I lost another 4 pounds this week and I am in the 10# club! I was hoping to be under 250, but losing 4 is nothing to complain about.
I made a half-way goal for myself. I would love to be 199 by 10/3/06 (my 13th anniversary). That is a bit optimistic but hey, aim high!
A couple of NSVs so far...
When I wash my face, it just feels thinner to me. My jaw and cheekbones seem more defined to the touch. It is hard to tell visually yet, but I know there are some changes in the works.
I have a pair of baggy cargo shorts that I wear a lot. The waist has always been quite loose, but they are stopped from sliding off by my Rubenesque hips/butt/tummy. Well, it looks like I need to pick up a new pair soon, because they are getting lower and lower on my hips.
Topic of the Day: Exercise
I have been riding my elliptical bike at home about 20 minutes each day (throughout my MF journey). Everett and I went to the gym about 5 days a week up until 6 months ago and I am really excited to start going back. I am going to wait a few more weeks and then start back slowly. Since we used to spend about 1 1/2 hours to do the complete cardio and weights regime, I am going to make some changes to fit better with my MF plan. I will start slowly, probably do some moderate walking on the treadmill for about 25-30 minutes, and then some very light strength training for another 20 minutes or so.
I want to keep my exercise to about 45 minutes a day in keeping with the MF guidelines as I understand them. I will add an extra shake or try the 70 shakes after my workout to ensure I am getting enough protein.
I feel much better when I exercise, and mentally, it helps me stay motivated and focused on my eating. I have a very sedentary job (computer), no kids, and not much normal activity, so going for a walk or going to the gym is pretty important to me.
It is obvious that MF is working for me and will continue to help me reach and maintain my goal weight. Exercise and proper nutrition go hand in hand in my mind, I don't see how you can have one without the other for long-term weight management. I tried the great exercise/so-so eating and it just doesn't work. Medifast and moderate exercise will work.