I just have to share this one.....LOL :)

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I just have to share this one.....LOL :)

Postby cydj21 » January 20th, 2006, 3:09 pm

Well....here I am on day 6! :wave: Shake shake shake! :pour: Eat eat eat!:eat:

Other than battling the start of a sinus infection :x things are really pretty good. I haven't had any cravings recently :woohoo: , my energy level is pretty good :bounce: and I am feeling optimistic. :whistle:

The thing is....I might be going crazy! :eyecrazy:
I keep having these dreams that I have cheated and eaten bread, or cookies, or pasta, or pizza....and in my dream I feel so horrible :boohoo: about having cheated that it is like this all-consuming emotion. I could make the arguement that these dreams are giving me further inspiration not to cheat, but I wonder if these is an indication of some kind of psychosis? :hammerhead: LOL.

At any rate, I just wanted to share this silliness with all of you :lol:
Any other first week newbies having strange dreams or am I all alone on this one? :mrgreen:
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Postby MusicalMomma » January 20th, 2006, 3:14 pm

:shock: OH MY GOSH Cydj!!!! I had that SAME dream last night (the hour or two that I could actually sleep that is). I was eating away the all of a sudden..."WHAT AM I DOING???? I'M ON MEDIFAST!!!!" I felt terrible! I felt like I blew it and would never make it! It really was a nightmare!!!! LOL So, unless we both need a trip to the looney bin, I think we're just getting out some subconscious issues that we are finally dealing with!!!! :)
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Postby DogMa » January 20th, 2006, 3:45 pm

And here I thought it was just me! But I also have the same dream every year on Yom Kippur - I dream I woke up and ate breakfast without thinking, then realized I was supposed to be fasting.

I told my cousin a few months ago that I must need psychological help. Ever since I started, I've been convinced that if I take my pants off for some reason, they won't fit when I try to put them back on. Part of me is SURE I haven't lost as much weight as the scale says I have. (It took a loss of 30 pounds before I could even see a difference - and that was almost halfway to goal!)

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Postby Dayna » January 20th, 2006, 4:13 pm

This is too funny. I've had cheating dreams this week, also. It's as though all my favorite bad-for-you foods have been parading through my subconcious. Especially chocolate cake. *Sigh* And I have to make a birthday cake for my hubby, too . . . :(

- Dayna
Someone once wrote:I'm allergic to cake. I break out in fat when I eat it.

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Postby cydj21 » January 20th, 2006, 4:21 pm

Ok, everyone. Glad to see that if this does indicate craziness, we are all crazy together. I'd rather be a skinny crazy girl with all of you than continue to blow up like a balloon. :hug:

Dayna, I have to make my best friend a cake next week....and it cannot be passed off to anyone else because I make all my closest pals my famous homemade chocolate cake with homemade frosting. The only person who can make it like I do is my grandma, and she'd track me down if I gave away her recipe. lol :lol: I am going to try and combat the urge to have some by making sure to have some oatmeal or something before I start baking and to take the dog on a walk while it bakes so I'm not agonized by the smell. When it comes time for everyone to eat it, I will either plan it so I am having my lean and green, or bake some of those oatmeal cookies Nancy posted a recipe for. I love those. Hope those ideas help!
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Postby Dayna » January 20th, 2006, 4:26 pm

Those ideas are fantastic. I hadn't even thought about the smell of the cake as it baked. I'm pretty sure I would go batty if I had to be in the kitchen with it. And what a good idea about the cookies - I'll either have those while everyone else has cake, or one of my super yummy caramel nut bars, or maybe even a cup of that chai latte. Have you tried that yet? I couldn't believe how good it was! Yum yum yum!!!

- Dayna
Someone once wrote:I'm allergic to cake. I break out in fat when I eat it.

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Postby lameteorologa » January 20th, 2006, 5:05 pm

I have those dreams, too!! Except, I have to admit, I love them!!! It's like eating all you want and no calories! Last night, I went to bed thinking about cheeseburgers and fries....hoping I'd have a dream about eating some!!! Lol!! :D
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Postby falisamarie » January 20th, 2006, 6:04 pm

Ok yall can include me in the loony bin :nana: but I dreamed of sweet tea and to top it off my husband wanted bbq tonight so I went to get it for him (and this place just happens to have the best sweet tea in town) I ordered my husband a coke and would you believe that the guy handed me the drink and said "here's your sweet tea!" I could not beleive it and i told him it should have been a coke and he told me to keep the sweet tea for free!!! I am happy to say I gave it back and told him I can not have sugar!!

