by Nancy » April 1st, 2006, 1:41 pm
Dear AngelGirl ~
You do have quite a situation going on there! First, I say “Thanks” for doing what you need to do to provide time with your precious children.
Headaches are common for people, usually on days two and three and then they are just about totally gone. A cup of Medifast Fast Soup would be my first suggestion to use during the first week and also when a person exercises. If you don’t have Fast Soup, then use bouillon. The cuke with salt works, too! Make sure you are getting enough water – Medifast is dehydrating and we need the additional water to keep headaches away. If you drink coffee or caffeinated tea, caffeine is also dehydrating. You need an extra cup of water to replace the water that’s going out.
You mention that you wonder if you are lactose intolerant. A sign of a problem with lactose is a gurgly stomach and or diarrhea within a few minutes – twenty minutes after having a shake. If it is an issue with Lactose, then use some Pepcid.
We have some products that are considered to be “lactose-free” because they contain less than .5 grams of lactose and we have others that are labeled “low lactose” with less than 1 gram of lactose.
Generally for people who are known to be lactose intolerant, we suggest that they try the Medifast 70. If they are able to tolerate that, great! Most people with lactose intolerance can use the Medifast RTDs (Ready to Drinks).
If you have stomach cramps, gurgling, nausea and/or the dreaded DD (Diarrhea Dash) or even worse, random acts of poopage shortly after you have a shake or a packet, it is most likely a result of lactose intolerance (esp. if nausea is involved).
To control these symptoms, taking a lactose enzyme for two to three week along with each Medifast shake or Medifast packet may help you so you can stay on the program and stay out of the bathroom all day.
Often when I know that a person is lactose intolerant, I have them use 1-3 regular-strength (not ultra or extra-strength) Lactaid™ tablets with each of their shake/packets for 10 days or up to several weeks. Most people are able to tolerate the Medifast 70 and the Ready to Drink shakes very well.
We can take one to three regular strength Lactaid™ tablets with each packet; you may need to experiment with the dosage to suit your tummy. If you do well with two and then drop back to one and do the Diarrhea Dash again, then go back to two tablets. Some lactose intolerant people use Lactaid ™ for their whole program; others are able to wean themselves off after a week or two and then go without any more tablets.
Some products may be best to avoid like the Creamy Soups (Creamy Tomato or Creamy Chix Soup – although some lactose intolerant people can use the Creamy Broccoli with no symptoms), and Hot Cocoa.
Consider using the RTDs or the Medifast 70 shakes, as it has less dairy.
Re: sleep.
Ideally we need to be under the sheets for at least 8 hours a night.
Reality: many of us are not snoring that long.
You need to do what you need to do.
If that means you get a two hour nap between shifts and then go back to work, that’s the way you have to do it for now. Get as much rest as you are able, our body needs to rejuvenate itself.
I’m not so sure I understand the issue of your three shifts…I have blessed and never had to do that.
Is this what you are saying:
Nappage for two hours
Nappage for two hours
I may not have it quite right here but anyway, you are working for a very long period of time with very little rest. It is important that you eat every two - three hours. Are you physically active or is your job sedentary? If you are up and working for 21 hours at a stretch, then you most likely need more packets to keep you going. Do not skip packets; you need more food not less if you are awake for such a long time.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit