thanks for all the welcomes and happy thoughts!
I must confess to some grumpiness today, I'm starting to HATE the grocery store. My store has a fabulous healthy section where I can buy some Walden Farms stuff and some flax seed for some recipes RIGHT NEXT TO THE BAKERY where I swear they pump in the "cookie baking" smell.
It tests me every time, but I've come thru okay with only buying what I'm supposed to buy! PLUS they put the ice cream right next to the frozen vegetables...
Also, is it just me, or do really skinny people tick anyone else off? I get grouchy when a teeny little woman walks by me in her teeny little jeans and teeny little shirt
I want to beat on them for being so skinny! *sigh* most of them probably do work at it, but I just haaaaaaate it when they can eat whatever they want and get away with it...
that's the addict in me again, I'm like an alcoholic who can't understand why some people can just have one drink but the alcholic can't stop, I don't understand why some people can eat just one bite of a delicious food but I can't stop with one bite... I'm dealing with the fact that I'm going to have to look at food in a whole different way for the REST of my LIFE and that's a scary thing...
anyway, six days down and I feel pretty good physically anyway, it's just all the emotional crap is starting to come out now... I've read lots of good advice around here tho, so I'm gonna keep on keeping on...
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight -- Proverbs 3:5-6