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Just started...Welcome to Me!

Postby mtomto » March 5th, 2006, 7:58 am

Just started this a.m. on the 5/1 L&G. Long way to go but I am jacked. I recently turned 45 and realized I had my dad's body..too much around the middle. So I go to a Lipo Dissolve Dr. here and they first intro me to MF to take off 40 to 50 beofre considering. My research and goals amke MF to be the perfect fit.

Oh I'll struggle here and there, but won't have setbacks, I do have willpower. It's great there is a forum to visit, which makes this more exciting and to be looked forward to.

I have questions that hopefully you can help with:

1) the RN told me losing 30 in the first month will be fairly easy for (a man) as men have a faster loss. This is good news, but have other fellows experienced this? That will be life changing for me.

2) Should the shake you consume be exactly 8oz.? I mixed up 4 packets this morning with 8 ice cubes and 4 8oz. glasses of water, and the yield was just over 40 oz. versus 32. So is it okay that my first 4 shakes are about 10oz.?

3) Shake consistentcy. What should it be like after blending? I ended up with a more liquid like shake than something slightly rich/thick. Not bad tasting though so I am encouraged!

I'll be back later today to hopefully get your feeback and to begin participating. This is going to be quite a ride! Good luck to all!
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Welcome from a newbie

Postby bzlife1967 » March 5th, 2006, 9:28 am

Hi there, I started one day before you so I am a newbie too :lol: Ya, you men always seem to lose faster ... so NOT fair! I just found this websight last night and have been looking at past posts. You will find a bunch of great ideas in the lean cuisine forum. I have to say that adding the davinci syrups to your shakes is a MUST!! I just got some at walmart last night and omg what a difference, so yummmy!! Good Luck and welcome.

:D Keep shaking, - Geri
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Postby Ginabobina1969 » March 5th, 2006, 11:01 am

Image to the group!

I can't answer any questions for the male counterparts of we losers :lol: but I have noticed they do tend to have much more rapid weight loss. (womens bodies seem to want to hang onto every curve, even if it didn't "come with the original product") lol

You have a great attitude and I am sure you will be very pleased with the your success.

As for the shakes. I dont think it matters how much water you add to them..as far as I know the 6-8 oz is a reccomendation. I am sure a health advisor or someone with more mf experience will come along soon and fill ya in.

You can do it!

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Postby Jan » March 5th, 2006, 1:59 pm

You are right -- men do lose much faster than women. :D But, utimately it's an individual thing. Our bodies part with the pounds at their own rate. Remember too that weight loss is not linear. Some weeks we lose more -- some weeks we lose less. But, you will lose. Just be very very compliant and drink your water.
10 oz shakes are fine. If you let them sit a bit in the fridge they will thicken up and the flavor intensify. I really love them.
Look thru the "lean cuisine" section here on the forum and you'll find a lot of ideas of how to flavor things up a bit.
Keep posting -- everyone is willing to help you along your way.
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