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Postby angelgirl » April 1st, 2006, 9:51 am

Today is the start of Day 2 for me. Yesterday was awful. I get really bad migraines regularly and got one yesterday at the movies. I brought my shake with to have at the movies but noticed almost insantly after drinking it that I felt nausous. How can I have a lactose intolerance if i have had no previous problem with dairy?? I got home at midnight and was going to have some oatmeal to try and settle my stomach but felt to sick. I took some pepto chewables and went to bed.I also have a question. I work 3rd shift Sunday thru Thurs. and wonder how to eat my supplements on Sun? Is it okay to eat my days worth then take a two hour nap and start again at midnight? Any 3rd shifters out there???
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Postby Tiolazz » April 1st, 2006, 10:27 am

Today is my day two also.... and yesterday was bad for me also. I too get migraines and had one by yesterday afternoon, but took my imitrix and presto it was gone...

today has been much better, although I do feel a little dizzy and light headed... my husband says that it is normal , (not for the diet but for me) lol

hang in there, I dont know about your ? about the shifts, but know that anybody can do anything for three days, and they say it is much better after that...

so lets do it....
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Postby angelgirl » April 1st, 2006, 10:40 am

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I to took a Imitrex at the start of my migraine and it got better but the feeling of nausea didn't. I'm going to go and get some lactaid though and see if it helps. My question about Sunday nights is because I don't want to take in too many calories on that day because I will be up all day then all night.
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Postby Shana » April 1st, 2006, 10:57 am

I haven't started yet as I'm still waiting for the UPS man to find me & give me a great big box of goodies, but I wanted to address your question about Sunday - my thinking is that the calories will average out since 48 hours is still 48 hours, no matter how you break it up, but I'm sure some of the more Medifast knowledgable types can give you more concrete information.
The one concern I might have is not getting enough sleep if you just take a 2 hour nap before going to work on Sunday? My understanding is that sleep is a pretty important component to weight loss, and I've read several posts that seem to stress getting enough sleep.
I hope your nausea is subsiding!

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Postby loriannk » April 1st, 2006, 11:32 am


Sorry to hear your first few days are rough. I too had headaches. My health advisor told me to eat some salt. So I ate a cucumber with lots of salt. I also took some meds and it went away. It took about 5 days before I started to feel great like I still do now. No headaches, no cravings. Life is good.

Sorry I can't help you with your 3rd shift question.


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Postby angelgirl » April 1st, 2006, 11:42 am

thanks for the replies. As far as the sleep thing goes, it's pretty regular for me to not get much sleep on Sunday but I am a single mom with a 11 year old and a 2 year old and the weekends is the only time I get to spend quality time with them. I get more sleep during the week. 3rd shift sucks but I do what I have to... know what i mean. I don't expect the headaches to completely go away. I suffer from migraines and have ever sice i've been on 3rd. It takes 10 years to get on 1st with the company I work for and i've only got 4 and 1/2 years in so... such is life.
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Postby Pashta » April 1st, 2006, 12:23 pm

Hmm, if you've had the migraines since you've been on third shift it is probably stemming from your lack of sleep. :(

Sleep is very important to our health, and lack of sleep is a major contributor to weight gain and over-eating.

The first three days on Medifast are rather rough, I would guess really rough if you are used to over-eating and mostly :twisted: junk. Once past that start though, you are NOT hungry anymore and you feel great! You see the scale move DOWN too!!

The taste of the Medifast may be a little weird at first but after a few days (again with the few days) you are used to it and it tastes good. :)

Don't give up! You can do it!!

- Tonia

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Postby sheila » April 1st, 2006, 1:21 pm

Hi Ladies. I know it is rough at 1st, learning what you like and dont like can be trying in the beginning. I have been on the program for almost 2 months and have lost 30 lbs. It will get easier, if you just hang in there. Remember, andything that is really worth anything to us is worth the fight. Once you see those numbers on the scale start moving... that is all the motivation you will need. I know we all can do this. Not only have we all invested quite alot of money in this program, we have also made an investment in "ourselves". And that is worth way more than 275.00!!! Think of how much energy you will all have after losing some of the extra lbs...and how healthy you will be...that is Priceless! And don't we all owe that to ourselves to strive for the best? We all deserve that!!!
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Postby Nancy » April 1st, 2006, 1:41 pm

Dear AngelGirl ~

You do have quite a situation going on there! First, I say “Thanks” for doing what you need to do to provide time with your precious children.

