Just curious???

All that hard work and now what? Let's talk about how to keep those pounds off...

Just curious???

Postby LAwoman » December 14th, 2005, 6:17 pm

Hi Nancy and all the wonderful MFers out there,

I was reading some of the posts from people in my similar situation who lost weight, regained weight, and came back to Medifast because it really works better than anyother weight loss plan out there I've ever tried (and there's been many folks.) I've also never been able to go back to a diet I already tried, it was always too frustrating and I gave up right away. - There's a lot of great things to be said for MF.

Anyhow, this got me thinking about all the great success stories I've read on this forum over the last 10 months and I've wondered how so many of the people are doing.

Nancy, do you still keep in touch with people who no longer contribute to this forum? I remember being so inspired by people like Hawaiiwhatnot, Msshrinkinglady, Raderlae, the Donnas..., and so many more people.

I would love to hear how successful they're all maintaining their loss if your hear from them and it's okay with them to share.


ps-have I mentioned how inspiring you have been this year Nancy with all your words of wisdom, compassion, and insight? THANK YOU!
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Postby Nancy » December 15th, 2005, 12:53 am

Dear LA Woman ~

I am so happy to hear that you have been helped and encouraged by the MakeMeThinner Medifast Support Forum - woo hoo! Mission Accomplished!

Sure, I'll share what I know - not everyone replies to me when I write or call but I'll give you a bitsy of info about the super people you've mentioned.

HawaiiWhatNot is svelte and taking care of her elderly Mother-in-law. Her computer is on the fritz. I love and miss her madly.

MrsShrinkingLady moved, her grown son has a serious medical condition (prayers for him are appreciated), she has had a few negative foody adventures but is still being mindful of her program...

Raederle ran off into the sunset and dang! she hasn't returned my emails or calls...she's a mystery but surely loved by moi...where art thou ol' Red Ear?

Donna the DogLover hasn't checked in for several months but she assured me she was mostly still on the narrow...

I thank you for asking - I love those folks so much and miss them terribly!

Our personal life has been a little cwazy, too. We have a beautiful grandson (6 months old with two teeth) and spend time with him just about daily, my parents are elderly and puny, we sold our home, we moved, we are unpacking and setting up our new place, I had a mini-stroke about a month ago, it is CHRISTmas time, etc...

Re: the mini-stroke: I was getting into our van when a strong gust of wind blew the door from my husband's grip. I got bonked really hard along the side of my head. I didn’t want my husband to feel worse about it so I didn’t make it into a big dramatic deal but it hurt terribly! About twenty minutes later when we were at my parents’ house, I lost the vision in my right eye, my hearing seemed like it was ‘turning off’ and there was numbness around my mouth and jaw. I asked for and crunched up four baby aspirin and swallered ‘em right down and asked Terry to take me to the ER pronto. I told the triage nurse I suspected I was having a stroke or a TIA. I was immediately taken in for an MRI, an ultra sound, had a blood test, EKG, etc. The blood tests did not indicate a stroke but the tests showed it was most likely a TIA, perhaps precipitated by the blow or possibly a pre-cursor to a major migraine – which also occurred. I was released later that evening and have been taking it easy – keeping life in balance as I am able to do so. I tell you, our TSFL business is such a blessing to me – if I were still at the college or in my classroom, I would never be able to spend time doing the things I so love.

I'll get my act together soon and be back on here more often. I thank Unca, Jan and all our wonderful readers/posters from the bottom of my :heart: for keeping up on things in my absence.
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Postby Shellster » December 15th, 2005, 9:46 am

Wow Nancy, who knew, I really hope you feel better, that is a terrible thing.

You need to rest and take care of yourself. I wish you well. Take Care, Please, where would this forum be without you. Please get better and have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

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Postby Nancy » December 15th, 2005, 1:00 pm

Dear One ~

Many thanks to you for your kind words - aw, I'm all bleary-eyed. I love this little thing that I do! Life is good and yes, you are right, I have a terrific family! I am happy and blessed.

Terry is an unbelievable man - kind, generous, patient and tender. He handles the businessy stuff, he does most of my client data entry as he is so efficient - my hands are merely for hanging bracelets and jewels from! (Hah! Just kidding!) I NEVER ever took typing and when one is in their late 50's, it is unreasonable to expect that the Uncoordinated One will instantly become the state keyboarding champion…Terry helps new Health Advisors, speaks and trains at regional events and does all the necessary unglamorous behind the scenes stuff. He is a techy guy, enjoys basketball and football, loves to slurp coffee at Starbuck’s and is a quiet philanthropic person.

Terry’s favorite brother, Tim is special in every way – if it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t be appearing on your computer screens. Every day we give thanks for him. He is quiet around the old MakeMeThinner cottage and yet he really comes to life on the ‘puter. He is extremely patient, accepting, and knowledgeable about many topics; he enjoys automobiles, planes, hockey and critters. He is our webmaster extraordinaire!
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Postby TamiL » December 15th, 2005, 4:30 pm

Im glad you are doing well....TIA's are scary...they are very common...all too common and Im glad you are doing okay!! we would never know all you have been through...cuz your contantly here supporting everyone else!! thats what makes you so extrodinary!! :-P you are the lepard woman!

Its good to be back here...again... :-P
I just pray I dont loose my way again! I need to get back to my goal weight and just stay put!! no more dress rehersals!! :roll:


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wow, wow, wow, wow, wow

Postby LAwoman » December 15th, 2005, 5:53 pm

My oh my Nancy,

You never cease to amaze me. I remember being so impressed and inspired by all the things you wrote on this forum during my first month last March. Then you called me one day at home and I was even more impressed and inspired. I continue to follow this forum when I can and everytime you respond to the MFers here, you still amaze me with your gracious, compassionate, firm when needed, caring, knowledgeable insight and suggestions.

