must pat myself on the back tonight, we were singing the national anthem at a baseball game tonight... I came prepared, knowing how insanely good all that food would smell!
I ate a nice sized lean and green before I left and drank bunches of water, then after we sang, I got a diet dr. pepper and just walked around looking at all the food... funnel cakes! popcorn! peanuts! pizza! ice cream! various other junk food!
and I did NOT buy any of it!!!!! yay me!
still workin insanely hard on getting down to the 140s before the Fourth of July... one pound till forty pounds lost! five pounds until I'm no longer considered "overweight" by BMI!!! fourteen pounds until goal!!!!!!!!
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight -- Proverbs 3:5-6