Thanks so much for the input and suggestions--- hmmmm eating them like ice cream - that certainly bears trying!
DC - the truth is the more weight I lose the flatter I get and ya know what - that will be just fine because right now I've got fat going not true body parts - if ya get my drift!
BTW - not to by any means down the RTD shakes - they're wonderful -- and Nancy is right the first few days I probably do require a little more in my stomache to feel full! Actually, this morning I cracked open a choc. RTD put it in the blender with 10 oz of water, ice cubes and banana flavor syrup -- not bad!!!! Certainly more substantial!!!!
Thanks guys - more later!!!

Today is the start of day 6 and I wanted to get in on the roll call -- I'm down 8 pounds - yes folks, thanks to you all and MF I am back to exact pre-cruise weight ---- Let the games begin - I've regained my position as I go into Phase 2.