe and Mike ! Yes, I have definitely got to get my head in the game, you are very right, Robin, and I appreciate the comment.

I have been doing a bit of thinking for the past few weeks. Firstly, whatever my eating challenges have been, it's been a bit "deeper" in me than I had originally thought when I started this program a couple of years (!) back. I will say that carefully because I realize that does not have to be a wall, it's just good to be aware of. When I think back to who I was when I first began the program, it seems like I was a little girl somehow, like so much has transpired since then, which I guess is a good thing because I have definitely been growing and maturing a bit, and that is one thing this is actually all about for me.

When I first started MF, I was ready to make some big changes in my life all around, and I gave myself permission to take better care of myself and to put myself first before some of the silly other things I was involved in at the time. I think that helped me stay on track. Without delving too deeply into that here, I think it's just interesting to remember that, and I would like to give myself a similar kind of permission to take better care of myself right now.

This last year was my craziest year ever in terms of work. I did a program called Opera in the Schools, and that involved a little group of singers and instrumenatlists going around to a bunch of different schools and overall, we gave about 120 shows !! That is a lot !! On top of that, I was teaching the most students I had ever had, I had major solos in the choir I sing in, and I was involved in another Opera program where I had a pretty decent couple of roles. Some part of me liked being busy performing, but some part of me was completely in survival mode and couldn't keep up with my life. Also, all of the singing stuff ended more or less at the same time and I happened to have a number of students drop right about the time that all ended, and I think I felt some kind of major post-concert let down which lasted for like a month or something. And, here I am on the other side of that feeling big and fat again !

I think somewhere in there I just kind of lost myself. So, this year I am wanting to make some efforts to have things be less crazy, and I am wanting to get a better balance going in my life overall, which I think has a lot to do with people overdoing it with anything be it drinking, eating, watching too much TV, whatever.

Anyway, day #1 is going well, and I am getting myself mentally prepared for tomorrow at our friends. My hubby and I will be bringing some meat for the BBQ, as well as a nice salad, so I will have everything I need right there ! I just have to stay the course, and I know it's possible for me -- and that's kind of a realization. To know there is actually already a way to achieve the goal, I just have to follow the way ! Okay, I just had to get that stuff out.

Cheers to all !
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Postby nickieluv » August 22nd, 2008, 2:10 pm

I always love reading how your mind works. You are very insightful and I think that's really required for any long-term behavior changes, which is really what weight-loss is - not temporary, but forever life-altering (if you do it right).

Life will indeed get in the way - good for you for putting yourself first again. It's just not possible to do that all the time, and things will happen, so that's why it's great that we all found MF and know it will be here for us, no matter what life throws our way and how we sabotage our own efforts (more on that in my own journal ;) ).
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Postby Karli » August 23rd, 2008, 7:23 am

Thanks, Nickie.

Day #1 down, day #2 to go !

*eats apple cinnamon oatmeal*
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Postby Karli » August 24th, 2008, 6:28 pm

I did it ! It wasn't easy, but I did it ! I mean, it was sort of easy, but sort of not, since we spent the night and went out to breakfast at a marina cafe and all they had were a bunch of things that were off limits. They didn't even have scrambles or omelettes, so I ordered three eggs, went and bought myself a tomatoe from their little excuse for a campground store (the choices were potatoes, onions(raw), or tomatoes ...), and sliced that up and there was my lean and green ... or lean and red ... hee hee. Sometimes I had a temptation to throw in the towel, but each time I thought, "now wait just a minute, I have heard that excuse before ! Not going to happen !" ... anyway, day #3 in progress and two suppies to go. Just had to check in quickly before I tear around the house trying to get things ready for students to be coming back by tomorrow.

One thing that I have realized is that the excuses I have thought of in the past, and how they seem to take me off plan, they don't seem like excuses at the time, but more like good, solid, justifiable reasons ! But, I am starting to see that, for me, even when they seem like good, solid, justifiable reasons, they are almost always just excuses (with the exception of when I had truly started exercising my brains out consistently). Anyway, bye bye for now !
Last edited by Karli on August 25th, 2008, 8:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby nickieluv » August 24th, 2008, 6:38 pm

Don't you love how sneaky those excuses can be? Always in disguise. And the smarter you are, the easier it is to rationalize and justify and convince yourself your excuses are, in fact, reasons. So we are all brilliant around here! But seriously, I did read that somewhere.

Good luck with your students - mine start up again in two more weeks. I've missed them this summer! I hope they all come back....
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