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Postby cydj21 » January 20th, 2006, 6:09 pm

Woohooo! Lisa, good for you! :whoohoo: I find passing small tests such as that to be very psychologically rewarding. Good for you! :D
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I am getting sick too :(

Postby onehotmommy » January 20th, 2006, 11:03 pm

cydj21---I have noticed that if I drastically change my eating habits (like I just did!) that I always get a sinus infection, every time, without fail. Surely there is a reason for it......it has to have something to do with detoxing your system or something. I am dreading tomorrow morning, I have a feeling I am going to wake up with the "sinus head" :dooh: I also keep walking in the kitchen and I am surprised each time I see something and I don't take a bite. It is amazing how much I used to munch!

Lisa---I am convinced that you met the :twisted: face to face tonight and you whooped his hiney! It's funny, cuz a month ago you would have been dying of thirst and he probably would have taken the tea and dumped it out in front of you :( leaving you standing there thinking OMG why did he do that?!?!?!?! :x

The cake thing is tough, I LOVE cake. I had to go to 2 bday parties last weekend with DS#1 and I am happy to report I avoided EVERYTHING....I got water at each party, bypassed the pizza, cake, ice cream, chips, cookies, coke, punch, EVERYTHING! I even left one party and had to stare straight at Krispy Kreme as I was getting into my truck :brickwall: It was so hard, but, I did it! :yes: Sometimes it is really hard, but as I sat there are both parties and looked at all the skinny moms, the pizza didn't look so good anymore. DS#2 is turning one in a couple of weeks and my game plan is to have oatmeal beforehand (very filling!) and have a really quick lean & green afterward.....something either with the lean already cooked or maybe a cottage cheese and salad combo. Something that won't take so long that I end up munching. The cake will leave our house if there is any left. I will not let it sit around to taunt me :whip: :whip: :whip:
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Toooo funny

Postby Jan » January 20th, 2006, 11:43 pm

You are all toooo funny. I sitting here with a huge grin on my face :mrgreen: I too have a crazy dream. I spent 10 years with braces on my teeth. So now if I have a crazy dream it's that my teeth fall out --one at a time -- they just drop in my plate and out of my mouth everywhere. There is nothing I can do about it. I'm completely helpless and at the mercy of the falling teeth. I spent a lot of time and agony gaining my nice straight teeth so of course one of the worst things I can think about is having them fall out. Thus my dream. You are all working hard parting with the pounds. So of course when your mind thinks about the worst thing possible it's munching every foody thing in sight!!
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Postby Eander5696 » January 21st, 2006, 12:03 pm

You are def not crazy, Ive been having dreams that are just INSANE since I started MF...like...living in a Volcano and trying to get the president out of the way when its erupting. Weird stuff. Seriously. :shock:
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Postby Dayna » February 5th, 2006, 2:38 pm

Yep, there it was again, last night I ate three GIANT pieces of ice cream cake. In my dream, that is. ;) The good part it, though, was that later in the same dream I was confronted with very yummy looking chocolate. My first thought was, "Well, I've already blown it, may as well enjoy the chocolate, too." But my very next thought was, "No, wait a minute, I've already blown it, let's stop now and not make it any worse." That's a HUGE mental shift for me, even if it was just at the dream level. And it gave me a sense of freedom and relief that was still with me when I woke up.

So maybe this is dream therapy??!! :lol:

- Dayna
Someone once wrote:I'm allergic to cake. I break out in fat when I eat it.

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Postby cydj21 » February 5th, 2006, 6:21 pm

Dayna- I like to say any success is a success, whether in a dream or otherwise. My dreams also still pop up periodically these days....although they are farther and fewer between. Perhaps that indicates that my subconcious is finally catching up with my desire to get the pounds off?

I sure hope so! :lol:
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Postby Loribug » February 6th, 2006, 12:37 am

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