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Postby shineface » September 15th, 2004, 6:45 am

Morning Gang--

As mentioned in my post yesterday - I decided an accountability thread wasn't a bad idea afterall - I know I need it!!!

SO here's the deal yesterday was my first re-start "clean" day back on my modified plan - the MF modified - not the Pam-maintain program.

TOUGH DAY --- I've gotten into some bad habits these last few months and although I had been maintaining - I had a friend here for ten days - very old, dear friend now lives in SD and MYGOD I didn't really think I was going that far off Maintaining but lo and behold, the new 8 pounds I added certainly didn't fall off the wall and happen to hit me. Liquid- maybe - but oh, let's see, what about the lobster and BUTTER and CHEESE and those fruity drinks and those beers and half & half in my coffee yadda, yadda, yadda - WHY??? Because it was there and I decided I was sending summer out with a BANG ---- unfortunately, this is a classic example of my OLD habits - no balance!!!! Thankfully, this is not my new way of living day to day BUT what will be my next excuse --- NO NO NO NO NO - it is not worth it.... just to be one of the crowd? I AM NOT ONE OF THE CROWD - very few people are looking at the block of cheese and thinking that eating it all would probably be better than --- well, use your imaginations. I am a Foodie and I will always be a Foodie and while I am learning how to keep a lid on it, I am clearly just one bite away - always. I like the new me - I am happier with the new me - 75 pounds - never thought I'd do it but with MF and this forum I did and I will continue to live my life with a totally heightened sense of awareness.... sure, drinking with friends is a way for me to relax, get my guard down and allow myself to be a little more outgoing than I would be normally....HOWEVER, having those cocktails will also surely get me into a plate of nachos or something else because it relaxes all of my defenses!!! My biggest isolator is food - SO if I just lose the resulting fat I might not feel the need for the "drink relaxation" on my personality BECAUSE I will feel comfortable with how I look and who I am and JUST BE ME without the stimulation and potential for sabotage! Gee, being here is helping me already... but yesterday was tough ---- but I did it and I pray for the strength to do it again today. God help me and protect me from ME.

Thanks for listening - I'm sure there will be more later!~!!

Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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Postby Jeanette » September 15th, 2004, 7:17 am

Hey Pam! I know what you mean by food being an "isolator". Living away from family and friends now, it is harder to NOT have pity parties and want to binge! I did that for the first couple of weeks I was here, but I realized all it was doing for me was isolating myself further! So......today is Day 3 of my "Do-over", and I am so proud of myself!! I have had two perfect days in a row.

Remember Pam, you didn't lose the first 75 by being a slacker!! YYou can finish the job, just like I am!
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Postby elle4nelly » September 15th, 2004, 1:44 pm

Pam!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I am soooooooooo happy to see you're back! Welcome back Pam!
Oh I know how you feel. Trust me! I went through ups and down, off and on Medifast for months. But now, I'm back on for Good.
It is tough Pam, but I know you'll have the determination you need to succeed. You've come such a long way already. So I know you'll succeed!

Again Pam, welcome back..... We can all make it, one day at a time and one shake at a time.

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Postby Lois » September 15th, 2004, 3:47 pm

Welcome back, Pam 8)

As you know, it'll get easier as you dig in and get started. Posting every day has helped me SOOoooo much.

You can do this :heart:

hugs :hug:

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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » September 15th, 2004, 4:21 pm

Pam, this thread just reinterates to me how I must really watch it when I've reached my goal to not overdo it. I use food as a celebration and as a comfort - what a double edged sword - instead of just fuel. I don't think I'll ever stop using food as a celebration - that's what Hawaii is mostly about when it comes to get togethers, however, it's using it as a comfort that I will try to stop. I'll have to adopt the Aritstotilian philosphy of moderation when it comes to get togethers, and making the right choices. Man, I've got some work to do even after I reach my goal! By the time I'm 85 they'll probably have developed that 'magic weight pill'. It's just my fate is to do it the hard way with diet and exercise.

Too bad I can't have some cheese with this whine, ;)
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Postby SusannaRosannaDanna » September 15th, 2004, 8:14 pm

I'm very proud of ALL of you ladies! If you weren't brave enough to post about your struggles, I might think I was all alone! LOL I'd hate to have to go befriend myself with a cheesecake, right?

I get a lot of inspiration from the members of this forum, and I enjoy reading about victory, but can always relate to the occasional defeat. I appreciate all of you and have full confidence that you can get WHEREVER you wish to go!

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Postby shineface » September 16th, 2004, 6:55 pm

Evening eveyone-

Day three and I am almost through it---I have handled it by staying in today - watching movies, reading (lots on Forum) and trying not to think about my headache and clear withdrawal from sugar and all of the other crap in my system. But I am doing it - I will do it - no other option.

This is day three - I know from the past it takes a daily commitment but I will do the first four or five days and it will then get better..... God help me.


Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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Postby DutchChoc » September 16th, 2004, 8:39 pm

Hey, shineface! I'm glad to meet 'ya. I was doing only lurking in the months of April/May/June and I always liked your posts. I was also very inspired when you talked about making all the goodies for the Inn and still sticking on plan. I probably thought, then, that I couldn't do that, but after these 60 days I can see how it's possible to do almost anything!!!

