Wanted to post so I wouldnt forget.
I did 1.30 at 3.4 this evening. It actually felt good!! Did I just say that*pinch*
I have been a little sore the past few mornings but it isnt something that will make me not get on the treadmill.
I am also getting used to Craig saying Wow I am impressed..when I go get my workout clothes and tennies on. He made me this chart to keep track and I am also marking it down at extralbs so I can watch how I do.
I am going to measure in a little while as it has been a few months. I am not expecting much since I havent been 100% lately but I need a new place to basically gage myself by.
I had a "Moment Of Clarity" today. (this may be cheesy but I will not apologize
I was out on the deck letting the dogs out and I was checking myself out in the huge window that is in the door because I dont have a full length mirror so this is the best thing I guess... ANYWHO I was looking at myself all diff ways and thought "hmm I am actually looking good" I mean I am not blind I know I have a Very Long way to go yet but for once I didnt think "yuck look at me"
When I mentioned it to Craig later he was like..Helllooo I have been telling you that for a few months now and I said I know but I have had the "I am fat and always will be" mentality for so long that this was a huge*no pun intended* thing for me! Then I cried hehehe
Anyway I am here to stay and I know I can do this!!