Headaches are common for people, usually on days two and three and then they are just about totally gone. A cup of Medifast Fast Soup would be my first suggestion to use during the first week and also when a person exercises. If you don’t have Fast Soup, then use bouillon. The cuke with salt works, too! Make sure you are getting enough water – Medifast is dehydrating and we need the additional water to keep headaches away. If you drink coffee or caffeinated tea, caffeine is also dehydrating. You need an extra cup of water to replace the water that’s going out.

You mention that you wonder if you are lactose intolerant. A sign of a problem with lactose is a gurgly stomach and or diarrhea within a few minutes – twenty minutes after having a shake. If it is an issue with Lactose, then use some Pepcid.

We have some products that are considered to be “lactose-free” because they contain less than .5 grams of lactose and we have others that are labeled “low lactose” with less than 1 gram of lactose.

Generally for people who are known to be lactose intolerant, we suggest that they try the Medifast 70. If they are able to tolerate that, great! Most people with lactose intolerance can use the Medifast RTDs (Ready to Drinks).

If you have stomach cramps, gurgling, nausea and/or the dreaded DD (Diarrhea Dash) or even worse, random acts of poopage shortly after you have a shake or a packet, it is most likely a result of lactose intolerance (esp. if nausea is involved).

To control these symptoms, taking a lactose enzyme for two to three week along with each Medifast shake or Medifast packet may help you so you can stay on the program and stay out of the bathroom all day.

Often when I know that a person is lactose intolerant, I have them use 1-3 regular-strength (not ultra or extra-strength) Lactaid™ tablets with each of their shake/packets for 10 days or up to several weeks. Most people are able to tolerate the Medifast 70 and the Ready to Drink shakes very well.

We can take one to three regular strength Lactaid™ tablets with each packet; you may need to experiment with the dosage to suit your tummy. If you do well with two and then drop back to one and do the Diarrhea Dash again, then go back to two tablets. Some lactose intolerant people use Lactaid ™ for their whole program; others are able to wean themselves off after a week or two and then go without any more tablets.

Some products may be best to avoid like the Creamy Soups (Creamy Tomato or Creamy Chix Soup – although some lactose intolerant people can use the Creamy Broccoli with no symptoms), and Hot Cocoa.

Consider using the RTDs or the Medifast 70 shakes, as it has less dairy.

Re: sleep.

Ideally we need to be under the sheets for at least 8 hours a night.

Reality: many of us are not snoring that long.

You need to do what you need to do.

If that means you get a two hour nap between shifts and then go back to work, that’s the way you have to do it for now. Get as much rest as you are able, our body needs to rejuvenate itself.

I’m not so sure I understand the issue of your three shifts…I have blessed and never had to do that.

Is this what you are saying:

Nappage for two hours
Nappage for two hours

I may not have it quite right here but anyway, you are working for a very long period of time with very little rest. It is important that you eat every two - three hours. Are you physically active or is your job sedentary? If you are up and working for 21 hours at a stretch, then you most likely need more packets to keep you going. Do not skip packets; you need more food not less if you are awake for such a long time.
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Postby Arklahoma » April 1st, 2006, 3:17 pm

AngelGirl ... I work nights three days per week and am home the other four nights. I try to keep my sleep cycle the same but it usually doesn't happen. B/c my sleep cycle varies so widely (some days 12 hours and some days 2) I had to come up with a schedule for me. What I did was choose a time of the day for breakfast since that could be at any given time for me. On the days I go to work, I usually get up around 4:30pm and then I usually go to bed at 8am so I decided that 4:30pm is my breakfast or morning time. So even on my days off and no matter when I'm sleeping, my new MF day begins every day at 4:30pm

Please feel free to contact me if I've not addressed your question properly. Working nights can be crazy and I'm willing to help out as much as I can.
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Postby Diana » April 1st, 2006, 3:50 pm

Angel, Welcome!! and hang in there!!

