Just beginning

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Just beginning

Postby Jade » January 16th, 2004, 12:48 pm

Hi Everyone,
This is my first post. I am beginning the 4th day on the program. I have lost 6 lbs in the first 3 days :D. I am doing the 5&1 program right now. I've experienced very little hunger since yesterday. I do have a concern though. I am leaving for a 12 day trip on Feb 10th to see family and friends. They are having a big birthday celebration for me on the 12th. Does anyone have any good tips for getting through all of the "food input"? I will have been on the program for almost a month by then, so hopefully I will be a little stronger. I still have 56 pounds to lose to reach my goal. I am so grateful to have found this site with all of your support and am looking forward to getting to know you all better :) Jade
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Postby Jeanette » January 16th, 2004, 1:36 pm

Hi Jade--pretty name!

I had a family function in the first week of my program (my niece's baptism). I did the old "ditch the plate" routine--I put a few things on a plate, pushed them around and then ditched it (threw it away). I also occupied myself with the baby when the cake was served. I did all of this because no one but my husband knew I was on the program.

If your family knows you are on it, then all you have to worry about is yourself. And by then, you will be strong enough to dodge any bullet!!
Jeanette :star:
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 16th, 2004, 2:16 pm

Hi Jade,
Welcome to our incredibly shrinking forum...we're pleased to have you here.....:)
Although our membership is growing every day, the size of our forum gets smaller every day. Here's a link that talks about family gatherings and functions you may find helpful:


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Re: Just beginning

Postby explorthis » January 16th, 2004, 2:29 pm

Jade wrote:Hi Everyone,
This is my first post. I am beginning the 4th day on the program. I have lost 6 lbs in the first 3 days

I am leaving for a 12 day trip on Feb 10th to see family and friends. They are having a big birthday celebration for me on the 12th. Does anyone have any good tips for getting through all of the "food input"?

I will have been on the program for almost a month by then, so hopefully I will be a little stronger.

Hey Jade, welcome... (My 13 year old daughter's best friend is also Jade)

First of all congratulations on being with us, its the best decision you will ever have made, next to your family, trust me... Its a blast posting here, making new friends in the same boat as you, and learning from each other.

I was additionally concerned with family functions, since I was pretty hush-hush about the program when I began 9/8/03 (can't call it a diet or you get slapped by Mother Nancy) Switch places for a second. This is something (a technique) I do to my daughter when I am trying to instill something valuable in her noggin... Within your family group that are planning a party for you, I bet you dollars to Medifast drinks, there is more than one overweight person in this group...!?!?! Correct me if I am wrong. Assume for a second you were at the party as an attendee, and you saw them drinking the Medifast shake, or were aware they were turning down the Fat Tablets (Cake and I/C) but, you knew why. Would you be judgemental? Would you be offering that person some of this stuff? Or would you be supportive and wish them good luck?

My point is, Family is pretty supportive, espically when you start showing your loss. Just like when you start showing during pregnancy, you get more support than just a normal day.

Go to the party, blow out the candles, cut the first slice for your hubby, or who ever is close to you, sit, grab a shake, or some coffee, or some water and chat up a storm just like you would always do and have a Birthday ball. So what if you don't get some cake. There are many, many, many B-Days and functions to come.

My biggest fear during my (130 days today) Medifast tenure, was that I would miss out on all the goodies, and they would be gone forever. Guess what... It's ALL still here. Goodies and crap flowing like tap water. All I ganed from saying no, was a forever loss of 105 (or there abouts) pounds of lifetime Fat.

Be strong, this function will make you the strongest you have ever been. If you can resist this temptation, this makes you THE BOSS!!!

Let me know your thoughts

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Postby Maggie » January 16th, 2004, 8:40 pm

Unca Tim........I don't understand your above comment that the forum is getting smaller. How can you say that? I visit the forum 3 or 4 times a day and still have trouble keeping up. A couple of weeks ago there were only 3 or 4 regular posters. Now I can't even keep up with all the new ones. So explain please.Maggie
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Postby Jeanette » January 16th, 2004, 8:41 pm

Mags, I think he means we are all losing weight!! :lol:
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Just beginning

Postby Jade » January 17th, 2004, 9:27 am

Thanks to all of you for the great replies. It's so nice to feel some support. In response, the wierd thing about this group is that the majority of them are vegetarians or vegans and are enviously slim....makes it even weirder :lol: But we are going out to a restaurant for the big celebration (big birthday :shock: ) so I will more or less be trapped in thier presence. The good news is that I am feeling stronger and more committed each day about the Medifast program. I appreciate the links and ideas. I'm sure I will need a little more support before I go..but now I know where to find it...Thanks, you're the greatest. Jade
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 17th, 2004, 10:39 am

If most of them are vegetarians, go ahead and have a nice salad with them... :bib:

And Maggie,
Yes, i meant the forum was getting physically smaller...:)
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Postby Maggie » January 17th, 2004, 1:46 pm

Unca Tim and Jeanette...........Now I get it.. :oops: Sometimes I can't see what is right in front of my face. Okay, now I agree with you that the forum is indeed getting smaller. I really am an intelligent person. That one just got past me. :oops: :oops: :oops: Maggie
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Postby finalstraw » January 17th, 2004, 2:25 pm

As I start my 'new way of looking at food (not diet)' I have asked my husband and daughter (as I will myself) when asked about my weird eating habits by others to just say "Oh, you know, watching the carbs", I mean, everyone is pretty much doing it or knows someone who is. Maybe just tell them you are cutting out on so many sweets.

Hope all goes well ;)

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