Just placed my first order

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Just placed my first order

Postby Carrie » February 25th, 2004, 10:36 am

Hi everybody. I'm hoping to begin the program Monday (if my order gets here).

Is there anyone out there who might be looking for a program partner? Maybe someone to share daily emails with and provide support for each other?

I'm nervous about starting. It's like I don't dare hope it'll work, but I'm at the end of my rope, and totally frustrated with all my failed attempts.

I called my Mom last night to tell her I was going on this program. Now, mind you, my mother is about 5'2" and wears size 5, never had an extra pound in her life! ARGH! After I got done talking about it, she proceeded to tell me she's worried about her weight too. See, my Dad has been dieting in preparation for surgery, and as a byproduct she's lost weight too, and is too thin and can't seem to eat enough to gain any back! Double ARGH!

:x That was one of those loving warm fuzzy mother daughter moments I can tell you!
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Postby TamiL » February 25th, 2004, 11:26 am

Hi Carrie
Welcome!! Glad you decided to join us on the train to THINVILLE!! I remember when I was awaiting my first order...I was like a little puppy dog in the window, just waiting for my fedex man to arrive!! IT WAS LIKE CHRISTMAS when my package FINALLY came!! I was just so excited to start...as you will be too!! as you may have read..the first few days are a bit tough...for me..it was the first 2 weeks!! now its like I have to remind myself to drink my shakes at time..my appetite is no where to be found at times!!

This forum is a great place to come for support..I visit it just about everyday...sometimes a few times a day. when I need to vent or have a question..I just post it here...and the TERRIFFIC people on this forum take the time to write back and help with support!! you can "personally message people as well if you like...its like emailing each other....and some have posted thier AOL instant messanger addresses if you wish to "chat" live....but you will find that if you visit here often..you have all the support you need!!

I hope your package comes on time...and I hope you visit often and let us know how you are doing!! read the Lean cuisine part of the forum to get some ideas on how to "spice" up your foods and shakes!! all the info you need is here on this forum..and if not..if you have a question, just post it...dont feel silly...or hesitate to reach out!! ;)

looking forward to hearin from ya!!

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Re: Just placed my first order

Postby explorthis » February 25th, 2004, 11:32 am

Carrie wrote:Hi everybody. I'm hoping to begin the program Monday (if my order gets here).

Is there anyone out there who might be looking for a program partner? Maybe someone to share daily emails with and provide support for each other?

I'm nervous about starting. It's like I don't dare hope it'll work, but I'm at the end of my rope, and totally frustrated with all my failed attempts.

Carrie, welcome We all want to share in your success. We all want to be a part of it, and share our "stuff" with you. Act like we are all your family. We are all in the same boat. We can safely share our feelings with each other here FREELY, and not be judged, because we are all losing weight together.

Don't be nervous about starting. Be excited.

Pretend this is your last chance, heck don't pretend this IS the last chance, and the last place you will ever visit. Mark us as your home page when you log on. YOu will NOT be sorry you joined us. We are addictive!

Medifast is WONDERFUL. Read the posts, read our success, read our failures. Share it with us, ask questions. Most or all of us are in the same place as you, and have found this board.

You will be openly welcomed I promise!

I have successfully lost over 110 pounds on MEdifast, tell me it does not work!

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Postby Jeanette » February 25th, 2004, 2:25 pm

Hi Carrie!

Dis is it!! This is the program you have looked for all this time. I was overjoyed to find that Medifast does indeed work, and it is not a hoky gimmick.

I have been fat ALL my life. I have NEVER been thin. I've tried it all, and this is the first thing that has worked successfully for me. And it will work for you too, if you are faithful to it--I promise!
Jeanette :star:
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Postby shineface » February 26th, 2004, 6:57 am

Hi Carrie--

Welcome aboard!!!

Ditto to everything Tami, Mike and Jeanette said!!!

This program is the only one you'll ever need - the proof is in the numbers, how you physically feel and the feeling of success!

Read through the posts and info on this forum - So HELPFUL!

Everyone on the "for-um" is "for-US" --- this place is full of great helpful people and we are all united by our trials and tribulations. Believe me there is always one of us here - it has become totally addictive for me - I visit often during the day and when I don't I feel like I' really missing something - and I usually am --- GREAT STUFF.

Together we WILL do this!
Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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Postby Carrie » February 26th, 2004, 8:16 am

Hi Tami, Mike, Jeanette and Pam!

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my first post.

