Long , beautiful, sunny day.
I'm not happy with my results for this first month.
Staying compliant and drinking a gallon of water doesn't seem to be working for me. Hopefully, next week the doctor will tweak my plan and it will work better.
The test showing a change in kidney function shook us all up a bit. I mean I was taught all my life to take extreme care of my kidney, after all it's the only one I have.
Most likely I'll just have to add the extra grain back into my L&G, in fact I anticipated that at lunch today.
The good news is I get to have a slice of bread!
No ketosis for me.
I know other people have medical issues other than the weight ones and are doing well on the plan. I hope I can continue at least with a modified version. Perhaps if I add exercise
it will speed things up a bit.
There were some great posts at roll call today. Congratulations to all.