I was sick and tired of being sick and tired!
Sick and tired of being fat, depressed, unhealthy and miserable.
I was very unhappy and frustrated with myself. I couldn’t stand the way I looked or felt any longer and I absolutely REFUSED to have to go out and buy even BIGGER clothing albeit I was growing out of everything in my closet. At 5’3” I was 247 freaking pounds! Holy camoly! How the heck did this happen? It crept up on me! I swear it wasn’t there…ummm…10-15-20 years ago!
Yep, I was the typical yo-yo dieter. Each time I’d start any of the million and one fad diets out there, I’d lose little bits and gain TONS back. *sigh*
I’m the type of person that needs to see and/or feel fast results or I just become frustrated and give up. THIS program was the life change I had been looking for!
I truly can not remember ever feeling this good and healthy in my life. Before I began the program, I had elevated liver enzymes due to a “fatty” liver, elevated cholesterol levels that were steady climbing the charts, I not only had to take one daily dose of prescribed acid reflux medication, I had to take two doses…one in the morning and one at bed time. My thyroid medication dosage was so high I had to take two different dosages to create a high enough dosage to keep me at an even keel. And WORST of all…I was on high blood pressure medication.
Since beginning the program…my health has improved DRASTICALLY!
My liver enzymes are now within “normal” limits as are my cholesterol levels. I no longer need ANY medication for acid reflux. BEST of all…I no longer need high blood pressure medication as my blood pressure is now “NORMAL”!
NORMAL ~ such a simple word yet has such an impact on ones lives. I am taking control of my life and regaining my healthy status…one day at a time. I feel GREAT and I feel NORMAL!
So far I have lost 41.6 pounds in under 3 months. I’m shrinking everyday! I still have a way to go before I reach my goal weight, but this is the first time in all of my fat life that I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel. I KNOW I will FINALLY be thin again and better yet...HEALTHY!