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Postby DogMa » August 4th, 2006, 3:06 pm

Joy, that's definitely progress on the off-plan-eating front. Maybe next time instead of, say, popcorn, you could have an extra packet of soy crisps. Or instead of cookies, an extra chocolate-mint bar. Not QUITE the same, but it might be close enough. And even though it's not really on plan, it's better than the alternatives, right?

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Postby jump4joy » August 4th, 2006, 5:02 pm

Those are good ideas, Robin. During my PMDD week sometimes I'm not quite sane. Popcorn has been a trigger/comfort food since childhood....gotta watch that. The mint cookies were easily accessable and too easily eaten....even though I threw them out right away....wish I'd thrown them out BEFORE I ate them. Unfortunately, the chocolate mint MF bars make me sick to my stomach....it's really strange. I love the taste, but they don't love ME. Jan's hubby gave me two of them at the airport last month. I ate them both on different days, thinking the first one making me sick was a fluke....but the 2nd one put my intestines in knots too. Too bad...wish it weren't so!

Jan has suggested that I have 3 snacks and one extra supplement during my PMDD weeks, and that has helped a lot. TOM should come in a few days and my craziness and cravings will disappear (till NEXT month). It's too bad I didn't have more of the soy crisps instead of the off-plan stuff because now I don't have the help that ketosis gives and have only made my cravings worse by throwing myself out of it. I'm still sick with this bug that I've had all week, and that will help....right now I can't even LOOK at food even though I was starving last night....it comes and goes.

Last edited by jump4joy on August 4th, 2006, 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby DogMa » August 4th, 2006, 5:06 pm

Yeah, I remember that emotional, out-of-control, irrational time quite well. Best thing is to have a plan in place beforehand, since you know it's coming.

Still, you did better than before, and that's something to be darn proud of. What's our favorite slogan? Progress, not perfection.

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Postby DogMa » August 11th, 2006, 5:57 pm

Hey, Joy, I just wanted to thank you again for the tip on the two books on maintaining your weight loss. I just ordered both of 'em used through Amazon for $11 (for the two, including shipping). Thanks!!

(Although ... did you like Success in a Shaker Jar? I objected to a few things in there. I know, how shocking that I'd disagree with something. But I didn't like what it said about setting your goal weight based on how long it's been since you were your "ideal" weight. According to the book, I should have stopped 20 pounds above my goal. And apparently just settled for being overweight the rest of my life.)

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Postby jump4joy » August 11th, 2006, 8:47 pm

Oh yeah, how shocking to disagree with the authority of the almighty printed word. :shock: LOL! :lol: I disagreed with that part too. She also says that we get to "contribute" with our physicians decision to determine our goal weight. As IF I'd even ASK him. Very seldom do I read a book and agree with 100% of the author's opinion. Some things are GENERALLY true, but not applicable to ME. In fact, there are a few parts I disagreed with in the "Keeping it Off" book....I remember they discouraged using liquid diets and VLCD's. But I found most of the book full of useful and excellent information, so there was no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. I take what I like and leave the rest.

I agree it would be dumb to settle for being 20 lbs. overweight, just because a chart or formula (or book) advises it. We know what's best for ourselves I think.

I'm glad you found the books....I would be interested in your opinion about them....let me know what you think after you read them. I'll read mine again too, since it's been a while...it's never too early to think about maintenance.

Oh BTW, I've meant to congratulate you on how close you are to goal, and how well you've gotten into a regular exercise program! I've been following your progress in your journal. I'm glad your mind is catching up to the reality of your new thin self, and that you're beginning to see yourself thin now. Too bad you can't find your favorite jeans in a size 4....but a nice problem to have if you think about where you were a year ago!

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Postby DogMa » August 11th, 2006, 8:54 pm

I know. Maybe some nice family member (whoever doesn't get me the personal training sessions I want) would like to spring for some really GOOD jeans. I've always wanted those custom ones that I think Levi's makes. Talk about a reason to maintain my weight. Perfect jeans would be right up there.

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Postby jump4joy » August 12th, 2006, 11:00 am

Yesterday, my hubby, daughters, and I went to the mall to do some serious school shopping. Time flew and before I knew it three and a half hours had gone by.....3 1/2 hours since my last MF. Everyone was hungry, and so we went to the food court. The smells there about knocked me over and my stomach twisted. I hadn't brought a supplement with me because I was sure that we wouldn't be gone that long. (I usually have a bar in my purse, but I forgot to put one in!) My family had calzones and lasagna, and luckily I found a grilled chicken breast at a Chick-fila. I had it with lettuce and a slice of tomato...no bun, and a big cup of ice-water. Whew! It really surprised me how the smells of all that food affected me when I was so hungry.....I felt positively FAINT before I ate. NSV! I'm really feeling committed. It didn't even occur to me to cheat!