I can't address the sleep, but I can address the migraines and the nausea.

Nausea can also be a symptom of the migraine, and it can result from some of the medicines we take for it. I get nasty ones, too (movies!!! yikes!! major trigger for me --wear sunglasses and don't watch the flashy, jiggly parts)

A cup of boullion and some (don't laugh) Tylenol are my first defense the MOMENT I have any inkling. (Sometimes I don't have the advantage of an aura to forewarn that one's coming, so if I simply feel out of sorts, I go into action. Half an hour later, if there's no improvement, I go for a cup of coffee. Half hour after that, I go for the big guns.

Day 1 was difficult, but no migraine. Day 2, migraine aborted. Day 3 and half of Day 4, I was completely flattened!! Commode hugging sick and took 5 doses of Imitrex and 4 doses of Fioracet throughout the event as allowed per my doctor's prescription. There are just some times when a migraine is bound to happen and there's nothing to do but go to bed 'til it's over.

I'm on Day 16, and I've been through several events that are usually huge migraine triggers for me (traveling, storms, TOM), and not ONCE was I flattened!! Mind you, I've had migraines since I was a child and have 8 pages of triggers. BUT the ones that have tried to start have been completely aborted before they took me down for the count.

Most importantly, find out what your triggers are so you can adjust for them. There are several good books on migraines these days. There are also supplements (non-MF) that have helped me. I take MigraHealth (available at Walgreens and larger grocery stores) -- it's a combination of Riboflavin (B2), Magnesium, and Feverfew (an herb). Talk to your health provider and see if there's some kind of headache clinic to which you can be refered. They may be able to help you with management issues.

Hang in there! We're all rootin' for ya!!
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Postby angelgirl » April 1st, 2006, 4:52 pm

First of all I would like to say thanks to Arklahoma for trying to help. My schedule is as follows: I work from 11:00pm to 7am Sun. thru Thurs. I sleep Mon - Thurs. from 10:00am to 5:00pm then my weekend starts on Fri. so I only sleep till 3:00pm because I sleep nights on Friday and Saturday nights. My question is, I am usually up by 9:00am on Sunday morning so I will be eating my days worth of MF meals then I take a 2 hour nap from 8:00pm till 10:00pm then my work night starts . I will be consuming most of my meals during the week and switching for the weekends but it just seems that I will be eating a lot on Sunday. As for Diana thanks for the advice but I do go to a Comprehensive Headache Center for about four months now and so for they haven't been as frequent but still a pain. The really bad ones have me in bed also. I usually get a migraine about twice a week. Just trying to hang in there. I figure a MF headache can be no worse than a migraine but the other symptoms are kind of a drag. I just went and bought some pepcid and some Lactaid so we'll see. Take care Everyone. :bahhumbug:
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Postby falisamarie » April 1st, 2006, 7:19 pm

I am not sure that this is what you are looking for but I believe that what you need to do is simply eat every 2.5 to 3 hrs while you are awake. This will keep your metabolism going. For instance if you wake up and have your first supplement at 9:00am on Sunday then have one at 1pm then one at 4pm and one at 7pm take your nap and when you wake up just start over having your supplements every 3 hrs while you are awake. Not only will this keep your metabolism steady but also will help you avoid hunger which could lead to....well you know.

I have seen this addressed before here by someone who had to worka double shift and this is the advice that they were given.

I hope this helps.

As for the migraines..been there done that and all I can say isImage

All the best

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Postby angelgirl » April 1st, 2006, 11:05 pm

It is midnighht and I just finished day 2....whew! 1 to 2 more days and hopefully I got this in the bag. Pepcid and Lactaid both helped. Thanks again everyone. All the support is making this a lot easier to go through.
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Postby Pashta » April 1st, 2006, 11:31 pm

So glad to hear that, angel. :)

- Tonia

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