I just have to tell you all....

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I just have to tell you all....

Postby Lisa in NY » August 20th, 2005, 9:41 am

A wonderful Saturday afternoon to everyone from NY !

I have to share something. I just came to the end of a one-week nightmare of medical tests. I am somewhat of a hypochondriac and was convinced I had a terminal disease, so agreed to have extensive medical tests. I was so upset that my newfound happiness with the Medifast program was going to be shattered by bad news just when I was getting into the MF routine and enjoying the weight loss and the energy. I am happy and relieved to say THANK GOD everything is fine – I was told by my doctor that, according to the scans, etc., I am “beautiful on the inside” !

What does this have to do with all of YOU? Well, during this past week, I’ve been trying desperately to keep my mind off the prospect of these tests and to try to stay away from medical internet sites (which is nearly impossible for me), but everytime I clicked on the MakeMeThinner favorite, I don’t know why but I felt a sense of calm – just knowing I could read messages from some now familiar names, etc., and even some of the archives in the studio and all of Nancy’s little personable stories about the goings-on at the MakeMeThinner cottage, etc. It really helped me get through the week. Also, I KNOW that before starting Medifast, this kind of stress would have set me WAY back on my diet – I am not a person who eats when stressed, in fact, I tend to NOT eat when I’m worried or stressed, but when I do eat, it’s usually JUNK. Which is why Medifast was perfect for me this past week – I didn’t want to take the time to cook and having the shakes and soups actually KEPT me on my program. But I know that having this forum to come to at any time of the day or night also made a HUGE difference. I think everyone on here knows that whenever they feel like slipping, THIS is the place to come to for inspiration!

Anyway, I am so relieved for my good test results that now I am on a mission to thank God in as many ways as I can for all the blessings he has given me and continues to give me. I know that God brought me to this website for a reason and I thank Him for that and for all of you who are taking this weight-loss journey with me. I have been on the program for about 2 weeks and have lost 12 lbs. already – this is a MAJOR accomplishment for someone who is used to losing at most 1-2 lbs. a week. I love this program and I am here to add my support to the rest of you who have inspired me!

Have a wonderful day!

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Postby sprgrammy » August 20th, 2005, 10:07 am

Thrilled to know that your tests all came back good. And all I can say to the rest of your post is AMEN!! Blessings to you Lisa, Carol
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Postby want2Bthin » August 20th, 2005, 11:10 am


I am happy for you about the good test results. :-P Sometimes we get so caught up in day to day worries that we forget to be thankful for the blessings we do have. I try to say a "thank you for..." prayer first thing every morning. Even when I am being tested I still give praise. It makes my day much better & I bet it will yours too. Sometimes we forget how lucky we truely are. I was in a very serious auto accident last November, talk about a wake up call for thankfulness. I am so blessed with all kinds of wonderful things & I bet you are too! :D

You are doing a terrific job.

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Postby martha » August 20th, 2005, 12:56 pm

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: GLAD THE TESTS ARE ALL OKAY :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I too am so thrilled that you are "BEAUTIFUL on the inside" and everything is okay with you. That should bring a big smile to your face :mrgreen: . I am a firm believer that we must be careful of what we ask for as we just might get it :mrgreen: ..I too need to thank God everyday for my life as it could be sooo much worse..He is truely good to us..You are going to be just fine with MF and we are all here to cheer you to the victory of entering "THINSVILLE" no matter what weight that is.. Have a great day and I am so thrilled you are all well.. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: --Martha
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Postby Nancy » August 20th, 2005, 1:44 pm

Oh, Hunny!

What an awesome report!!

We are :sheepjump: in happiness for you - you showed yourself that you CAN do it when the tough times come -remember this. Write it down so that you can re-read your notes when another speed bump comes along.

If you made it through this week, you can do it again and again. We all have uncomfy things that enter our lives and if we can draw from the reserves of strength and the support of our Take Shape Friends here at the MakeMeThinner and Smarter Forum, we'll make it!

Loving your success and super report! :bananadance:
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Postby Lisa Renee » August 20th, 2005, 2:11 pm

Thank God you are well and keep on shakin girl! You rock--12 pounds is excellent!
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