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Postby DogMa » August 12th, 2006, 11:06 am

Great job!!! That's a really tough one, when you're surround by all those smells.

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Postby Sojourner » August 12th, 2006, 8:47 pm

Wow Joy!
Lasagna and calzone staring
you in the face, and you stayed
on plan. That's awesome!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby jump4joy » August 12th, 2006, 9:01 pm

Yeah, their spinach and cheese calzones are to die for.....my bland little chicken breast made me feel sorry for myself for a minute. (I love Italian and Mexican food....anything with ooey-gooey CHEESE on it!) But I've finally gotten back into the Medizone and I didn't want to mess that up!

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Postby DogMa » September 23rd, 2006, 9:23 pm

Hey, Joy, I notice you haven't posted in a while. Everything OK? You still with us?

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Postby jump4joy » September 26th, 2006, 8:43 am

Hey there, Robin....so nice of you to ask about me.

I was forced to quit MF because my body has problems digesting it. For months, I felt a little sick after each shake, and had never felt energetic while on-plan (always felt tired and lethargic). I ignored these signs, not thinking that MF was the cause. Then I developed chronic diarrhea (not something I felt others would like to hear about, so I never posted about it). I finally went to my Dr., and through the process of elimination, we found it was the MF causing my problem. I was very stubborn about it, thinking that it COULDN'T be the MF.....didn't WANT it to be MF, in fact! Long story short....I'm not lactose-intolerant or soy-intolerant. The diarrhea stopped instantly when I stopped the shakes and cocoa....came back when I had even ONE. As I've gotten older, I've noticed that I've developed a sensitive digestive system....certain foods just not agreeing with me. After some intensive research, I've concluded that I have developed a food intolerance or allergy to one or more of the ingredients in MF.....most likely the fructose and probably the artificial sweeteners (ace-k) in the shakes. My Dr. concurs. Recently, I've started having my beloved cocoa every day, and it sometimes causes a slight queasiness. If I have more than one a day the problems reoccur.

I've been feeling a little lost and derailed.....I was so committed to MF. It's been hard to accept, but I must. I can eat normal healthy foods without a problem. I tried some other RTD-type shakes (Atkins, Slimfast), but they cause me a problem too, beside the fact that they taste horrible as well! I've never been a fan of the MF soups, and getting tired of the oatmeal....I loved the MF shakes (just the chocolate), RTDs, and cocoa! If I don't like the taste of something, I just won't eat it. I've finally accepted the fact that my time with Medifast has run it's course. I was reluctant to post my problems with MF because 1) I didn't want to scare anyone off of MF.....I think my problem with it is probably rare...I still think it's a wonderfully effective weight-loss plan. And 2) I usually keep my problems to myself.

Right now, I'm focusing on keeping off the weight I've managed to lose. I keep a daily record of everything I eat. Keeping my portions small, eating three small meals plus three snacks a day....just basic, healthy, low-fat foods. I've been going to the gym almost daily....walking about two miles a day and doing strength-training 2-3 times a week. My weight-loss is at a standstill, but I'm getting smaller as a result of my exercise. I still have another 40 lbs. to lose, and I need to accept the fact that it will come off slowly now that I'm not on MF. I'm working on practicing PATIENCE. (You are an inspiring example of paitience and persistence to me, Robin!)

I'm trying to move into the MF Senior Plan (which allows me 2-3 MF supplements, 2 L&G's, some fruit.....it's more like a regular sensible low calorie diet). We'll see how that goes....

It's strange to me that if I eat something fatty, or sugary, that my body rejects those things too right away (diarrhea). Looks like 'nature' is now forcing me to eat right. I wish I'd known that my time with MF was limited....that I'd kept the weight off the first, even the second time I lost on MF! Now I WISH I could do MF strictly, but can't. Coulda, woulda, shoulda!!! <sigh>

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Postby Lizabette » September 26th, 2006, 9:04 pm


So happy to hear from you. and to know you have not forgotten us!
I am so sorry about your problems with MF supplements, but will be praying that you will find just the food plan that will work for you.

You are still trying to maintain and lose and that is the important thing for your health and well-being.
Please stay in touch and let us know how you are doing.

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Postby DogMa » September 26th, 2006, 9:55 pm

No use looking back. You're doing the best you can, and I'm sure you'll find what works. Exercise is a really good step in the right direction. The food choices sound good, too. If you need a more defined plan, I'd suggest Body For Life or South Beach while still going with six smallish meals a day.

You can do it. And feel free to drop me an e-mail or a PM if you ever want to talk.

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Postby Sarya » September 27th, 2006, 5:23 am

I'm sorry to hear about your problems with the supplements! That really stinks :( Robin seems to really like BFL so far so that might be worth a shot :) If not, can you look at one of the other companies that do the similar plan to MF? See if they have items with different ingredients that you can tolerate?
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