I picked up the latest issue of People magazine in the store because one of the ladies on the front weighed the exact thing I did before she lost the excess. I flipped through and saw that she was also short like me and still ended up getting to her goal weight and looking awesome too. Something about being overweight makes you think you can never look good again, even if you weigh less.....kind of like your body is now ruined or something....CLEARLY, hers was not, she looked AWESOME! After reading it a few times, I thought, ya know, I can do this too. If at one point, she looked the way I do now, I can certainly look the way she does soon! I researched my options and none of the other pre-packaged programs have centers in my area, so I figured if I was ordering online, I might as well go with the one I will lose the most weight with the fastest. So, after mulling it over a few days, I ordered my Medifast today. I can hardly wait until everything arrives! I have been slacking off of the solids over the last few days in anticipation of ordering soon. I think that was a good thing because I actually get satisfied after a can of soup now, so hopefully I won't feel like I am starving

There seems to be a wealth of wonderful support here and I can't wait to be posting regularly with all of my successes!