Thanks for the update on some of our fellow-MFers. It's so great to hear their success.

I did know about your wonderful new grandson (congrats), your new big move, taking care of your parents, and keeping up with all of us. That is so much to handle. I did not know of your recent health scare. I am so sorry to hear of that, and happy to hear you're taking it easy and hopefully feeling much better. I had the same immediate reaction as Vicky, "one does have to wonder...before medifast?" You must be thrilled to have the healthy body you now carry that can better handle all these mental and physical stresses.

I'm sure you've heard this from many people, so I"ll just be one more to say, Thank you so much for positively effecting my life. I appreciate all you and this forum have done to assist me in improving myself physically and mentally.

A big thanks to Unca for all your humorous, compassionate insights and for Jan's supportive, compassionate insights as well.

Can one ever hear enough thanks when they've had such an impact on so many lives? Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Okay enough gushing, I don't want to see you blushing. :oops:

Happy Holidays to all of you there in the MF cottage (are you in the old one or completely moved into the new one?). I wish you all a happy and healthy new year!!!
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Postby Nancy » December 15th, 2005, 10:49 pm

We are totally outta the former 8-year old home and into the 'new' home built in 1942! We still have boxes in the garage to unpack...
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Postby DogMa » January 7th, 2006, 9:02 pm

Nancy, I had no idea you were having problems but I'm SO glad you're doing better. And I can't believe the grandbaby is already 6 months old - he was born right after I started Medifast!!

Hope you're 100 percent very soon!!

Reached goal in August 2006
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Postby Nancy » January 7th, 2006, 11:32 pm

Thank you so much, Dogma. :hug: Awww, you are so sweet ~

The grandkidlet is :heart: adorable - he has two toofers now and is on the verge of crawling. He visits the MakeMeThinner Cottage many times a week. Terry and I bought a crib and Great Uncky Tim bought a highchair for Nick so he is comfy when he comes for a visit.

:secret: I am getting better, my motor skills are not 100% YET but you know what? It makes shaking my shakes easier! It's the slurping part that worries me as I hate it when I have Chocolate Shake Sloppage on my chinny chin chin or my leopardy shirt!
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Postby dlr2424 » January 8th, 2006, 2:45 pm

LAwoman..... :D .....thanks so much for missing us...........I'm still here......haven't gone anywhere......but was away from posting in December due to a hectic schedule, however, now that the month is over I'm back posting.... :D ....In August I reached 124 lbs ....am in a 5/6 and have been maintaining that size.. :yes: ....my original goal was 120 and I still may aim for that....but my husband/family thinks I look to sick at that weight ... :huh: ...I do go up and down a few lbs. .....between 124-130......am still doing Medifast the majority of the time.....at least 4 a day.....for me it's convenient.....nutritous.....A NO BRAINER.....I do have times or episodes of eating more than a portion..... :scratch: .......but I have been able to catch myself.............I have a sugar addiction and once I start it's tuff to stop.. :twisted: ...so therefor I try to be careful.......and Thank God I love Medifast Food....... :yes: ......fits into my lifestyle so well......... :hmmm: ........I've come to realize... :coach: ...... I DO NOT LIKE PORTION CONTROL........at least not on my favorite foods... :huh: .... I'd love to eat limitless carbs..........but we all know where that gets us..........so I guess portion control will be something I will continually have to work on.....anyway .....I'm so glad your back with us.....and I wish you much success!!!!!!!.....


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looks good

Postby LAwoman » January 16th, 2006, 11:59 pm


I'm so glad to hear how well you're maintining with MF. I remember your before/after pictures and you look great.

It's nice to hear everyone's success stories and the fact that you stick with the forum for support and motivation is the extra MF icing on the MF cake.

Thanks for sharing,
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Postby doglover » February 7th, 2006, 4:10 am

Hello long lost medi-friends! I ran across this post while browsing and thought I'd take a few moments to say hello!

First and foremost - Nancy - WOW! Take care of yourself and rest, rest, rest. I love the pics I get from Beckie or your beauty grandson. He gets cuter every day!

I am maintaining a weight from 143-147. I too get off on some sugar/carb craze but always know how to reel myself back in! I would lvoe to get to 135 and will some day. But I am comfy here and love my clothes!

I have wanted to post and tell everyone what a wonderful gift MF was to me recently. On Christmas Day my family was hit with devastating news about my mom and a yucky boulder of a thing called brain cancer. I spent Christmas Day thru most of Jan. in FL with that crisis. That is a whole 'nother story but the thing I want to tell you is that MF saved the day! I took all the boxes I could pack and in that major crisis situation I was able to eat, not spend a ton of $$, stay healthy and nutritionally sound to get me thru the MOST stressful event I have ever been thru. I took packets (packed easily) and my shaker and a spoon to the hospital every day. I had MF 6 times or sometimes we'd grab a salad in the evening depending on what was happening. It was so wonderful to just have that there in such a stressful time. I could eat at mom's bedside and not have to leave for the cafeteria, or worse yet, not eat at all.

Right now I am traveling for work in PA and once again, packed my boxes and anticipate being on MF 100% while here. It makes life so much easier!

So, that's my wonderful "MF saved the day" story. On the mom front - she is maintaining her own. Upon my return from PA Fri I will be flying back to FL on Sat for a long weekend visit. It is terminal so we are working hard to give her a good life for as long as we can.

No need to respond to me as I know all you wonderful people would, as I just don't have time much anymore to get on here. But know this....MF works, MF is great, and MF saves the day when you really need it!

Your MF friend always,
Donna (doglover)
Donna - frequent flyer to FL!
Feb 7, 2005 start date
176/150/150 - made it in 9 weeks! 26 lbs off!
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