Ontrack so far with my water consumption. 32 ounces down, working on the next set.
I am grumpy as heck today and I'm glad my boss is out of the office today. We don't get along on a good day much less when I'm out of sorts.
I probably knocked myself out of ketosis yesterday morning, so I expect to be a little moody, plus I feel those PMS hormones working on me too.
The hubby tried very hard to stay out of my way and not set off a verbal explosion. Bless him, I tried really hard to be nice, but I just wasn't feeling nice. I was feeling pretty mean. At least I was able to control it and i didn't pick a fight or say anything hurtful. That's progress for both of us.
It's so COLD here. It's 33 degrees right now and since I've started MF I'm always cold anyway and man I hate being COLD!!
33 probably doesn't sound that bad to some of you further North, but I live in West TN and I'm not used to this. My spring flowers have already come up and starting blooming. This cold snap is unwelcomed.
Here's my schedule for today:
8:00 scrambled eggs
11:00 cream of broccoli
1:30 scrambled eggs
4:30 bar
6:30 L and G
8:00 shake
I feel like growling at somebody....