cydj21---I have noticed that if I drastically change my eating habits (like I just did!) that I always get a sinus infection, every time, without fail. Surely there is a reason for has to have something to do with detoxing your system or something. I am dreading tomorrow morning, I have a feeling I am going to wake up with the "sinus head"

I also keep walking in the kitchen and I am surprised each time I see something and I don't take a bite. It is amazing how much I used to munch!
Lisa---I am convinced that you met the

face to face tonight and you whooped his hiney! It's funny, cuz a month ago you would have been dying of thirst and he probably would have taken the tea and dumped it out in front of you

leaving you standing there thinking OMG why did he do that?!?!?!?!
The cake thing is tough, I LOVE cake. I had to go to 2 bday parties last weekend with DS#1 and I am happy to report I avoided EVERYTHING....I got water at each party, bypassed the pizza, cake, ice cream, chips, cookies, coke, punch, EVERYTHING! I even left one party and had to stare straight at Krispy Kreme as I was getting into my truck

It was so hard, but, I did it!

Sometimes it is really hard, but as I sat there are both parties and looked at all the skinny moms, the pizza didn't look so good anymore. DS#2 is turning one in a couple of weeks and my game plan is to have oatmeal beforehand (very filling!) and have a really quick lean & green afterward.....something either with the lean already cooked or maybe a cottage cheese and salad combo. Something that won't take so long that I end up munching. The cake will leave our house if there is any left. I will not let it sit around to taunt me

<img border="0" src=";10719;66;0;1/c/199.5/t/130/s/220/k/00c9/weight.png">
~~~~~~~~~~Soon I'll be ONE HOT MOMMY!~~~~~~~~~~