i jinxed myself

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i jinxed myself

Postby alpha femme » June 4th, 2006, 4:47 pm

last week, i wrote that i was afraid of the scale fluctuations i've had in the past... so, now the scale fluctuates 2lbs or so. i'm kind of hoping it's just from my period.

it just makes it hard, because i don't know what weight loss is real-- if that makes sense.

today i weighed in a 287. now, i know that i should only weigh myself once a week, but i figure i'm just channeling my food addiction somewhere less destructive this way.

last night, i was 291. it's hard on me because i don't cheat and i feel like i am losing very slowly. on the other hand, i know i am losing FAT. i looked at my thighs last night, and they are getting, well... ugly. like someone removed some air and lef the cottage cheese.

WHAT did i do to my poor body all these years?


on the good side, i pulled on a pair of 22 pants. they zipped. i won't wear em yet, but they'll look good in 5-10 lbs.
Last edited by alpha femme on June 4th, 2006, 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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i feel ya

Postby rayray » June 4th, 2006, 5:41 pm

I too am one of those who likes to get on the scale more than once a week, and when it fluctuates I freak out. Im almost to the point where i am gonna ask my husband or my cousin to hide the scale from me. I mean my scale at home is different from the one i do my weekly weigh in but i still freak out. Im getting better tho! Just keep in mind that even if it fluctuates that you are still losing, and don't cheat, its not worth it!

good luck!!
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Postby Nova » June 4th, 2006, 8:56 pm

I weigh every day, but I don't let it bother me. I use it just to get a feel for how much my body weight fluctuates due to water, and that's all it is. Remember, your body is 70% water, so that 4 pounds is only 1.4% of your total body weight, or not very much. I weigh less than you, and I have seen my weight fluctuate by up to 5 pounds in one day.

Just keep in mind that if you're doing Medifast, it's a physical impossiblity that you are gaining any fat mass. All those fluctuations are only water.

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Postby falisamarie » June 5th, 2006, 6:06 am

I usually don't weigh during the week but when I do I have seen as much as a 5 pound gain at times. Remember that the weigh in that counts is the one you do weekly and as long as you show a loss then that is what counts. Also you are apparently losing inches and that is the real important thing.

You have not cheated so the scale will have no choice but to move south! Hang in there.

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Postby Arklahoma » June 6th, 2006, 4:00 am

Don't weight more than once per week if it's going to be bothersome. Whether you eat anything or not, your body fluctuates all the time b/c of the water content. If you follow the plan, you will lose weight!!!
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Postby Aerie » June 6th, 2006, 5:00 am

Stay away from that little bas%&rd!!!!! :x He's not on your side. If you need convincing try this. Jump up on that thing in the nude. Then drink a nice big glass of water and jump back on. HMMMMM............ Who knew water was so fattening? :mrgreen:

Hang in there and try to weigh only once a week. No worries if you stay on plan you WILL lose.
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Postby wildtrk » June 6th, 2006, 8:12 am

From what I have seen the scale can be viewed two different ways. I am a scale-o-holic, and it has been 3 hours and 35 minutes since I last weighed myself. I NEED to weigh myself every morning (night and whenever else I am within 15 feet of it) to remind me that I am doing something purposeful with my weight. If I didn't lose anything or I gained a pound or two it only reinforces to me that I need to stay with the plan. And when the scale moves lower it only encourages me that much more. So to sum it up...the glass is ALWAYS half full (of water of course) when it comes to the scale, no matter if it moved down or up. Because if you are staying true to the plan you are going to start seeing results, whether it is the scale moving, or your clothes fitting different, or a host of the other Non-Scale Victories that forum members have shared.

The important thing is to stay on plan and use the scale to your benefit...whether it is once a week or 5 times a day like me. :mrgreen:
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