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Postby lilmamCece » April 3rd, 2006, 8:13 am

I recieved my order on Saturday. I started today. it seems okay. Are there any yips on flavoring the food. I ate the maple oatmeal this morning. I thougt I was going to puke :puke: . Any tips for each food or drink would be appreciated.
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Postby Pashta » April 3rd, 2006, 8:53 am

Wow the oatmeal is my favorite! Maybe you didn't put enough water or put too much? You can always add a packet of Splenda to it if that'll help. Check out the "Lean Cuisine" section of the forum for cool little recipes. :)
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Postby Nicki » April 3rd, 2006, 9:04 am

I had much the same reaction when oatmeal was the first thing I tried, so don't get discouraged! Like Pashta suggested, you can add Splenda and there really are loads of suggestions in the Lean Cuisine section of the forum. Also, lots of people use sugar free syrups like DaVinci or Torani to add some flavor to shakes and other things. They come in a lot of different flavors, so you can really get a lot of variety if you find they help you. I use the syrup in each of my shakes and I love 'em!
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Postby just_julie » April 3rd, 2006, 9:47 am

Me too. HATED the maple oatmeal my first day, and I LOVE oatmeal. Day 2 I added one Splenda packet, cinnamon and nutmeg. I LOVE it now. Also try the oatmeal cookies when you just can't face the consistency. Add a little extra water to the cookie recipe, and you have pancakes.

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Postby lilmamCece » April 3rd, 2006, 10:41 am

Thank you so much, I was gettign worried. :D
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Postby bzlife1967 » April 3rd, 2006, 11:26 am

:lol: No worries, the food gets better and better tasting to you as you go along. I remember my first bar, thinking I was biting into a vitamin bar... now I love them. My oldest son got a whif of the Mint chocolate bar and wanted a taste.... big mistake, he had to have one of his own!! He loved it. Think Im gonna have to put my bars in an steel locked safe.... and hide in the closet when I eat em so I don't have to share!! Welcome to the forum you will find EVERYONE so friendly and helpful... Make sure to check out the lean cuisine section too, lots of yummy idea's there. Extracts are great for flavoring too.

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Postby Arklahoma » April 3rd, 2006, 3:39 pm

lilmamCece ... Sometimes, it's just a consistency issue. I always have to add extra water to almost every MF product. If not, the oatmeal is just to thick. Best of luck!
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