January Specials (While they last)

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January Specials (While they last)

Postby Unca_Tim » January 17th, 2004, 11:15 am

*January Specials*

Hearty Oatmeal
French Vanilla Berry was $13.95 NOW $11.95

Hot Cocoa w/out Marshmallows was $12.65 NOW $10.75

Supplement Bars
Double Berry was $14.95 NOW $10.50

TS Men's Bio-Engineered Food
Chocolate was $27.95 NOW $23.95
Vanilla was $27.95 NOW $23.95

Fast Soups
Delicate Chicken was $7.45 NOW $6.25
Savory Beef was $7.45 NOW $6.25
Robust Tomato was $7.45 NOW $6.25

Success Guides
Success in a Shaker Jar was $20.95 NOW $17.95
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Postby finalstraw » January 17th, 2004, 2:33 pm

How do we ordre a monthly special?

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Postby Unca_Tim » January 19th, 2004, 2:59 pm

Hi FS,
All Medifast and TSFL orders offer the same monthly specials on selected products. If you haven't got a health advisor through TSFL you can register and order with us at the following link:

If you already have a health advisor, just log into the same place you received your first order and enter the customer ID number and password you created with your first order.

The prices will already be reflected on the products that are on special for the month.

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