Congrats on making it through the harder start-up phase again. You know the perils of what's on the side of the path as well as I do, now, so hopefully we'll both be clever enough to watch ourselves and avoid the first, second, etc, etc unruly temptation.

Keep doing whatever it takes because doing this is better than being a sad foodie :( I'm sure there's a balance somewhere because others have found it, but at the moment, this is the only protection I feel that I know about and can be certain about. Take care!
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Postby TamiL » September 16th, 2004, 9:03 pm

SOOOOO good to hear from ya!! Ive been a "lurker" here latley..I read the forum daily..but dont post half as much as I used to.. :roll: .and every day I say Im going to try and reply/post like I did in the beginning... :?
the Beginning...those early stages of Medifast when I NEVER thought of "having a nibble of this or that"....Ive had a heck of a struggle getting on track and staying on track...but so far so good!! with the winter around the corner...I believe this is going to be easier for me, Ill be at home more..with my MEDIFAST soups and HOT COCOA!! ;)
we can do this...all of us...
I know its been a struggle for alot of us latley..we have had some detours from Thinville..but we are now back on board...full speed ahead!!

:D Tami

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Postby shineface » September 17th, 2004, 7:32 pm

Hi Gang---

Here I am wrapping up Day 4. Thank God. I am so happy that there are so many posts to look back on so that I know this too shall pass.

Going into day 5 I know I am jumping a hurdle. There is so much to be thankful for tonight.

I am so grateful for everyone on this forum, so happy for all of this information and so much for the support and a place to get things off of my chest that I will NOT eat over today!!!!

Thanks Guys!

Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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Postby shineface » September 17th, 2004, 7:33 pm



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Postby DutchChoc » September 17th, 2004, 8:03 pm

On to day #5, then. The coast is clear, and there's no stopping you now. Glad you're feeling food about things tonight. It really IS like a load off one's mind to be securely partaking of a good thing.

Will look forward to hearing news tomorrow. ;)
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Postby shineface » September 18th, 2004, 4:49 pm

Hi All You M-F'ers----

Day 5 and I'm still alive -------why oh why does it seem harder this time? I am being to the letter but I gotta admit it ain't been easy!!!

Right now I have a room full of guests feeling all full and cozy after their dinner whining for their nighty nite snack --- SO TIME TO BAKE THE FLIPPIN' COOKIES----- this never bothered me the first time around - seems to now!!!!! I just ordered some of the Fr Vanilla Ready SHakes that are on sale -- I've been using the Chocolate - which by the way don't seem to fill me up as much as the powder mixed --- anyone ever do anything to make the ready shakes a little more substantial - rip open and pop in the blender with ice??? Still work ok ya think??? It's just adding more water - right? Could use some advice on this one because seeing that the ready to drinks are cheaper right now than the powder I stocked up ------

I've gone back and read my journal from the early days and realized my commitment and desire to lose weight was at an all time high when I started this program last January --- I realize that feeling hasn't changed I want more health and more feeling better and more confidence and more compliments and smaller jeans and higher boots and a sexier bra and... uh-oh - sorry I got carried away but you guys get the idea!

Thanks for being here guys - time to make the COOKIES----

Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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Postby DutchChoc » September 18th, 2004, 6:34 pm

Oh, Pam. I just bought a new bra that looked good to me and my DEAR significant other said it looks like a training bra. He's a brat when it comes to stuff like this. HOWEVER, I like the way it looks and having no chest is fine with me, honest@@!! :shock: To be even more disturbing, I wore a halter sundress that I made when I went out today -- I thought it looked pretty good, but I did notice that it was rather flat AND the darts were around my armpits instead of where they probably should've been, if you get what I'm saying. Well, enough of my weight loss showing.

I'm interested in what you said about the shakes, because I have 108 of those puppies and I haven't tried one yet. I really DID think of asking if they were the same as the mix + water, but I thought someone, or maybe everyone, would think that was a dumb question. I do like the powder quite well, but I was intrigued by the cost of $1.25 too. I'm planning to use them for work, or I was, but if I notice what you noticed, I suspect I'll be taking at least one pack of powder and water there, too.

Sorry you have to deal with the baking. "Maybe" it will get easier. As long as the times accumulates between you and a taste of it, it will probably grow more remote in your mind. Handling food like that doesn't bother me much and I treat it pretty much like nuclear material -- I DO NOT want to have a nuclear accident with it getting on me or in my mouth.

You have a great sense of humor. Take care!! ;)
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Postby Nancy » September 18th, 2004, 8:34 pm


Hmmm...if you are hungry with the RTDs, have an extra shake. You are just on Day 5 and that may be part of the issue - just still withdrawing from that four letter word: food! Like you, I think the powder packets fill ya up better, especially when prepared in a blender, whipped up and whirled around with ice cubes.

I freeze the RTDs for taking along on day trips to keep them frosty and cool. I have cut the top off the box, pretended it was ice cream and ate it with a spoon!
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