Thank you everyone for the support, encouragement and "Happy Anniversary" good wishes!

After I posted Saturday I got busy helping hubby in the kitchen. Over the weekend we stripped wallpaper, spackled & sanded the walls, primed and painted! Whew! Does that count as exercise?

Like a lot of folks with fibromyalgia I tend to seriously over-do and then spend a few days practically unconscious so I haven't been here to respond to everyone.
I did manage to get all cleaned up for our Anniversary Date though!

Hubby took me to a local chi-chi restaurant (where all the movie stars hang out when they are in town) for the most expensive meal either one of us has ever had!

I didn't cheat though! Smallest filet steak they had and a salad with lite dressing.

While sitting there, talking with my hubby, I was looking around at all the thin women dressed in georgous clothes. I decided then and there that next year on our 17th anniversary we would go to the same restaurant and I was going to be just as thin and just as well dressed!! So Nancy, if the 16th is going to be known as The Thinnin' Anniversary, the 17th is going to be the Reached Goal and Lookin' Good Anniversary!!
Something amazing happened to my new linen pants! I couldn't wear them Saturday night since I was too busy to hem them and the alteration shop was closed. So, I wore another pair with about 4 inches of waistband taken up with safety pins.

Went to the alteration shop yesterday afternoon, put on my new MISSES pants

and....gasp! They were too big in the waist!!

Skinnyville, here I come!!
At the rate we are all losing, I predict the clothing manufacturers are going to be working overtime to keep up with our demand for MISSES size clothes!! Especially you Falisamarie!! I am in awe of you and your wonderful success!!