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Just Posting

Postby Guest » May 7th, 2004, 4:31 am

Hi guys and gals..just posting as I close in on the end of week 4....It will be on Monday and I just want to give my comments and opinions for anyone who wants to read.

I have not been hungry at all just bored of the same ritual and not being able to go out to eat is a bummer...Yep you guessed it I have not gone out to eat in nearly 4 weeks..this is from someone who used to eat out 2 or 3 times a week with my hubby. He has been a super hero for me. Has been cleaning out our freeezer eating whatever he has to get rid of. We are also in the midst of gutting and remodelling our kitchen and it has been great for me keeping me busy and not having to cook. Hubby has to use the microwave for any meals :lol: :cry:

I am going out to eat a meal for mothers day. i choose a restaurant that does not have a buffet. Most of the restaurants are offereing buffets. :goteam: I have the menu ahead of time to kow exactly what I am going to order....fish, veggies and salad and that day I will be doing a 5 and 1... I have been doing the full fast up to now with great success.

well everyone have a great and wonderful MOTHERS DAYS and tell someone you love them :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Postby Unca_Tim » May 7th, 2004, 7:38 am

Hi Marge,
Congrats on your success. You're gonna do it!

I must add a little comment here though. I by in NO means want to spoil your Mother's day celebration. I'm sure you deserve a treat, BUT, you should read up on transitioning from the full fast back to regular food. You "may" be fine having a reasonable lean/green meal. Then again, you "may" be spending Mother's day in that little room down the hall. You know the one two doors on the right?

Ask Mikey about his little episode with his first encounter with real food after fasting.

Take it slow and easy and see how you feel.

Happy M's Day..
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Postby Landylue » May 7th, 2004, 5:40 pm

I know what you mean, Marge. I haven't eaten out (or IN, come to think about it) in about 10 weeks. We used to eat out several times a week, also. Everything in our society is so centered around food, that it takes real effort to think of something to do without including eating.

So, after church for my Mother's Day we are taking our kayaks and heading toward the Brazos River. I can actually get my rear end down in mine again! Anyway, there's been a lot of rain lately, so hopefully there will be plenty of water.

Take it easy with that Mother's Day meal, though. I'd heed Unca's caution. And, of course, don't let it throw you off the program!

Have a wonderful day with your family.

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