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Postby getting2goal » January 11th, 2007, 1:33 pm

Welcome Gavin~~ It is great to be taking this journey with you. Just give a shout if you need anything and someone will be here to help you along.

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Postby sydney_gavin » January 11th, 2007, 3:53 pm

Hi Lisa,

Thanks for the support - I see you are starting off as well - we can certainly walk this journey together - I'm chomping at the bit waiting for my Medifast delivery - hope it won't be too long to get started hehehehe

Kind regards



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Postby Nancy » January 13th, 2007, 7:53 pm

:byebye: Gavin ~

You are a delight to know. Your goals are well defined and we know they will help to keep you moving forward. June will bring a thinner healthier you.

When overweight people bring their weight within healthier ranges, life expectancy is increased. :secret: We hope you and your bride of 12 years have many more celebrations to share with one another. You will look smart in your birthday and wedding photos. :shades:

Thanks for doing the math conversions for me. :lol: I am rusty. Guess you’ll be drinking water by the liters. :water:

You are an interesting addition to the MakeMeThinner Forum. It reminds us that people around the globe have the same foody issues as us.

After I reached a healthy weight, we met a new neighbor. He is a physician from China doing research into diabetes. He told me there is an increase in the number of diabetics in China due to the gradual changes in processed food availability, declining activity level – more people are sedentary, as their income has increased and transportation options changed.

It :shock: shocked me – I guess I rather :scratchhead: imagined using chopsticks would slow the speed at which folks :eat: shoveled in food. We struggle with limiting processed foods that contain increased fat and calories.

:scratch: Why is it it is not so challenging for me to decrease my caloric expenditure? Give me chopsticks when it comes to eating bread, rice/pasta, cookies, candy and cake and give me a huge forkful of broccoli and zuccini! :yes:
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Postby sydney_gavin » January 13th, 2007, 8:22 pm

Hi nancy,

Thanks for the great post - it was very interesting because on Friday my brother-in-law was diagnosed with diabetes - he is only 35 and doesn't eat that much processed food - although he is very keen on instant noodles swimming in chilli. It is not a bad case yet but it is a mystery why this happened to him so young - he isn't overweight - maybe a pound or two but not what anyone would call overweight.

We are working out a diet for him now - which he is just going to love hehehehe - and this morning I went and bought im a new bike so we can ride our bikes together each day.

I know a umber of people in China with diabetes but generally they are older people so I guess this is something I am about to learn about in a big way.

I just realised my pounds and kgs didn't match on my two tickers - I must've have entered it wrong. So, instead of dropping the pounds I upped the kgs hehehehe - just a little bit more incentive to work harder.

Hmmm.... - gotta go and call my Marine friend and see if my MF has arrived.

Kind regards



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Postby Nancy » January 13th, 2007, 9:02 pm

Gavin ~

I am sorry to hear about your brother's diagnosis. The Diabetes for Dummies book helped my family understand ways to appropriately deal with my Daddy’s diabetes.

I appreciate you for your desire to help your brother. The good news is we can manage diabetes when we make the necessary lifestyle changes. You two will have fun as you tone, trim and transform your bodies together.
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