When I was debating about trying the program, I noticed how supportive the members are of one another and I think that'll help a lot. There's so much about being fat and trying to lose that I just cannot talk about with my family and friends. You know, those little daily humiliations.

I've got about 110 pounds to lose. It's awfully scary to say that ..... I remember the days when I couldn't imagine ever weighing as much as 200! But over the years it's turned itself around and getting down to 200 has seemed unattainable for some time.

I've sacrificed enough to being fat. I've spent most of my 20's and half of my 30's being ashamed of the way I look. Not to mention that I'm on the fast train to diabetes, heart problems or a whole host of other health issues. I'm single, and just TRY and find a date when you're overweight, it's like being an outcast or the bride of Frankenstein. :roll:

I realize I've got emotional issues about eating and that somehow (haven't figured it out yet) being fat is safe, it's a built in excuse for every disappointment or failure in life. (ie didn't get the job cause I'm fat, he doesn't like me cause I'm fat, etc etc) And I've tried for years to outthink the fat, to figure it out and reason with it and myself. I thought that if I could figure it out I would be able to change it. Now...... well, I've just gotten to the point of saying, "Hooey on all that. Forget figuring it out, just do something about it."

That's how I wound up here, nervously awaiting my first order.

Thank you for welcoming me so warmly. I'll let ya know when my order arrives. Talk to you soon guys!

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Postby TamiL » February 26th, 2004, 9:00 am

CARRIE WROTE: I've sacrificed enough to being fat. I've spent most of my 20's and half of my 30's being ashamed of the way I look. Not to mention that I'm on the fast train to diabetes, heart problems or a whole host of other health issues. I'm single, and just TRY and find a date when you're overweight, it's like being an outcast or the bride of Frankenstein.

Carrie...you will notice on this forum as you read through other's posts, that some things just jump out at you..and YOU CAN RELATE to exactly what others are feeling!! I too..have felt this way in my 20's and 30's...after going thru a painful divorce, 3 years ago..I ate myself back up to 185 pounds, and part of me thinks I did it so that I would be "safe" no men would look at me..nor want me at that weight. But then...I lost all my self esteem and decided...I want to get FIT and healthy for ME...I want to look good and leave my house with Pride when I walk out the door in REAL CLOTHES..not Elastic Waist black knit pants with a big baggy sweatshirt anymore...I WANT TO LIVE!! I am the same person on the inside no matter what I weigh..the problem with other people is all they see at times is your WEIGHT!! they dont look past that and see what is INSIDE!! but when I feel good about myself...and get to the weight I want to be at...I WILL SHINE LIKE A STAR ON A CLEAR NIGHT!!
so bright...that hopefully...the RIGHT man for me will be CAUGHT LIKE A DEER IN HEADLIGHTS!!! lol!!!

We are all here for the same reasons...that is why we all can relate so well to one another!! this FORUM ROCKS!! ;)

Cant wait till you get your order and start....we are all here for you..with any questions or just to listen..come here..type your heart out..IT HELPS!!


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Postby Maisie » February 26th, 2004, 9:32 am

If it's "a program partner" you seek, then you have come to the safest and most supportive place for "multiple partners." And there is a wonderful feature for being able to send private messages to friends on the forum when you just want to talk one to one.

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Postby susan » February 26th, 2004, 3:30 pm

welcome Carrie,
you will be glad you boarded this train because it really does work.
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Postby Nancy » February 27th, 2004, 1:18 am

Hello and Howdy Doody, Carrie ~

I can tell that this is the right time and the right place for YOU! The first part of your name is also the first part of the word 'care.' That's what we do: we care for you!
We know exactly how you feel. We are there now (or have been recently) and we care about helping you get healthier. It WILL happen - one shake at a time.

If it were easy to lose weight and to keep it off, then there would not be so many overweight people in the country!

Jeanette wrote that she has always been overweight. She is on her weigh to NOT being overweight. She is doing something about it and she is getting closer to an appropriate weight with every shake she drinks. So are all the others and so will YOU, Carrie!

Are you camped on your porch waiting for the Fed Ex person to arrive with your precious package? 8)

Start your list of all the reasons WHY ya wanna lose weight - you've got a good start there already - reorganize your closets - select the clothes that you will be wearing next and the ones you'll be giving aweigh because they are too big, empty your cupboards of the junk and 'forbidden for now but not forever’ stuff, fasten your seatbelt and get ready for the best ride of your life - you’re on your weigh to Thinville. :cheers:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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Postby ErikaEastwood » February 27th, 2004, 7:59 am

Welcome Carrie! 8)
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