Just wondering......

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Just wondering......

Postby swedishgirl » February 14th, 2004, 10:35 am

Hi everyone-
I really enjoy reading all the posts-it's nice to read the encourging words and honesty displayed here. I have been on the program since January 2nd and have lost 42 pounds. There are times when I feel hungry, tired and have fears about what happens when I lose the weight I need to (about 90+ more pounds) but I find if I keep focusing on "one day at a time", I can keep going. Don't misunderstand, I am feeling so much better, physically and mentally, but I haven't experienced the "increased energy" yet. Some Saturdays I find myself having to rest a lot. Are there any of you out there with the same problem? Also, the most annoying thing I've experienced is the ongoing, sickly-sweet saliva I have now. :cry: I know about the bad-breath one can experience while in ketosis, but does anyone else have the sweet saliva problem? Is there a reason or a solution? :?: Thanks for your imput.
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Postby butterpecan » February 14th, 2004, 10:44 am

WOW, jsut want to say CONGRATS on the weight loss that is AWESOME, I have been a little discouraged on the program because i have only lost 10lbs in 20days but u keep up the good work, and as for the saliva problem i havent had that so i cant offer any advice.
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Postby susan » February 14th, 2004, 11:52 am

hi ssweishgirl,
you are doing wonderful 42# is great. I have been on program 3 months and have lost 48# i am hanging in there because it does work i may not lose as fast as others do but every ones body is differnt and i am lsing so thats what counts.
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Postby Lois » February 14th, 2004, 4:05 pm


CONGRATS on your wonderful weight loss 8)

I get the sweet saliva thing, too....I think it's from the sugar free drinks I consume that have artficial sweetner in them.

Besides brushing my teeth several times a day, I also (gently!) scrape my tongue. You can get a stainless steel "tongue scraper" at a natural food store, or simply use the side of a spoon.

It works!


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Postby finalstraw » February 15th, 2004, 8:47 am

I still have days when I feel blah days, and I still find it very difficult, but I am losing weight which keeps me going.

I hope you get some very good info to that I can use also. :D

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Postby elle4nelly » February 16th, 2004, 10:34 am

Hang in there!

I fought I was dying of cancer of some Fatigue disease the first 2 weeks. I was so exhausted, All I could do is sleep. I even called in sick one day and slept a whole day!!!!!!!!!!!! i would set the alarm every 2.5 hours to go fix a shake. Would sleep walk(in the middle of the day) to the kitchen, fix a shake and go right back to sleep. Luckily the next day was a saturday and I repeated the sleep and shake thing. I was simply way too beat to do anything!!!!!!!!! I really thought maybe I'm dying here!! And by that Sunday...my body felt better....and the energy pick up by end of 3rd week. Also I dropped 14lbs week one. I think that weight loss was way toooooooo drastic! Second week I dropped only 3lbs and plateaud week 3??? Wrote to Nancy complaining and all....then 3 days after week 3 weigh-in 5 lbs came sliding off for a total of 22lbs in 3 1/2 week. The point here is keep going at it. Don't stray and eventually your body get better and starts to work with you. It does its own thing for a while. The bad breath part I had also. But went to dentist for a thorough cleaning and it's gone so far! I'm sure it will return! But it's such a small price to pay for me...considering that no other diet can do that...even Atkins failed to produce enough weight loss for me to stay on it. I even got GOUT pain on atkins....And that really wasn't worth it! I'll take dry hair/skin and bad breath please. The fatigue is the only thing I won't put up with. So sleeping for 2 days plus taking 2000 mg of B12 vitamins helps me a whole lot. I still crash every now and then but not as bad as before!
Just hang in there....If the fatigue gets to be too much..see if you can get either B12 shots or get a really high quality brand of B12...That might really help.

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Postby Maisie » February 16th, 2004, 11:37 am

I was wondering if it was strange to be sleepy so much of the time. My coffee doesn't even do the job. I wonder if the detox from everything just wears us down for a while. Right now it's 1:35 in the afternoon. I got up around 7:15 and I could go to sleep right now.

Awesome weight losses.

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