Hi, Deb ~

Welcome to you! It will be fun for you as you go through your Mediboxes and plan your meals. Many newbies get 7 ZipLok bags, label each one with a day of the week and put all their packets for each day into the appropriate ZipLok - planning ahead is one of the keys to success.
Sleep or rest is also an important part of our program - our body makes a shift from burning the readily available carbohydrates from regular eating styles to burning our stored fat and converting it to energy and this requires that we rest and sleep adequately and drink plenty of

Many overweight people do not sleep well -

many of us have sleep apnea, joint aches and pains, backaches, gastric reflux, depression, etc. and our sleep is often disturbed. As we lose weight, many of these things are often relieved.

That's a good thing!

energy level also increases and adding

exercise beginning the fourth week helps to tone and firm the old bod, it also helps to displace

stress and also helps to improve our sense of well-being and may enhance our

With that said, now I will get to the heart of your questions -
Yes, we do need to eat within the first hour of getting up and we do eat every three hours.
Yes, the schedule you designed would be correct. When people work longer hours, they need more food. Our food is our fuel; it is what keeps us putzing along. Imagine a car traveling a particular distance over the course of a day. If it is on the road, it will need fuel for the length of time it is traveling. It will need more fuel if it travels farther. That is the way it is with us, too. When we are on the go for longer periods, we need the 6th packet.
Remember, all of our Medipackets are packed with balanced nutritious food - our body will not store it but use it when we eat every three hours and eat just what is prescribed but when we add extras, weight loss slows down, energy levels decrease, hunger and then the

dreaded cravings return....
You're gonna do just fine - I can tell because you are reading and researching, thinking things through and asking questions - people who take control of their schedule and consciously plan what they will

eat, and

eat only what is prescribed have great success on our program.
Drink lots and lots of

water today, Deb.

Hope ya have lots of potty paper in stock!