by jlaman79 » March 30th, 2007, 11:30 am
Hi guys,
It's a beautiful Friday afternoon in West TN. 80 degrees and sunny. I should be fishing or gardening or something. Oh well, somebody's gotta work and pay the bills.
I'm still doing good with the exercise and meal plan. I'm just so frustrated that my weight loss has slowed to a creeping barely noticeable crawl. I will flux 2 pounds either side of my current weight for 3 weeks. Then TOM comes and I'll drop 3-4 pounds. Then I flux 2 pounds either side of that new weight until the next TOM, which I hope and pray brings the weight loss fairy once again!
I know I have to be patient. I know I'm building muscle. I know I'm losing inches, and I know my metabolism will never be great. I'm just tired of it all right now.
I need to see a drop on the scale, I need to buy a size smaller pants, I need some kind of new confirmation that this is still working.
Ok, enough whining. Here are some positives:
I can do yoga every night and I feel great.
My latest pair of skinny afirmation pants are getting loose. (The size 18's that my hubby had bought me for Christmas and they were still too small and I couldn't even get them up.)
I humped 3 fishing poles, a full cooler, a tackle box, and a playpen at the same time from the pond to the truck up hill with out straining very hard. (This is a huge accomplishment considering last time I was doing good just to walk it carrying only me)
I can isolate every muscle in my body. (I'm totally facinated by this, I will flex and stretch for hours just because I can)
I can do every exercise I've tried exept military style push ups. (Those are just for boys anyway right?)
My digestive system has been regular for months. (This is a huge accomplishment for me)
I can work in the garden or the flower beds and accomplish something without feeling like I'm going to die.
(Hubby appreciates the help)
So, I know I'm just rambling but my mind is in one of those weird places. I can reason, and understand, and motivate, and all that, but good grief I wish this would go a little faster.
Start 285 05/24/06
Current 224
Goal 145???